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How To Make Warframe A Fun Farm-Fest.


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Why don't we have seasons where certain "crops" are more easily "grown" than others.  Real farmers have to rotate their crops, why not us?  Potato crop anyone?  Oh those grow on week 10 in Venus.  Braton Prime, perhaps?  Those only grow in the void and mostly flourish on week 5.  Get it?


There would be a time interval, perhaps it could coordinate with the planets alignment or something like that, where the loot table percentages would shift to favor certain items over others.

Edited by PROteinxstack
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Indeed, you guys have the right idea.  Depending on how long the intervals of time last between the rotation of higher percentage dropped items, you would have to store up "food" for when the drops are slim.  Same thing for rare resources, bps, and mods.

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This is a great idea if DE doesn't want to go the route of tokens. Honestly while I do understand that they don't want us to burn through the content I don't want to be turned off by constant fruitless farming. Though I've been lucky with control modules overall, I recall one week where I literally had zero control modules. My luck was just that bad.

If there was some kind of a rotation, even if the odds were better for 2 weeks (long rotations) it would still be better than completely random.

Edited by sushidubya
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I believe the likelihood of a crop rotation system is greater than the complete revamp of the current system to accommodate tokens.  I think it would be a win-win situation for devs and players alike.  Though I do prefer a token system instead, it is way more versatile.

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I dunno i feel like there wil be that moment when u have everything u need, but will need maybe like one more control mod or orokin cell, and for that week u will be miserable trying to find it and your build will get delayed.


Its better than being frustrated by RNG for that small percent item you're looking for.  This will at least give you an increased chance of finding what you are looking for at least for a short amount of time.

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I like the idea, but only if it's applied to resources. I don't think blue prints and other such items should be included. There are ways to facilitate those types of items showing up more that a simple rework of loot tables and better tracking of the percentage of other items a player has gotten could fix. I'd be down for 2-3 of the same thing I've already seen over and over again in a void run if the 3rd or 4th time was guaranteed to be something I've never seen before...


There's no need to add an extra layer of complexity when you can simply fix one of the existing layers to be not so complex instead...

Edited by ToeSama
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I like the idea, but only if it's applied to resources. I don't think blue prints and other such items should be included. There are ways to facilitate those types of items showing up more that a simple rework of loot tables and better tracking of the percentage of other items a player has gotten could fix. I'd be down for 2-3 of the same thing I've already seen over and over again in a void run if the 3rd or 4th time was guaranteed to be something I've never seen before...


There's no need to add an extra layer of complexity when you can simply fix one of the existing layers to be not so complex instead...


I'm not sure if DE wants the items to show up more frequently, they designed the system to have a very small chance to drop those items on purpose.  I mean look at all the drop complaint threads about "X" BP, or "Y" mod; if DE were going to make things drop more often, they would have done it already.  What the suggestion in the OP states is that if the loot tables were modified so that those items show up less regularly in their down season and more during their up season, that would maintain balance and allow the player to farm more successfully for their desired resource/bp/whatever.

Edited by PROteinxstack
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Why don't we have seasons where certain "crops" are more easily "grown" than others.  Real farmers have to rotate their crops, why not us?  Potato crop anyone?  Oh those grow on week 10 in Venus.  Braton Prime, perhaps?  Those only grow in the void and mostly flourish on week 5.  Get it?


There would be a time interval, perhaps it could coordinate with the planets alignment or something like that, where the loot table percentages would shift to favor certain items over others.

Wait wat?

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For those that do not understand, I will translate.


"This game is farming, but let's have it so sometimes there is something that is easier to farm then another. Maybe in week intervals, the time is not decided. Void drops will be on the last week before the reset function happens, letting the first farmable item be reset, and continuing with that.."



Hayden said it better than I did demonaii

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I'm not sure if DE wants the items to show up more frequently, they designed the system to have a very small chance to drop those items on purpose.  I mean look at all the drop complaint threads about "X" BP, or "Y" mod; if DE were going to make things drop more often, they would have done it already.  What the suggestion in the OP states is that if the loot tables were modified so that those items show up less regularly in their down season and more during their up season, that would maintain balance and allow the player to farm more successfully for their desired resource/bp/whatever.


The suggestion is lacking in regard to productivity on a regular scale though. Waiting for X item to show up Y days/weeks is no better than what we're doing now farming our fingers off trying to get mats/keys/bps/etc... I'd sooner the drop tables stop sucking altogether than to suck less one day out of seven.


And just because it was designed as such does not make it a good idea. If DE would actually work on the problems of the GAME instead of throwing content at it in hopes it will go away, maybe we wouldn't have as big of an issue with their sh!t drop rates to begin with... We'd at least have other fun things to do beyond our first two weeks of play...

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The suggestion is lacking in regard to productivity on a regular scale though. Waiting for X item to show up Y days/weeks is no better than what we're doing now farming our fingers off trying to get mats/keys/bps/etc... I'd sooner the drop tables stop sucking altogether than to suck less one day out of seven.


And just because it was designed as such does not make it a good idea. If DE would actually work on the problems of the GAME instead of throwing content at it in hopes it will go away, maybe we wouldn't have as big of an issue with their sh!t drop rates to begin with... We'd at least have other fun things to do beyond our first two weeks of play...


I anticipate that over the course of time loot tables will become so big they will HAVE to segregate the drops somehow, there will just be too much stuff to get a chance for what you are looking for.  It may be DE's business model to have so much content that each user will have a vastly different experience no matter how much time they play.  That would be unfortunate for those of us who want to consume all the content DE has to offer, but that may be the plan at this point, only they know.


I agree that the proposed system doesn't have much statistical advantage over long periods of time (they should be equal considering today's system vs OP).  During the short period of time where the drops are modified, it can mean days vs months of farming for the individual player.  Some people have spent 70+ hours looking for a specific item.  If someone were playing 3 hours a day straight looking for one item, thats 23+ days of straight failure.  Rather than endure that, the item would have a % increased drop rate for 1 week and "hopefully", they would pick it up a that week of buffed chance.  Its not a guaranteed solution because its a dynamic problem with slim chances to satisfy all the players at once.  It will help DE to maintain the rarity of the drops, though.

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I agree that the proposed system doesn't have much statistical advantage over long periods of time (they should be equal considering today's system vs OP).  During the short period of time where the drops are modified, it can mean days vs months of farming for the individual player.  Some people have spent 70+ hours looking for a specific item.  If someone were playing 3 hours a day straight looking for one item, thats 23+ days of straight failure.  Rather than endure that, the item would have a % increased drop rate for 1 week and "hopefully", they would pick it up a that week of buffed chance.  Its not a guaranteed solution because its a dynamic problem with slim chances to satisfy all the players at once.  It will help DE to maintain the rarity of the drops, though.


The rarity of those drops is the problem though, in that the drop tables are so &#! backwards that it makes no logical sense to have anything not have as fair a chance as anything else in the game. Effort put into grinding up a key in the void, for example, should be rewarded adequately based upon the difficulty of the tower run one is making, and it's not. The brand new tower 2 keys are the most desirable keys due to the drops rates for a variety of prime parts/bps having their highest drop chances in tower 2, where as some of the new tower 3s have only one or two items of note worth running them for. It's ridiculous to the point of stupidity. One would think that the higher the tower, the better chances one would get over the spectrum, and that certain tower runs have a much higher chance to drop certain things over all than other towers. This is not how the system works though, and it causes little more than grinding for no other reason that to seemingly inflate playtime artificially.


No item in this game should have as low a chance as they do to drop. One should be able to acquire these so called "rare" items with at least a 10% chance when measured up against a variety of other things.


I would personally separate drop tables into a combination of enemy faction, mission type and difficulty personally, having some items not even showing up based on what is or is not available. This would allow for a much cleaner control of drop ratios, and make it easier to have a chance at X within appropriate reason. The game technically does this for factions, but difficulty does nothing to improved drop chances, and the system is built in such a fashion that it creates rewards at random across the board with only a pitiful increase of chance based on factions and previous reward opportunities (in the case of things like endless defense rewards).


I don't mind having to work for my goodies. The effort is worth it in my eye. But that so much in the game is based around the smallest margin of luck being on your side with no regards to what you have accomplished prior concerning what items you SHOULD have a chance to see is a real let down, and completely mitigates any enjoyment one who is an item collector could experience from the game otherwise. It's not like Warframe is such a ground breaking game that it can stand on it's own two feet without the need for shiny new content to back it up. It would be nice if DE could ever get it to that point, but they seem to be intentionally dodging a lot of the most basic things they could do to improve the game over all by simply adding in new content without any regards as to how it would disrupt the item economy, and then adjusting drop tables in such a way that when it DOES finally start to work in the most loose way possible, it's still an aggravation all it's own. Rare should not mean that I have to work for three weeks before I even see it.


I feel bad for those players who can't invest as much time into the game as others due to things like work or family obligations. They are literally screwed by the game before they even begin unless the RNG gods decide to cut them a break for a change.

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