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Suggestions on better PvP system


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Ive been playing PvP games for 15 years, and spotted Warframe only after 4 years of its birth. Because PvP in Warframe is a crap, and that's why this game is not mentioned in any serious gaming magazines and blogs. However it is very good game and can be improved for better PvP easily:

1. Same mods as for PvE and for PvP. Different mods and stuff for PvE and PvP is a big mistake.

2. 2-3 times more health and armor for warframes, currently warframes are too fast to kill, and you dont feel any realism, you need better collision model and more time to kill warframe, so healers, buffers, trappers will be able play too, with different tactics. Currently you can play only Frost Prime and Rino Prime, other warframes suck hard.
Also decrease sprint and jump speeds by 30%, PvP is much harder then PvE so you need more time to think what you do in it.

3. Best mode is team fight mode 4x4, and it must be on the first place, not one against all mode. Capture cefalone (3rd mode) need to have clear capture and defend points on minimap for new players to identify target. You also need bigger and clearer mini map for team cooperation. Remove capturing oros, it looks weird, count only kills.

PvP is very important to keep old players in game, because currently you finish PvE game in 2 weeks and after 2 weeks it is not interesting any more and you go next game.
That's how World of Tanks and World of Warcraft have 100's of millions alive accounts, because of great PvP.


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This game is about pve. Almoust noone is playing warframe for pvp because of its bad netcode. 

p.s. this is the PoE Subforum. You might post this in PvP section of the forum.

And btw PvP is not important to keep older players(veterans) ingame. Its the new Content DE is adding which keeps us playing. 

Im playing this game almoust  4 years an i can tell you your not finished after 2 weeks.

Edited by CpT-LaZeR
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6 minutes ago, SevenLetterKWord said:

The "netcode" is exactly the same as in PvE.
Connectivity in Conclave tends to be better because of the presence of dedicated servers and the fact that there are fewer objects to handle.
However, because Conclave is a much faster-paced and competitive environment, players are more sensitive to others' latency.

maybe.. i dont know since im not a coder of warframe but that doesent change the fact that its not good for PvP in warframe. 


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32 minutes ago, Vaqt said:

Same mods as for PvE and for PvP. Different mods and stuff for PvE and PvP is a big mistake.

That would be a bad change. PvE mods would give too big an advantage for veteran players, it would be even more difficult to start; imagine what an advantage would a player with maxed Primed Vigor would have.

I personally don't enojy PvP because of warframe powers. It would be nice if we have more variant modes, with standardized stats, weapons, and no powers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, in what accusations ?
I quitted Warframe about a year ago, a few days before, I tried this Conclave.
Well, more like I tried to try it. Almost nobody played it back then. An hour ago, I tried again. I am still waiting for a single game to start.
I just wanted to grind Conclave for a weapon skin and get rid of it, a weapon skin I can't buy. I would have otherwise.

The very few times I entered a game, it was sooooooooooooooooo sloooooooooooooooooooow...

The old PvP had many flaws, sure, but at least there was people ! Still, I miss it as much as I hate this "new" Conclave.

Edited by Nikbis
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On 10/26/2017 at 4:14 AM, Vaqt said:

1. Same mods as for PvE and for PvP. Different mods and stuff for PvE and PvP is a big mistake.

The original PvP used PvE mods.

It was a complete mess, and a complete failure. Players who potatoed their equipment and spammed Xini until fully forma'ed steamrolled everyone else.

There was no skill involved, only who had the best gear.

On 10/26/2017 at 4:14 AM, Vaqt said:

2. 2-3 times more health and armor for warframes, currently warframes are too fast to kill, and you dont feel any realism, you need better collision model and more time to kill warframe

If Warframes are too hard to kill because they are to fast, then  making them tankier only makes them even harder to kill.

Your "suggestion" is completely illogical.

On 10/26/2017 at 4:14 AM, Vaqt said:

Currently you can play only Frost Prime and Rino Prime, other warframes suck hard.

I wonder why the best players usually don't ever use Frost or Rhino. All other Warframes must suck hard, huh?

On 10/26/2017 at 4:14 AM, Vaqt said:

Also decrease sprint and jump speeds by 30%, PvP is much harder then PvE so you need more time to think what you do in it.

It's a shooter, not a Trading Card Game. You're not supposed to slowly analyze the situation; you're supposed to react quickly.


1 hour ago, PrimoValkyria said:

Why are you pretending anyone cares if you listen? What I've noticed is you sit here and bash anyone who doesn't love this S#&$ty game mode lmao

He's rebutting the OP because the OP is confusing opinions with facts and is making statements which are clearly influenced by cognitive bias.

Sure, 7LKW uses harsh wording, but wouldn't most people do the same against Anti-Vaxxers, Flat-Earthers, or SJWs, who all disregard facts and assert their opinions as "truth"?

Edited by Heckzu
Grammatical Error
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/26/2017 at 2:14 AM, Vaqt said:

Ive been playing PvP games for 15 years, and spotted Warframe only after 4 years of its birth. Because PvP in Warframe is a crap, and that's why this game is not mentioned in any serious gaming magazines and blogs. However it is very good game and can be improved for better PvP easily:

1. Same mods as for PvE and for PvP. Different mods and stuff for PvE and PvP is a big mistake.

2. 2-3 times more health and armor for warframes, currently warframes are too fast to kill, and you dont feel any realism, you need better collision model and more time to kill warframe, so healers, buffers, trappers will be able play too, with different tactics. Currently you can play only Frost Prime and Rino Prime, other warframes suck hard.
Also decrease sprint and jump speeds by 30%, PvP is much harder then PvE so you need more time to think what you do in it.

3. Best mode is team fight mode 4x4, and it must be on the first place, not one against all mode. Capture cefalone (3rd mode) need to have clear capture and defend points on minimap for new players to identify target. You also need bigger and clearer mini map for team cooperation. Remove capturing oros, it looks weird, count only kills.

PvP is very important to keep old players in game, because currently you finish PvE game in 2 weeks and after 2 weeks it is not interesting any more and you go next game.
That's how World of Tanks and World of Warcraft have 100's of millions alive accounts, because of great PvP.




W-what? GameInformer, PCGaming, etc, have all done multiple articles on Warframe...

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  • 2 months later...

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