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Destiny players discovering Warframe, mind blown..?!


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To be totally honest i have and played the first destiny on xbox one around release only cause a friend bought it for me and within 5 minutes of playing the first destiny i was like oh okay i dont need anymore explaning its like warframe only really dumbed down mechanics and just not as good in anyway


needless to say my Destiny is Life friend and i dont really play video games together anymore lol

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14 hours ago, Haxa6 said:


No not a joke this is exactly what warframe does to you minus the terrible mechanics and plot armor to an obvious virus.

You get punched in the face by how good it is and then you wake up covered in weird S#&$ part of the hive.

Then youre just like "well clem me mate, time to wipe some grineer". This is exactly how it happens.

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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I've played most Bungie games and their derivatives since the early nineties starting with Pathways Into Darkness (which Cayde 6 referenced in D1). I loved D1 and was literally frothing at the mouth for D2. As D1 slowly died in the build up to D2 I looked around for something to fill the gap. I recalled reading an Ars Technica article about a F2P games that outdid Destiny years before D1 launched. I downloaded it onto the Xbox and gave it a try, thinking it would be a bit ho-hum as it's F2P. I could not believe this game existed, tucked away without any advertising or hype, just quietly growing and growing. As I progressed and finally reached The Second Dream and War Within I felt so cheated by Destiny's "Emperor's New Clothes". The deep, sometimes disturbing, and incredibly imaginative story was a revelation. Real, honest to god dream-like science fiction with a fully realized central theme. A movement system that makes Destiny's feel like running through treacle. So many different weapons not just re-skinned rifles. A melee system integral to the combat, not just a quick punch if you are low on ammo.

Mind blown? Utterly and completely. I'm 5 months in and can't get enough. I really can't thank DE enough for crafting this glorious universe. I've become kind of a Warframe Moonie and I'm driving my Destiny mates nuts trying to convert them. I've gone as far as stating that my religion is Tenno on an application form.

The player community? I'll just say this; in three years of playing Destiny I added precisely two friends - both work colleauges I already knew. My friends list was dozens long within a couple of weeks and I was invited to a clan on my first day. You lot are brilliant 8o)

But here's another question - who has the movie rights and why are they not making a series of movies based on this masterpiece of a game?

Edited by (XB1)WickedGit
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  • 1 month later...

Hey all ... put in over 2000 hours in Destiny since Beta.  Last year of D1 they made a lot of improvements and game was in a good place.  Sadly D2 was a step back and really only kept my interest for month as to easy to reach end game and nothing really to play for.  That being said beside the great gameplay of Destiny what kept you playing was the clan and the group of friends you made and played with for years.

I have been playing Warframe now for 2months ... truthfully game was very complicated at beginning for simpleton like me but I can say the community is great and very helpful.  The game really has grown on me and i cant wait till i'm strong enough or ready to do some of the end game stuff.  I do 1 raid a week in Destiny still to play with old friends but rest of the week its all Warframe.

Thanks to you all for the great community you have created here over the years


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On 10/12/2017 at 2:34 AM, I-OD said:

Yeah, I’m one of them... Ignored Warframe for years as I thought it was a bad free to play game. After realizing that D2 don’t give you any initiative to continue playing once you hit end game.

I felt unsatisfied so I’ve started to look if there weren’t any other game who could actually propose what Destiny 2 should have been and ended up watching Skill Ups review of Warframe,  got intrigued and downloaded it last week.

Already I can already see that I found an amazing game and why so many of you known this for a long time. Not only is the community really helpful and amazing, but also the dev team, how transparent they are with their business model, their weekly streams and how they listen to the community made me a fan immediately.

 Would be cool if this thread could be a place where we who come from Destiny can share our stories on how we discovered Warframe and why we are so enthusiastic!




My story is similar to yours. A few friends told me about this game when I first got my PS4. I was too into games like Bloodborne and Uncharted to pay much attention to this. After getting to the end game of D2, and getting frustrated with their RNG, I decided to play this. I haven't looked back ever since.

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Since the thread has been necro'ed, will give my 2 cents here :)
Bought D1 at the first day, played all expansions, loved it (even with all the problems). I think I still haven't found any coop that gave me the feeling that Vault of Glass gave. It was awesome. Of course, because of that, bought D2 in a heartbeat. Even paid the 99$ version. Man... the game was flat. But ok, still nice, not so great but nice. First expansion hits and... wow. So, so bad. 

I've tried Warframe in the past, but was thrown in with MR5 friend, and he carried me around but didn't explain much, so I felt lost, and left. Now, coming back on my own, and... the thing I think most about is "Why doesn't Destiny has this?", "Why haven't Destiny implemented that?". It all sucks - specially thing implemented in a F2P game. Not cool, Bungie. So I'm here now, loving it, and bringing a lot of friends to Warframe :D

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Ive played Destiny 2 daily since its launch. The forums there  are flooded with negative posts. Rightfully so. Many posts mention Warframe. So I finally decided to check it out. I havent touched D2 in a week now. Im a total noob to Warframe and i have a lot to learn. Especially modding. I have just been auto modding until i get  better understanding. Anyway thanks to those of you who keep mentioning Warframe on the D2 forums.

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I was destiny veteran since day 1 but I stop play destiny 2 when new dlc was released.

I stop play warframe for a year but return when PoE update was released, it feels like I play another game and it is fun. And nothing feel better than play with your ship during load time instead of stare at it (like in destiny) :satisfied:

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