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Mastery rank 9 test making me quit Warframe


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4 hours ago, (PS4)Aerik93 said:

I didn’t necro - I responded to a necro.

Necroposting is roughly a week from the last post, and mine was within a few hours of the one before.

So I didn’t necro - the users who posted 21 hours ago and ‘yesterday at 05:44am’ did.

But by responding here you prolong the lifetime of this long dead post just as i do right now.

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On 2017-10-15 at 4:21 AM, GrandTickler2 said:

This is one of the worst and most rng based mission ive ever played in any game EVER, and it's gonna be the reason im quitting this game soon.

i practiced like 30 times, after a while i am able to pass it repeatedly without too much issue's. but then the real test begins and.. everything is different.

in the practice run (3rd stage) i can simply walk up the first guy in the middle and stealth kill him or just throw my glaive at it, as for the actual run.. doesnt work... even though many youtube videos show this is possible, i get detected time and time again. sometimes its immediately, sometimes it takes 5 seconds.. thats the thing there is no consistency in this test and its all luck based whether they will see you or not.If the practice test and actual test have such different mechanics theres no point in actually training myself in this mission now is there?

So here i am, with PoE open to me and a arsenal of weapons/warframes i still need to level. But my mastery rank is capped thanks to this bullS#&$ little mission.. so what reason do i have to keep playing if any progress is halted? absolutely none

for someone who plays games over 90 hours a week and tend to dominate any online game, i can't wrap my little head around how other people got past this bullS#&$.


go to see cephalon suda. he's got all the missions you can run in his room, run in practice mode until you get it sorted then qualify.

thats what i do. i've run all my tests in a saryn prime. not had an issue thus far. and i just hit rank 13 yesterday.


also, if thats the one where you have to stealth kill 3 lots of grineer then be patient and time your moves. in theory there is no change to their movements in the qualifying as to practice. 

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