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Infested Long Bow.


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Daikyu, Lenz.

Large bows. Here is an infested one.



Each shot will emit a screeching sound, shot will leave a cloudy status trail in it wake, trail can damage enemies. Upon impact of a surface or enemy, it will 'splash' knocking over enemies and inflicting a status.

Logs from comments:
Upon impact the status inflicted on the enemy will continue to proc every second. Scales well with multishot.


Similar idea to this.
A Thunderbow, with each shot, a bolt of lightning is heard, electric status will proc enemies in range. The electric being innate, putting a corrosive element on it for example with have the bolt link up and shock the enemies with corrosive.



I suspect a Grineer variant would be like a Carpet bomb leaving a Napalm residue.


Accuracy: 16.7
Charge Rate: 1.5
Critical Chance: 25.5
Critical Multiplier: 2
Fire Rate: 1.00
Magazine: 50
Noise: Alarming - Infested Screech sound/ Thunderbolt sound/ Carpet Bomb, Napalm sound
Punch Through: 1.0 - for good reason...
Reload: 0.6
Status: 40.5
Trigger: Charge

Impact: 0.0
Puncture: 10.0
Slash: 0.0

Depending on fire type used on weapon...
Elemental damage:

Infested Screech Clouds:
Gas: 400

Electric: 250

Carpet Bomb, Napalm:
Blast: 20
Fire: 500

Edited by INight00
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5 minutes ago, kgabor said:

I like it, but Mutalist Cernos already have this gas cloud mechanic.

It has a gas cloud on impact yes, but this one would leave a trail of clouds.

5 minutes ago, kgabor said:

How about instead making it the first status bow that can multiproc status effects as an innate passive?

Multiproc, sounds like pox. I quite like that.
I'll add it to the original post as a log.

I should probably add stats too.

Edited by INight00
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