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!!!! DISCONTINUE !!!!! Riven mod Price Check ( but price check bot is still working in Discord )



Sorry everyone, I can't keep up the price of riven mod, because I didn't have much time to play this game, so I decide to stop giving advice about price checking.




If you have any riven mod, but don't know how much it worth just ask me

Q : How do I estimate the price?
A : number of good stats * stats combo * weapon's popularity * freshness (new weapon get higher price around 1-2 week)


  • new weapon riven (first week) always get high price 300 - 1000 ,except if the weapon is bad (like cycron) or very hard to get ( zenith, sigma) 
  • always set a price higher than what you want ( for negotiation ), but not too much.

Price check Bot

PS. price base on my experience, sometime it might be wrong
PS2. *** please don't put a tons of riven on me, I'm human not a bot I can tired too, pick only 1-5 riven for price check if possible" ***
PS3. *** If you put a tons of riven on me, I'll not reply" ***
PS4. ****Pricecheck are on every Monday****

list of the stats for some god riven


God tier definition
2 or 3 positive with good negative, such as -zoom, -ammo max (for high ammo effiency weapon), - finisher for melee (not for dagger), etc.
:sun:---Rifle riven--- 
[normal weapon] :vazarin:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon] :unairu:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon] :naramon:

- case 1: can use Heavy Caliber

- case 1.1: doesn't need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam

- case 1.2: need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam
  • CC+CD+Fire rate  ( or other utility mod)
  • CC+CD+Element

- case 2: can't use Heavy Caliber

  • Ms + CC or CD
  • Dam+CC or CD 
  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CC
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )

---Pistol riven---
[normal weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )
  • Dam+Ms+CC

---Shotgun riven---
[normal Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Ms+Status Chance
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD
  • Dam+Ms+CC





Edited by korndolorous
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14 hours ago, Richje said:

pandero 400 - 700

reaper 250 - 500 

12 hours ago, Ramorambo said:

sigma & octantis 

stats ( %+88.6 fire and %93.7 CD ) 

mr 8 


18 madurai class

how much the cost will be and how long it will take to sell this

100 - 180

7 hours ago, Chrome_9912 said:

Plague Kripath

92.1% Critical Chance

96.2% Status Chance


So what ya think?

150 - 300

5 hours ago, baskwo said:

What about this one?


60 - 150

5 hours ago, Jamesbryans said:



48.6% finisher damage

Slide attack has 31.3% chance to crit

33.4% cold

All +

Rolled 1 times

100 - 200

4 hours ago, hidoitrash said:



this thing^

60 - 150

4 hours ago, HisHolinessAardvarkPrime said:

Baza Visi-cronitox

64.7 Fire Rate

92 Toxin

187 damage

-35.9 damage vs corpus

250 - 400

58 minutes ago, Bliightd said:

How's this Pandero Riven? (Imgur)

It's a 3 stat.





please be good.

150 - 300

57 minutes ago, Birdistheman said:



Rough Estimate on this please

300 - 600

52 minutes ago, DaroneTranstorm said:

Pandero Lexi-Satitox MR 8 Vazarin 

+62.2% toxin 
+2 punch through 
82.9% multishot

Afuris Decitox MR 16 Naramon 

+12.4% toxin
+13.9% status duration 

Furus Argi-Heranok MR 16 Naramon 

+0.4 punch through
+6.9% dmg to grineer 
+11.1% zoom
+9.7% weapon recoil

pandero 200 - 400

afuris 50 - 100

furis 30 - 80

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14 hours ago, (PS4)Sir-Gunishment said:

Would welcome your thoughts on:

Mastery Rank 16 and is called Zarr Croni-toxitio unlevelled

+6.9% fire rate (x2 for bows)

+9.3% electricity

+10.3% toxin

-4.5% magazine capacity

It's PC ONLY THREAD, so I couldn't help you much 
but it might be 60 - 150 ( not sure about price on console )

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Hi Sir, I'm just a returnee player ( stopped at u18 and damn, a lot of changes ) . Can i have a price check on this MOD? Thank you very much in advance and Merry Christmas :) 

Dragon Nikana Argi-plecido [MAX]
+61.3% Damage to Grineer
+109.5 Cold
+110.2% Slide attack Critical hit
-97.9% Status Duration

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Hi! I have these two riven mods..I'm aware that the dread one is average at best, but i was wondering especially for the amphis how badly the combo negative would bring down the price(considering it hasnt been rolled at all too)! Thanks in advance :)



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20 hours ago, xXHobbitXx said:

selling prices for rivens depends on the 1) stupidity of the buyer, 2) no riven has any real price basis at all, its dependant on what buyers are willing to pay just cause you want 1k for it doesnt mean its worth that, 3) every body will get every riven they ever need just by playing game on a regular basis, 4) most riven sellers are relying on "wants" of buyer and the naivety of new players, for instance i sold a what you people would call a god riven for arca plasmor for 900p, to me i completely ripped player off, but in reality it was avergae price compared to what others are selling, i would have happily sold it for 200p or less as its worthless to me but someone asked in chat for a arca plasmor riven and was willing to pay 1k plat for it, there loss, lets be honest most weapons with high price rivens arent even that great and in reality rivens arent needed for them to be capable of all game content as it stands

Let me just correct you in few points you are very wrong:

1. Stupidity of the buyer? With that kind of attitude, you won't have a good time trading. Also, happy customers come back. 

2. No, rivens have their price made by 1. popularity of the weapon, availability of the riven (new is always more expensive, less in circulation), and the set of stats it has. Yes, in the end it's worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it, but if I am confident that riven I am selling is worth 2k plat to some people, I will be patient and reject offers below that, after all I don't have to sell either.. I can keep it and use it myself.

3. Absolutly not true.. Heh, if you think this, I have an idea why you sound so bitter about rivens.. You sound like most people that say they don't care about rivens, but actually do in some way otherwise, why salty or why join a topic only about rivens..

 If you try to get a riven just by playing sorties, and let's say there isn't just 1 but 10 weapons you would like to pair with riven, chances are you could play sorties for a year and not drop one of those 10..   If you don't mix it with trading, either by selling unrolled, trading riven for riven, or rolling yourself for bigger plat paycheck, and then using that plat or trade to get exactly what you want, chances are you'll probably stop playing WF before randomly dropping your wanted rivens.

4. I always hear about these new players being "scammed", but new players usully are not the buyers you wont, They can't be, since they won't have much plat. 

Yes, the wants of the buyer are usually perfect stats, sometimes perfect stats mixed in with QOL stat like no recoil, +reload, or -impact, -puncture for viral slash builds. Those that tried to roll their Arca and went through 5+ rivens with 20+ rolls, won't think much about paying 2k or more for riven with exact stats they wont for it.  Arca Plasmor is a great example of popular weapons (in that it is a specific kind of aoe shotgun / best one or only one of the kind, that retains it's unrolled riven value around 300-400 still) it has crazy damage, but feels clunky to use and has limited range so a riven with MS, DMG, reload/ or flight speed could sell for 2,3 k pretty easy.

   Now I doubt you had "GOD" stats on the riven (set of stats that match the weapon the best with or fixes some shortcoming of the weapon + ads max amount of damage.) +harmless negative for maximum values of those stats.

But let's say you had DMG / MS / CC - ammo max or DMG / MS / reload//flight speed -ammo max, or even CC, CD MS -ammo max and you sold one of those rivens for 900. Now the only reason why you would think that you "ripped" the player off is because you don't know, you are not informed. You don't know that players with 5-10 or 20-30 even 100k+ platinum are not so rare. You wouldn't know that ARCA P is still so hot it's absolutely out there in popularity with names like Scoliac, Opticor, Sicarus, Akbolto (for a few days more at least) and the likes, that are hard to be found for less then 300 with 0 rolls. And most import of all, if you are still reading - You wouldn't know, that if anyone is getting "ripped" in that transaction, it's you, since any one of those ARCA P rivens with above combo of stats is at least 2, even 3 k and it would be gone in a mater of hours. I won't be condescending enough to think I need explain' why it's better for you to get top dollar for your stuff..

  Rivens aren't needed period for anything, you can pretty much use all kinds of combos of warframe powers/buffs and mediocre weapons even to push endless missions.. But in a game about shooting stuff and moding your stuff.. you are really missing out.. Just don't dream you can have the rivens you want without trading.

Sorry no TL:dr.. 


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2 hours ago, .Re-light. said:

Let me just correct you in few points you are very wrong:

1. Stupidity of the buyer? With that kind of attitude, you won't have a good time trading. Also, happy customers come back. 

2. No, rivens have their price made by 1. popularity of the weapon, availability of the riven (new is always more expensive, less in circulation), and the set of stats it has. Yes, in the end it's worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it, but if I am confident that riven I am selling is worth 2k plat to some people, I will be patient and reject offers below that, after all I don't have to sell either.. I can keep it and use it myself.

3. Absolutly not true.. Heh, if you think this, I have an idea why you sound so bitter about rivens.. You sound like most people that say they don't care about rivens, but actually do in some way otherwise, why salty or why join a topic only about rivens..

 If you try to get a riven just by playing sorties, and let's say there isn't just 1 but 10 weapons you would like to pair with riven, chances are you could play sorties for a year and not drop one of those 10..   If you don't mix it with trading, either by selling unrolled, trading riven for riven, or rolling yourself for bigger plat paycheck, and then using that plat or trade to get exactly what you want, chances are you'll probably stop playing WF before randomly dropping your wanted rivens.

4. I always hear about these new players being "scammed", but new players usully are not the buyers you wont, They can't be, since they won't have much plat. 

Yes, the wants of the buyer are usually perfect stats, sometimes perfect stats mixed in with QOL stat like no recoil, +reload, or -impact, -puncture for viral slash builds. Those that tried to roll their Arca and went through 5+ rivens with 20+ rolls, won't think much about paying 2k or more for riven with exact stats they wont for it.  Arca Plasmor is a great example of popular weapons (in that it is a specific kind of aoe shotgun / best one or only one of the kind, that retains it's unrolled riven value around 300-400 still) it has crazy damage, but feels clunky to use and has limited range so a riven with MS, DMG, reload/ or flight speed could sell for 2,3 k pretty easy.

   Now I doubt you had "GOD" stats on the riven (set of stats that match the weapon the best with or fixes some shortcoming of the weapon + ads max amount of damage.) +harmless negative for maximum values of those stats.

But let's say you had DMG / MS / CC - ammo max or DMG / MS / reload//flight speed -ammo max, or even CC, CD MS -ammo max and you sold one of those rivens for 900. Now the only reason why you would think that you "ripped" the player off is because you don't know, you are not informed. You don't know that players with 5-10 or 20-30 even 100k+ platinum are not so rare. You wouldn't know that ARCA P is still so hot it's absolutely out there in popularity with names like Scoliac, Opticor, Sicarus, Akbolto (for a few days more at least) and the likes, that are hard to be found for less then 300 with 0 rolls. And most import of all, if you are still reading - You wouldn't know, that if anyone is getting "ripped" in that transaction, it's you, since any one of those ARCA P rivens with above combo of stats is at least 2, even 3 k and it would be gone in a mater of hours. I won't be condescending enough to think I need explain' why it's better for you to get top dollar for your stuff..

  Rivens aren't needed period for anything, you can pretty much use all kinds of combos of warframe powers/buffs and mediocre weapons even to push endless missions.. But in a game about shooting stuff and moding your stuff.. you are really missing out.. Just don't dream you can have the rivens you want without trading.

Sorry no TL:dr.. 


nice rant, completely wrong but nice rant :) play enough you will get every riven you will ever need, sorry if your in game experience doesnt match though :) i will happily sell rivens at over inflated prices to people naive enough to want them and happy to pay for it :) i will however have my opinion that rivens are highly overrated,overpriced and not needed :) of course they help, but no current content requires them, only point we both agree on by looks of it lol and i have more then enough game experience to qualify an opinion :) stats on arca where more then adeqaute to be judged by you lot as "god"tier, hence why it sold without thought at 900p :) but nice to know you think so highly of yourself you think no1 else could possibly understand how game works lol :) enjoy your opinion and incorrect assumptions :)  and FYI i dont need plat, traded more then i will ever use and yes i ripped him off at 900p i dont care if some other player would pay 2k for it, like i stated i would have happily sold it at 200p or less, i will get another i assure you :) and new players buy lots of plat very often , how do you think DE survives :) hint:not by in game trading of already traded plat

i would prefer players get the most of game without being expected to pay stupid prices for things with ridiculous prices like rivens, and before you even think to type it, i dont need anything in game MR24 2k+ hrs 13k missions done, rivens for every weapon i use or want, you need something? ask :) but not rivens of course, you obviously would take a good natured gesture to players and use it to profit, you seem the type :)

Edited by xXHobbitXx
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46 minutes ago, xXHobbitXx said:

 but not rivens of course, you obviously would take a good natured gesture to players and use it to profit, you seem the type :)


   Nah, I got all that I want..  I got a whole list of new players in friendlist who've added me after a trade or just pm me for riven information, kinda like this here.. Dunno where did you get my type, but in trade/sales, there isn't anything immoral in selling your stuff for little more then what you bought it for..  Your original post was borderline toxic, that is what got my rant triggered.

But going by your original post I could only guess you were new.. Your opinion on rivens still kinda says that..Rivens are supposed to be "end game" (as much as anything needs to be endgame in Warframe) thing for veterans to tinker with, try fun or effective builds, not for players with less then a month of playtime to go for best ones..  If they do, and have no problem spending 20-50-100 dollars on a single digital item, why does that bother you..

Pick 10 weapons, write them down, then just do the math of sortie every day / chance of dropping a riven / chance of dropping the kind of riven you want, melee/prim/sec... / chance of it being for one of those 10 weapons you wanted from what 300+ ? we got now.. Then tell me with a straight face that just playing sorties everyday / without trading/  will get you what you want in any sort of reasonable time frame.

You are still 3k hours short from my playtime, but that's hardly something to boast about.. 


sorry for derail op, won't do no more.,.

Edited by .Re-light.
Saw that little smirk remark at the very end..
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14 hours ago, Desolator109 said:

Hi Sir, I'm just a returnee player ( stopped at u18 and damn, a lot of changes ) . Can i have a price check on this MOD? Thank you very much in advance and Merry Christmas :) 

Dragon Nikana Argi-plecido [MAX]
+61.3% Damage to Grineer
+109.5 Cold
+110.2% Slide attack Critical hit
-97.9% Status Duration

50 - 120

11 hours ago, MatijaRazbija said:

This is a universal melee weapon riven


150 - 300

10 hours ago, Dragoncroac said:

Hi Sir, can you help me with some riven?


  Hide contents

tspauHv.png   wKwyKVe.png   LnqDUwj.png    1N724WW.png

Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas!

dread 100 - 250

lenz 200 - 350

euphona 100 - 200

zhuge 80 - 200

5 hours ago, Max5002 said:


50 - 150

4 hours ago, iajato said:

Hi! I have these two riven mods..I'm aware that the dread one is average at best, but i was wondering especially for the amphis how badly the combo negative would bring down the price(considering it hasnt been rolled at all too)! Thanks in advance :)



amphis 60 - 150 * it's not slide weapon

dread 100 - 180

2 hours ago, MZ4Viper said:

Hi this is my first riven mod. What would I be looking at with this? thanks in advance!



100 - 200

1 hour ago, Nightey3s said:

Help me PC these mods thanks!


fragor 200 - 500

acrid 50 - 100

daikyu 30 - 80

orvius 60 - 100

gazal 80 - 200

rubico 50 - 150 

phage 30 - 80

sonicor 80 - 150

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