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Fallen Vanguard Recruitment Thread 3.0 - [Recruiting] [Casual] [Discord]


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IGN: Rummy9089

Mastery Rank: 3

Time Zone:PST

About me: Love playing this game. Pretty active.

What can I bring to the clan? I love playing with other people who want to progress in the game. Perhaps I can help make that task easier for others by providing company.

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IGN: Adamrox2013

Mastery Rank: 10

Time zone: U.S. East

About me: Been playing this game for 4 years. I'm pretty quiet. My friends think I am nice and humble.

What can I bring to the clan? I'm willing to contribute as much as I can, I'll join missions if invited.

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Example Application:

Mastery Rank: 5+7
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time/PST  Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)
About me: I'm a outgoing person who likes to meme, and watch Rick & Morty. I'm very new, but I hope to learn! (actually I've played before but that was 2 years ago and with all of the changes, I might as well be considered new)
What can I bring to the clan?: I'm ready to join up for just about any mission and will try my best.

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IGN: HumanWafer

Mastery Rank: 10 (about to hit 11)


About me: :I played this game at the release but the lack of content and explanation turned me off, now I recently came back because of PoE hype and got hooked up real good. It feels like a completely different game and i love it. Thats why I would love to find some chill people to play with.

What can I bring to the clan? A friendly farm buddy willing to do whatever mission you need or just hang out 

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IGN: Douha
Mastery Rank: 17
Timezone: GMT+2
About me: well first of all i played the game before for like a total of 1000 hours , then had to leave cuz of college. but now i am back baby , and eager to kill some eidolons .
What can I bring to the clan?:  well  I am active and willing to join up to any mission , and contribute to the clan when possible .

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IGN: Zeeba_
Mastery Rank: 3
Timezone: CST
About me: I'm a competitive gamer and I love the grind! I used to play Warframe on PS4. Was mastery rank 8 there. Got a proper PC a while ago. Was hesitant on starting over again on PC but 2 days in and I'm loving it.
What can I bring to the clan?: A hardcore "we can do it" attitude, but don't worry I'm friendly! You just won't find me giving up on a mission ever. Would love to contribute in any way.

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Mastery Rank: 15

Timezone: PST

About me: I have been playing Warframe since its release on steam back in 2013 and still enjoy it as I did today. I took a break from the game in 2016, and I am now trying to back into the groove of things with the release of PoE. Currently I work at a bakery that is a growing business and I hope to help take it to the next level.

What can I bring to the clan?: I enjoy helping out where I can, and I definitely enjoy helping others achieve their goals in game. From farming those parts and resources to grinding out gear and sorties I am willing to do my part.

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IGN: Kaedal


Mastery Rank: 7

Timezone: GMT+2

About me: I'm 23 years old, I like to consider myself a pretty relaxed guy, and I try to be as kind and cheerful as possible. After all, with a game like this, it tends to be a lot more entertaining if you're not surrounded by toxicity!

What can I bring to the clan?: Though I've played Warframe for years, I never actually put much effort into it until lately. As a result, I may not know the ins and outs of the game as well as veterans, but I'll be more than willing to answer questions or requests that others in the clan may have. Need a helping hand for a mission? I'll bring whatever firepower I can.

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IGN: Puga

MR: 18 1/2

Timezone: Eastern, usually

About Me: Im a United States Marine that just plays Warframe to chill out on down time. On and Off. Depends on where I go really. Going to the field can take me out of the game for days or weeks at a time. But when I'm on I like to tear it up. I'm a founder but I've missed a lot of updates so I might be asking questions to catch up. HMU if you got more questions. I'm mostly a casual player basically.

What can I bring to the clan: I can be resourceful. I have about all frames so if anyone ever says they need a Trin or whatever, I'm down to go. I usually play support roles but I can kill if I have to. Once I get my full setup ready I can hop on discord or chat or something and share war stories I guess.

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Mastery Rank: 9
Timezone: UTC+0
About me: started in warframe around the first alpha stage. Spent a long time away from the game but getting back into the swing of things and wanting to join a new group
What can I bring to the clan?: looking to get into the raids and wanting to farm gear with a group of players.

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Joined a clan that random invited me, will be leaving tonight. haven't seen anyone actually online...

IGN/Mastery Rank: Krezzrin/MR3 in 3rd day, should be 4 tonight. Moving up quickly and planning on sticking with Warframe for long time.
Timezone: Central Timezone  - GMT -5
About me: I've been playing MMOs for years and years, finally found a perfect mix between MMO and FPS. Work during the day as a marketing manager, games pretty much all evening.
What can I bring to the clan?: For about 3 years i ran a major WH corp in EVE, approx 250 members. built it from just 3 of us all the way up. Always enjoy helping out as much as possible and watching a corp/clan/guild grow, organizing events, helping newbros etc (obviously as i get more experience in warframe then i'll actually be able to help out)

currently have ~25 Frost prime, 30 prime soma, ~15 Ivara, ~18 Inaros, ~18 Nidus

girlfriend is also playing warframe, super friendly in a guild/clan communities and loves to support her guildies, i'm certain she'd be interested as well (Kiki.Berry) 

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IGN: Carlos_The_Brave

Timezone: GMT

Play times: Evenings.

Mastery Rank: 4 (HOWEVER, I am MR:9 on the Xbox which I just migrated from (Yes. Like a bird in winter))

About: I like to have fun, Rick and Morty for sure and all things Sci-Fi.

What can you bring to the clan: I have absolutely no idea. This will be my first clan in this game. I am happy to help any way I can.

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IGN / Mastery Rank: Ryujae0125/ 20
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time/PST
About me: I'm coming back from long break. Just casual gamer enjoying this awesome game. I would love to have some people to play with.
What can I bring to the clan?

I have almost all frames except a few new ones that came out while I was gone. I would love to just come, chill and help out if people needs help.

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Mastery Rank: 14
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Life.
About me:   I'm bored, I should be doing schoolwork and instead I'm obsessed with Warframe. Its bad. I need people to share the pain of addiction with.
What can I bring to the clan?: I bring the fun, son! Plus my beautiful, lovely self. Maybe more when school isn't an issue. 

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2 hours ago, Kittylisk said:

Mastery Rank: 14
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Life.
About me:   I'm bored, I should be doing schoolwork and instead I'm obsessed with Warframe. Its bad. I need people to share the pain of addiction with.
What can I bring to the clan?: I bring the fun, son! Plus my beautiful, lovely self. Maybe more when school isn't an issue. 

You appear to currently be in another clan

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IGN : PaPaRoach76

Mastery rank : 2

Timezone : CST

About me : Just came over from XBone. Really liking it on PC & looking to join a fun casual Clan. I am disabled, a father of 2 adult kids, 21 & 20, & have been married to the same lovely woman for 23 yrs. Since I am unable to work I play games to pass the time & keep me busy.

What can i bring to the clan : A fun sense of humor & a helping hand where I ever I am able.

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IGN: DocLaconic

Mastery rank: 20

Timezone: US Eastern time

About me: Returning to the game after an extended break, I am looking to get back into a clan.

What can I bring to the clan:  I'm a pretty laid-back guy, but I'm always happy to contribute to the group.

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Mastery Rank: MR 5

IGN: Turtle_Bomb

Timezone: UTC+12:00

About me: currently in college, i play warframe most of the time, guess im new, i know all the basics and looking to learn what else i need to know

What can I bring to the clan: i'd like to play with other players and make friends with them, will try to stay active, i'll try to contribute to clan researches and take part in clan activities

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Mastery Rank: 3 at the moment but I'm interested in joining. Was wondering if I could join ya'll on discord first while i wait for the 24hr limit to level up my mastery. I just started playing 2 days ago but looking at the moon clan section, I'm just like @_@.... Perhaps too big for me since there's all these ridiculous requirements, even the casual ones.

Timezone: Pacific Standard Time/PST

About Me: Just a college graduate of 2 years trying to survive in the Silicon Valley of California lol. I play a variety of games.

What can I bring to the clan? I always prefer to play with so I guess for those who always struggle to find someone to play with, I'm your guy? I'm a streamer? xD.

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Mastery Rank: Rank 9, been playing for about a week and a half.

Timezone: Central US Time / CST

About Me: I am 32 years old looking for people to play with and collaborate with.  I have played several MMO's and always found clain/guild's to be the most rewarding.  I want to be able to team up with my clan/guildies to have fun and progress.

What can I bring to the clan?  While I don't think I can bring anything to clan.  I am a mature adult that loves to grind for equipment and loot.  So I guess I'll be a body for anyone that needs to run through missions and can help out

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In-Game Name: Normal_bird

Mastery Rank: 8

Timezone: UK, GMT+0

About Me: I am currently studying at university in the UK and enjoy playing games as my main hobby. I played a little bit of warframe a long while ago and have now decided to come back along with some friends. Very much enjoying the Nidus Warframe at the moment.

What can I bring to the clan?: While not necessarily interested in contests/competitive PvP, I'm happy to contribute to research and other related activites such as raids and farming items. My goal at the moment is to bolster my Warframe to be able to do high end-game content.



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In Game Name: DogderpPuppy
Mastery Rank: 11
Timezone: Central Daylight Time/CDT/UTC -5/ GMT -5
About me: I'm a graduate that has been playing Warframe on and off since it's release on steam. I work as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and I hope to become a doctor one day. I'm not a big talker but I like to help out however I can.
What can I bring to the clan?: I'm new to clans. I've been mostly playing solo throughout my playtime in Warframe. With that I'm not sure what I can offer per se, since I don't know what the functions or jobs within clans are, but if there's something going on like an event or collection for materials I'd be down for that. Just let me know what I can do to bring to the table.

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In Game Name: Kordesh
Mastery Rank: 9
Timezone: EST
About me: Originally started way back during beta and got to watch the mission select screen blossom from its twisted maze of points, to its sightly less twisted but still mazelike list of points, to its current (mostly coherent) series of loops and semicircles that we have today! Have been on and off the game a number of time and recently came back about a month ago and started getting into it again. I generally keep mostly to myself but have been looking for a group to work together with for tougher milestones and to just generally have people to chat and share accomplishments with. Specifically started looking at Mountain clans as the Moon clans are large enough that they get very impersonal and have a "General Chat with Benefits" feel to them which isn't quite what I'm looking for. I'm also a general lore buff so if you've ever wondered who one of the six people who care about all the lore they've been adding might be; Hello!
What can I bring to the clan?:  I have a fairly firm grasp on most of the systems and the ones I don't get I pick up as soon as I can find a reference for it so I can help newer members out fairly easily or help returning members get reacquainted. More materially, I love being able to contribute to things, so assuming I have time in the night to do so, I'm usually up for joining into anything and willing to invest resources to further things like research/relays if you guys get involved with that at all.

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IGN: Typical_Kenedi

Mastery Rank: 12 

Timezone: PST

About Me: I am a returning player from a one and a half year hiatus away from warframe. It almost fell out of existence for me, until the I saw a trailer for PoE. I have been playing for about 3-4 weeks now and thought I should join a clan again. I'm fairly laid back and quiet, and I have been a solo player for the most part of my warframe career even when I was still in a clan back then, but I would like to change that become more active in the community itself, which you guys seem to have a fairly promising one. Furthermore even as a returning player I am still learning so much more about this game that I never even knew before I left. There is so much that I could say about this game that I love now but I think we all know it's great so I'll leave it off there. I'm currently attending college right now, so things get pretty busy here and there so I might always be on, even though I always am...

What can I bring to the Clan?: Well I would like to contribute whatever I can to help research and I am willing to help out with players who need a extra hand in missions or farming. Also just to be an active member of the community. 

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