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[Suggestion] Focus,Operator and the future of those.


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Since focus is meant to be for the Operators,why not let us farm Focus WITH the operators.

I know that you can already put a Lens on the Amp,but the amounts you earn are nothing compared to the amounts you will get if Played with Banshee,or DPS frames in general,or you know...Sleep Equinox + Stealth at Adaro which yields crazy amounts.


What if... we had a boost in Operator Focus Farm. Something that would actually make us want to play as Operator. Operators were shoved down our throats,its your game so i dont expect you to ask anyone,but as a lore decision many Veterans and Newish players alike didnt connect with them. At least i didnt,and some more people i have talked with about it.


Maybe remove the focus orb need for operators,since the focus goes directly to them and not the Warframe/Weapon so we could farm focus in peace without running left and right to gather orbs and time our attacks correctly to kill as many enemies as possible within 45 seconds. A more casual way to farm focus.


Operator Missions

Mini story time

Currently the only Use i can find for the operators is Kuva Farm and Teralyct Hunts. When i made my first Amp with T1 T2 T3 parts i wondered on where and how to level it up. I asked in Chat on where to go and level it up and people told me to go in a regular mission,get out as operator and back in the Warframe and just play like i used to play.

That suggestion didnt sit right with me. Right off the bat i didnt even need to use the operator to level him up,so i refused to do what rushers do. So i decided to go and level it up properly,and actually PLAY as a combat operator.

My first stop was Earth,i thought i wouldnt do any serious damage. I joined a Defence with newbies (biggest MR in there was 4) to help them out and test the operator. Some asked me what i was and told them to play the game and find out instead of being spoiled. Anyway, i started killing everything in 1 hit. Since i saw that i could hold on my own i headed to Hydron.

Then i realised that i can kill enemies in Hydron with ease as an operator. And i enjoyed it. It was the first time after a big time spent in the game that i got the feeling i had when i was starting the game. It was something new,it was something i created,with the weapon i crafted,and if felt nice.


Lets move to the actual Suggestion


Operator ONLY missions. Lets just say for example we enter the void one day, Lotus says something about interference in our Warframes and Bam it kicks us out.

Now we are 4 people that can only play as Operators. Our Frames are shut down and we must reach a point to take power/focus/something to kickstart our Warframes.

At this mission it will drop specific items that only Operators can pick up and might or might not be of universal use,i am just throwing examples here.


What i am trying to say is that there are many people out there that want to put the operators in good use. You might already have that planned with The Sacrifice i dont know,and i really hope you do,but right now,Operators serve as a Buff (especially Zenurik Energy Dash),Teralyct hunt which we already broke it,and as a last measure to save ourselves from going down just by popping out and going stealth and be safe. We need to make a bond with them. The only time i made the bond was when i tried my first Amp and played 15 waves as operator only in Adaro.


These were my 2 cents. Thanks for reading

Edited by Indal21
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1 minute ago, LSG501 said:

From a personal perspective... hell no, I already hate the fact I'm 'forced' to use the operator for kuva and teralyst when we have perfectly good warframes to use. 

I get where you are coming from and yes that was my attitude towards operators as well. I liked it a lot better when lorewise we were the Warframes and not little kids, but now that its here,at least they can put it to some proper use. At least put all that focus farm to some good use.

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Just now, Aeon94 said:

As long as optional , why not ?

because in this case the OP is basically suggesting it as a 'meta' for farming focus and well the whole idea behind the new changes to focus is to reduce the need to use a a 'meta'



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1 minute ago, LSG501 said:

because in this case the OP is basically suggesting it as a 'meta' for farming focus and well the whole idea behind the new changes to focus is to reduce the need to use a a 'meta'



I am suggesting other things as well :)

Also no,not meta. Operators shouldnt be able to surpass the warframes in any way. I am just saying boost the focus farm as operator a bit since getting 50k focus as equinox and  getting 500 focus as operator isnt exactly...balanced.

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