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How To Make Everyone Happy About Nova


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So teammates get 1k for their Warframe, and then ANOTHER 1k spread to all their gear? Or is this about the Nova that wipes whole rooms? I'm pretty sure MolPrime's chain explosions are all attributed to Nova's ability, rather than the weapon that was used to trigger it.


Because I played a whole Defense mission with just MolPrime and Null Star for fun, and the Burston I sometime used to trigger explosions didn't get much XP on it at the end. Compared to when I usually go on weapon-levelling missions.


I'm talking about your teammates. If you (the Nova user) use MPrime and blow up 10 enemies, gaining a total of 1000xp (this is just an example), your teammates would gain 1000xp for their frame AND 1000xp spread over their weapons. You would only get the 1000xp for your frame

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Its not about killstealing. Its just annoying when she kills everything in the room, and you can do nothing. Sometimes its good that you can even go AFK and let Nova kill everyone, but if you feel like killing all enemis, is could be really frustrating to watch every how every enemy dies before you even have a chance to kill them.

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I'm talking about your teammates. If you (the Nova user) use MPrime and blow up 10 enemies, gaining a total of 1000xp (this is just an example), your teammates would gain 1000xp for their frame AND 1000xp spread over their weapons. You would only get the 1000xp for your frame


That doesn't make sense though. Why do my teammates get 2000 total xp for 1000 xp worth of enemies? Wouldn't that encourage leeching and/or Nova-wiping to level up gear?


1000 xp split 4-ways makes more sense that 1000 xp split three ways, AND 1000 magical 'thin-air' duplicate xp for Warframe.

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Its not about killstealing. Its just annoying when she kills everything in the room, and you can do nothing. Sometimes its good that you can even go AFK and let Nova kill everyone, but if you feel like killing all enemis, is could be really frustrating to watch every how every enemy dies before you even have a chance to kill them.


Use a Trinity, Loki and Nyx.

These guys promote non-lethal solutions :p

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That doesn't make sense though. Why do my teammates get 2000 total xp for 1000 xp worth of enemies? Wouldn't that encourage leeching and/or Nova-wiping to level up gear?


1000 xp split 4-ways makes more sense that 1000 xp split three ways, AND 1000 magical 'thin-air' duplicate xp for Warframe.


I'm not arguing what makes sense, I'm just stating the way it is right now.

This 'exploit' only happens with warframe powers.

When you kill an enemy with a rifle, you get 100xp (again, just an example) for your frame and 100xp for that rifle.

Your teammates get 100xp for their frame and 100xp spread over their weapons.


Edit: This leeching you speak of already takes place (I've done it myself) when players take an unranked 'useless' weapon (in my case it was the Jaw Sword) to high-level missions. What happens is that you get a third of xp, for that weapon, when your teammates kill enemies. This does not mean, you do not contribute since you still use your powers and primary and secondary, but if like me (don't really use melee all that much) it's an easy way to level up your melee weapon (or in my case get mastery rank points)

Edited by S3raph
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I think they should nerf nova's ultimate, I think it is way too overpowered, because it kill pretty much everything, even in the higher waves on pluto, something where volt's overload and rhino's rhino stomp can't kill anything. Nova is taking away the fun by making other warframes obsolete.

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Ok under almost every cry of nerf nova I hear it seems to be because she gets all the kills from Mprime


I personally don't think she needs a buff or nerf (well antimatter drop could use some looking at but that is beside the point) Anyway just make it so whoever sets off the Mprime chain reaction gets the kill credit. Boom Nova is still awesome but if you want kills stand next to nova and while she is still running the animation you are getting the kills if you really care about it that is. 

or ... Nova gets 100% of the kills if she's the one casting and setting off the reaction. In other cases, give nova 50% of the kills then divide the rest to anyone who contributed to setting off the reaction. Nova still gets rewarded for casting Mprime but in case some other teammate(s) sets off the reaction they get a share of the kills. That way Nova will also bring support to her fellow Tennos who will be ecstatic to play on her side. As it is now, i find her very annoying to play with. I don't mind the fact her ulti kills tons of stuff, but if i'm shooting something dead i should just get the kill, it's as simple as that. If i set off the reaction I'm actively helping nova kill foes even faster so i should be rewarded for that too and not just in xp. Just my 2c  ; )

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or ... Nova gets 100% of the kills if she's the one casting and setting off the reaction. In other cases, give nova 50% of the kills then divide the rest to anyone who contributed to setting off the reaction. Nova still gets rewarded for casting Mprime but in case some other teammate(s) sets off the reaction they get a share of the kills. That way Nova will also bring support to her fellow Tennos who will be ecstatic to play on her side. As it is now, i find her very annoying to play with. I don't mind the fact her ulti kills tons of stuff, but if i'm shooting something dead i should just get the kill, it's as simple as that. If i set off the reaction I'm actively helping nova kill foes even faster so i should be rewarded for that too and not just in xp. Just my 2c  ; )

that sound good to me

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Boring class, u runing like ideot alone and killing everything alone, other party members sit and do nothing coz they cant, all enemies dead after nova, delete this crap warframe for the good! i not even need back invested stuff! I asking for chalanging gameplay so long and devs bring again overpowered stuff, players sick of op stuff and neverending warframes and weapons, we need more new content, toys can come later.

Edited by drunkpunk222
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>-> well one solution is to jest buff every other frame that people think arnt OP. and then when every frame is OP, none of them will be.



however if your concern is kills, then go play solo.

id rather win my def mission then have you derp about trying to be a solo player in a co-op game.


the only nerf id say is the drop might wont to be looked at, its not OP but for a second tire ability it douse a lot of damage.

instead of 4x absorb, it should probably be around 1.5 or something and have a larger radius.



actly a better solution would be for damage from sources other then nova that sets of the chain would do more damage. if she sets it of, its not dramatically less, but it wont be as powerful as you helping your team

Edited by Fluff-E-Kitty
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First of all: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Experience_Mechanics - there is no true reason to QQ about MP in terms of affinity gain. This means that the only point of all those nova-is-so-op-pls-nerf cries is people egos being hurt.
Furthermore all warframes got some more or less empathized role and role of Nova is to dish out as much damage as possible. She have no cc, no escape mechanics, no buffs - just damage. Killing stuff is her purpose and she serves that purpose quite well.

P.S. Some time pre U9 people were complaining about Ember's World on Fire completely dominating low level missions.

Edited by xGryphus
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Screw all-a-yah, My vabaun with Bastile gets pretty much no kills on wave 30+ xini but is still the biggest credit to team. Why? UTILITY. It's not all about kills people.

Great point. After all does tank in WoW complains about being low in dps table? Does support in LoL complain about adc taking all kills?

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Co-op game, working together, utilize different frames for different roles... omg son, its almost like sense. MPrime isn't the problem, if you want tons and tons of body counts, then play a 'frame that is designed for it, I alternate between Frost and Vabaun and if all I do is globe or bastille the pod, then I do my job, if I get kills wahoo!!! kudos me, if not, thats what Saryn, Nyx, Nova, Ember are for. If you want to do 100% of the damage get 100% of the kills, go play solo mode. Or find a friend who plays a rhino or a frost, and pair up with them so you can be %$# on the gun, otherwise, just enjoy the fact that your mission is going smoothly. I had to solo clear a large part of the galaxy, because you can party up easy as pie on early or late missions, but the middle missions can be kind of difficult to complete unless someone is answering an [?] reward alert, and you get plenty of kills that way.


Also if you don't want to solo, their is an invite/friend only mode too fyi.

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I play my nova and I usually talk to the other players in the game and when I am not, I am with friends (Rhino, Ash, Banshee). Not once does anyone ever say a thing about me having stolen kills. Usually, they try to work with me. My Rhino friend and I use our 4th together in raid missions. But, there are those people out there.

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bull* nova is great how it is, when i play warframe many kills are taken away in front of me so what!? it's a team play game people should learn how to play as a team, in real i know people are selfish and pathetic but even in game being ??


tha fak no words for it XD

Edited by Misuraki
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Ok under almost every cry of nerf nova I hear it seems to be because she gets all the kills from Mprime


I personally don't think she needs a buff or nerf (well antimatter drop could use some looking at but that is beside the point) Anyway just make it so whoever sets off the Mprime chain reaction gets the kill credit. Boom Nova is still awesome but if you want kills stand next to nova and while she is still running the animation you are getting the kills if you really care about it that is. 

gets all the kills at mprime * facepalm*

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Yeah I love when people complain about kill stealing in a CO-OP GAME!!!

So basically snatching the fun away from players in a co-op game is a positive feature too? Who knew...



Great point. After all does tank in WoW complains about being low in dps table? Does support in LoL complain about adc taking all kills?


We're all supposed to be dps and carries...

Edited by DeadlyNerd
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I just wait till one dies and stand next to her body like im going to pick her up , then just let her fade into death. Love warframe don't you? novas are supposed to go super... and die.. I will never put my hands on that warframe to pick her up. Never.

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