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Fallen Vanguard Recruitment Thread 3.0 - [Recruiting] [Casual] [Discord]


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Mastery Rank: 5, after finishing the hacking mastery test tomorrow, which I actually managed to screw up on the last one with over a minute to go o/
Timezone: UTC+1
About me: Im old.....played everthing that is a looter francticaly since Diablo 1
What can I bring to the clan?: I enjoy participating in extended grinds.... yea... and i know about forestry 

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1 minute ago, CptIbrahim said:

Mastery Rank: 5, after finishing the hacking mastery test tomorrow, which I actually managed to screw up on the last one with over a minute to go o/
Timezone: UTC+1
About me: Im old.....played everthing that is a looter francticaly since Diablo 1
What can I bring to the clan?: I enjoy participating in extended grinds.... yea... and i know about forestry 

Invite sent.

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Mastery Rank: 5, UTC
Timezone: UTC-06:00
About me: New player (first week in) and deeply in love with the game. Thoroughly enjoying the concepts and ideas behind it, and looking forward to digging deeper into the game.  Need a clan to progress/hang with. 
What can I bring to the clan?: Always up for being a fourth for any event, chat, basement murders, etc.

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Mastery Rank:5 

IGN: GotTofu

TimeZone: Central Daylight savings Time/CDT

About Me: Play different online games, friend from work recently got me into Warframe

What Can I Bring To The Clan: Friendly face that doesn't mind helping out, like playing in groups with others 

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Mastery Rank:12

IGN: Thirum

Time Zone: PST

About Me: I've been a gamer for ~30 years--typing that makes me feel like an old timer. I have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and I work in education. As far as Warframe goes, I enjoy advancement and collecting. I've reached a point where it seems good to join a clan, and your clan description appealed to me. At this point I'm a casual player, but I want to experience everything the game has to offer.

What Can I Bring To The Clan: I'm steady, dependable, and am not easily bored or discouraged. I don't mind hard work, farming/grinding. I like being part of a team, and helping others in whatever way I can. I want to learn as much as I can, and be a source of information for others.

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IGN: Standby_for_Exterminatus

Mastery Rank: 19

Timezone: EST

About me: It's been 3 years since I started playing Warframe, and I had been taking a break from the game in the last (which is why I don't have a clan anymore). I am returning to the game in a big way though and will be active in the foreseeable future.

What can I bring to the clan?: I have way too much resources and nowhere to spend them so I will contribute to research (except Hema, I think it's just not worth it). I also like to decorate a lot so will be placing down lots of furniture in the dojo if you let me.

Edited by Standby_for_Exterminatus
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Mastery Rank 5: Been playing for a good few months. got a hang of mechanics and systems

Timezone: Atlantic

About Me: Working a simple job and have loads of free time so im on pc quite alot. Looking for some chill guys hang in game and shoot some bad guys 

What can i bring to the clan: im very goofy at times while playing with friends so i can bring humour. willing to learn and teach othersif they neeed it help others with missions

IGN: BlackHowler22

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Mastery Rank: 4, UTC
Timezone: UTC-05:00
About me: New player (first month). Love the diversity of builld you can do with so many frames,mods,pets,etc. I like the tank/paladin,support role .
What can I bring to the clan?: im looking to make trinity so, i can give support , actually i have oberon for the moment and i love it too.

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IGN: rokdecman

Mastery rank: 5

Timezone: CET

About me: Im 18 played a lot of games since childhood,mostly on PC,rather play games then study for school. 

What can I bring to the clan:  Im still kinda new to the game but learning fast,think im able to help on some missions maybe, quite talkative 

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IGN / Mastery rank: ProfessorNoir / 5 (I have countless hours on the warframe wiki, so im not a completely clueless player)

Timezone: Mountain Standard Time (MST) 1 hour ahead of PST

About me: Im a fun guy who likes playing games, mostly warframe. I like making annoying punny puns (best pun ever 2017). I still have only scratched the surface of warframe, so I like learning new things about the game. I try to get online every day, weekdays or ends. What else? I like cheddar cheese, if thats something interesting. 

What can i bring to the Clan: Well, I can make a pretty good edgy color scheme on Ash that would make even Stalker jealous. I'm also very good at making other people revive my kubrow when she charges into a group of corrupted. I also have skill in reading off the warframe wiki when trying to help people. Also, I can creatively swear at the hyena pack for a long time.

All joking aside though, my hours of farming have paid off, I can donate many things to the clan for use in formaing (best pun ever 2017) rooms and researching weapons. i'm also good at spy vaults and stealth missions if that's of importance. I also prefer to help and play with others, rather than going it solo

EDIT: I've already found another clan. Please ignore this.

Edited by ProfessorNoir
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IGN / Mastery rank: MarktheCoala MR 5

Timezone: CET

About me: I'm from Hungary and I don't like Hungary jokes (I'm sure you now like "Ohh, then you must be hungary" or something like that). Been playing this game for 12 straight days, would like to dwelve deeper in it. Mostly play for 2-3 hours a day. Learned English from videogames, music and YouTube. The biggest reason to join this clan is, because I want to practice my english everyday!

What can I bring to the Clan: I'm very helpful, ask me anything I'll give you an answer. I like to play in squads, solo isn't really my thing. I like to play support type characters in any game so if you need a support just call me, ohh and I know very good hungarian recipes if you need a savory and fatty meal.

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IGN Deunro

Time zone Eastern Time Zone

Mastery Rank 13

About me like to focus alot of my time playing one game  atm its warframe my goal when playing games is to snap the game in half and be op as possible.

what can i  bring to the clan

i have been thinking about that for a while the only thing i can think of is my smartass humor


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IGN: Agent953

Mastery rank: 6

Timezone: Central

About me: Lifelong gamer, recent coder. Been playing warframe casually for a few months and interested in stepping up my game a bit. IRL friend/coworker of Gredun and GotTofu, who strongly recommend this clan.

What can I bring to the clan: If I'm online, then I'm glad to help with missions or whatever else might be going on.

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IGN: DrHabz

Mastery Rank: 5

Timezone: EST (3 hours later than pacific)

About me: I'm just a guy who likes to chill and play warframe and get some nice loot. I only got the game about 2-3 weeks ago so I can be nooby at times but I try to learn it as fast as possible so I can be an asset to whatever is being done

What can I bring to the clan: My body ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Apart from that, I can help do missions and farm certain areas as I have patience for grinding out some things (of course to a point). I also like to think of myself as a generally positive and likable person, but I guess that's for you to decide :)

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MR: 8 I remember the beta, but I stopped playing for around 2 years and wanted to start anew (also, my nickname was kinda childish)

Timezone: GMT+1

About me: Currently in High School, coding stuff in my leisure time, but when I don't have anything to code, I play games (mostly warframe, started recently tho)

What can I bring to the clan?: I'm a solo player, but I like hunting for hard to get stuff like legendary drops from difficult bosses and such + if you tell me how to contribute, I will (I've been farming MR some time ago so I have lots of stuff, credits, etc I don't need)

Edited by KuHakky
forgot that I ranked up recently, derp
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Mastery Rank: 16
Timezone: Newfoundland Standard Time/ NST
About me: Very laid back player, always happy to jump in the discord and chat. Been playing the game since some time back in 2015, still enjoying it.
What can I bring to the clan?: Happy to help and eager to learn, anything of note i can offer to newer players i will and i look forward to learning anything clan members have to offer (Bonus points for fashion frame tips :clem:).

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Mastery Rank:

Timezone: GMT -4 (North American EST timezone)

About me: By most people's standards, I'm probably new to this game. I started playing in early October. I would most likely have been a higher mastery rank by now, but family emergencies and a heavy course load last semester forced me to put this game mostly on hold. My schedule is much more free, and I'm looking forward to playing more often and consistently.  My favorite color is Pickle Rick Green, and I'm unofficially the godmother of a pet goldfish named Trump. 

What can I bring to the clan?: Someone who's willing to be an active part of the community. I'm new, but I'm a quick learner and eager to try things. I'm not joining this clan with amenities in mind, as in what can you do for me. I'm looking for a clan that not only is full of friendly people, but gives me an opportunity to help build the clan's community. I'd rather have a dojo that isn't fully researched/finished so that there's something to work towards. 

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