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Warframe Alerts Informer



Warframe Alerts Informer is a standalone tool (application) for Windows XP/7/8. It will scan for alerts and inform you about new alerts which you want to know about. It's very easy to set up - for example, if you only want to be informed about Orokin Catalyst Blueprint and Orokin Reactor Blueprint alerts, just add "orokin" keyword to filter list!


This program:

  • Will inform you about alerts you want to know - flexible filter settings.
  • Easy to use and setup - Unzip & start!
  • Has nice and user-friendly interface, but can also quietly run in tray.
  • Well optimized, this tool will not use more than necessary of your CPU or RAM. Much less than a browser tab with plugins.


Languages supported:

English.png English

Russian.png Русский

Spanish.png Espanol

Taiwan.png Taiwan

30n9mw3.jpg French

German.png German

image.png Portuguese (BR)


Current version 1.6.1:


First of all, a big thanks to NTYD1S for updating filters, nodes and lang strings.

- Fixed a bug with popup windows not going away after you click it
- Now WAI only writes error to log file if same error happened at least 15 minutes ago
- Fixed a bug when settings window will go into background after executing "Open file" dialog on Windows7 and later
- Scrapped windows API sound functions, using custom function to set music volume, now it affects .wav files just fine (affected mp3, ogg and others formats but not wav before)
- Increased volume range
- Fixed popup window not updating it's picture for the first second of notification
- Fixed a lot of bugs related to Test Alert, also you are now prompted about saving the config before launching test alert
- Added new option for when game is already running:
-- Reduce notification time: default 3 seconds, This affects BOTH sound and popup window! If set to 0 then WAI will not notify anything at all while game is running
-- Do not show notification popup window: default off, this basically means "sound only" while game is running.
-- Reduce notification sound volume: default 25%, if enabled, this volume will override any event notification sound volume setting while game is running. Setting volume to 0% makes it "popup window only" while gaming is running.
- Added button to open Warframe alerts twitter "Twitter | (@WarframeAlerts)" to both alert list popup menu and tray popup menu
- Added "Close to tray" option: default off, minimizes app instead of closing it
- Program settings window is now blocked while saving settings to avoid confusion
- Program settings title is now translated
-- Translation:
- Added Portuguese (BR) translation by Kitessencial
- Added 5 new strings which need translation in first post, under "Stings which need translation" section, wrapped in spoiler tag.


Older update notes:

Version 1.1 update notes

Version 1.2 update notes

Version 1.3 update notes

Version 1.3.3 update notes

Version 1.3.4 update notes

Version 1.4 update notes

Version 1.4.1 update notes





Windows 7: thumb.pngthumb.pngthumb.png

Windows XP: thumb.png thumb.png thumb.png




To edit settings click a button with gears on it.

1) Twitter URL - don't edit this.
2) GMT - program should automatically detect your GMT. But still it better check if it detected your GMT correctly (Windows XP users notably). You can check your GMT here. Just select your region under "What's the Time in every country in the World?".
3) You can save keywords to ini file by clicking image.png or load them from ini file by clicking image.png. For example click image.png and load Keywords.ini which should be in program's directory.
4) This is keyword list. When any of these words are present as alert reward, program will inform you about the alert.
5) To add more keywords, click image.png. To delete a keyword, first select it in the list (#4) and then click image.png. To edit a keyword, first select it in the list (#4) and then click image.png.
6) If "Play sound" is checked, program will play "Music123.wav" when alert is detected. If "Flash on taskbar" is checked, program will restore itself from tray and blink on taskbar. if "Show alert info notification" is checked, program will show balloon-popup info about alert (see screenshots above).
7) The notifications above (#6) can be repeated set amount of times or until program's window gets focus.


Language strings in "Lang" folder which need an update:


EditKeyword2 (hint when you hover over "edit filter" button)
ActionType (actions to take when informing about alert/invansion/infestation - in other words notification settings for selected filter)
Restore (Restore application from tray icon to normal mode)
CompactMode (Switch to compact mode)
StandardMode (Switch to full mode)
OpenSoundFile (Title for open sound file dialog)
ErrorConnection (This message is logged in error.log on connection error to any URL, not just twitter now)
ErrorNoLib1 (This message will popup if libeay32.dll is missing)
ErrorNoLib2 (This message will popup if ssleay32.dll is missing)
SelectFilterFirst (This message will popup if you try to activate test alert but didn't select filter from which notification settings will be used)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application




NotificationArea (Small always-on-top notification window settings)
NotificationPosition (position of said window)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application


NotificationArea (Small always-on-top notification window settings)
NotificationPosition (position of said window)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application

Portuguese (BR): 

Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application


Version 1.6.1:
Steam thread


Found a bug?
Have idea for a new feature?
Want to add translation?
Contact me here!

Edited by SonicSonedit
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So far for me, it appears the the app pulls data from Twitter initially and shows all the alerts, but then afterwards it never pulls anything else from Twitter. No new alert updates appear.

Its weird that it pulls anything from Twitter at all. 



I will update as soon as my work tempo will slow down.

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I just noticed it looks at an RSS feed as well. I guess it doesn't pull anything from that either other than when I first start it up. 


Its weird that it pulls anything from Twitter at all. 



I will update as soon as my work tempo will slow down.


Awesome. I love the concept and look of your app. I'd love to be able to use it once it's fixed.


Also, is there a way that I can tell your program to just give me all alerts/nightmare missions/etc., not just the ones that pattern match in the available checkboxes? (Might be cool to have a button that will just select/deselect all.)


Also, I noticed the screenshots/instructions aren't updated for v. 1.5.1... In the notification options, next to "Alert," "Invasion," and "Infestation" there is a textbox with numbers in them. What exactly is that? Minimum quantity to match before alerting?

Edited by CedarDpg
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Finally finished burning project on my new job. Create a driver for device, GUI and algorithm to control automated process in a week - challenge completed!


Now I can find some time for Informer to update it. I will drop twitter completely. Also I will drop tray balloon popup, because screw it. Instead I will use custom always-on-top window for alert notification (like skype/steam). 



Also, is there a way that I can tell your program to just give me all alerts/nightmare missions/etc., not just the ones that pattern match in the available checkboxes? (Might be cool to have a button that will just select/deselect all.)


I believe you can just create new filter "(MOD)" and it will react to all nightmare mod alerts.



In the notification options, next to "Alert," "Invasion," and "Infestation" there is a textbox with numbers in them. What exactly is that? Minimum quantity to match before alerting?


Edited by SonicSonedit
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Well, basically new version is ready and has a few nice features, but I can't release it because I need game language strings like these ones:

http://www.diffchecker.com/wvn2v99x <- outdated ones

Without them program won't work. I don't really need ALL of game strings, only ones for rewards from alerts (like item blueprints names, mod names, helmet names, etc).

Here are few I found myself:

/lotus/storeitems/types/recipes/weapons/jawblueprint=Jaw Sword (Blueprint)
/lotus/storeitems/types/recipes/weapons/darkdaggerblueprint=Dark Dagger (Blueprint)
/lotus/language/menu/infestedinvasionending=Infestation was purged
/lotus/language/alerts/sabotagedesc6=Destroy Enemy Facility
/lotus/language/alerts/inteldesc37=Investigate Enemy Distress Signal
/lotus/language/menu/grineerinvasiongeneric=Grineer Invasion
/lotus/language/menu/corpusinvasiongeneric=Corpus Invasion
I did find all nodes names, so this looks like this now: 
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Thx, we all know :)

DE changed twitter, so app is messed up.


Use another app from now, as this one is useless until fix.

Wasn't http://deathsnacks.com/wf/ up for a while? Used Alerts Informer since last year, but when it went down - I found this site right here, I believe somewhere in this thread. Honestly, no disrespect, but if Informer takes SO long just to get back... Why even bother? I could give credit for having a lightweight app for PCs which can only handle WF on minimals without browser running on background... But for anything else - the site is ...  immensely more advanced. It tracks everything that happens in the game, event and not. IF and ONLY IF you could achieve something similar - I'd consider using Informer, because if there was one thing it was good for - it allowed to filter the sound notification pops. But... apparently the almost exact same thing is doable by WarDroid, app from that site. If my phone was 24\7 online... Well, there wouldn't be a second thought.

Now, please, calm your posteriors, no fanboy, no ads here, just passing by and seeing that it's still up, and I thought it was long gone. Besides, how hard is it to use what's better?

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Can you share this version to us even without the strings? At least it'll search for alerts

I guess I can implement some sort of auto-update feature for lang strings and update them "on the fly".



IF and ONLY IF you could achieve something similar

I already can, since I use same data source as Deathsnacks. I wonder where did he get langstrings. Maybe he used game memory dump. I don't wanna do it like this, but looks like it will be the only way.

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So, in the interim, could someone set up a twitter feed that re-format's DE twitter post to a different feed so it looks like what the program is currently expecting?  Then we can just change the settings to use the new temporary feed.

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/Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Recipes/Helmets/LokiHelmetAltBStatlessBlueprint=Swindle Loki Helmet Blueprint

/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Helmets/LokiHelmetAltBStatlessBlueprint=Swindle Loki Helmet Blueprint


Not sure which of these I should use for Filter List. One is frontend item name, other is store manifest. I don't want to release a bugged up version so I will wait until helmet alert popups, while trying to google an answer.



After thinking about it a bit, I decided to change Informer logic as following:

If "StoreItems/" is found in item name -> delete it and process it as frontend.

Just in case, I will add filter for unknown items (items not listed in filter list) so you won't miss anything for sure. I will also add "Nightmare mission" filter which will react to any nightmare alert (checking mission type).



I'm working on Informer when I have free time on work. Currently we have problems with Fitters state recognition on one of our subsystems (RS232 based), so I have some time for Informer :)

Edited by SonicSonedit
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Splendid! Thank you again for this most pleasing software, SonicSonedit - it's so vital to my whole Warframe experience that I put the game on the backburner since it started to fail due to DE messing with the fiddly bits of Twitter.


Good timing as well (well, it will be if before the 7th :P ), as it seems DE put a, and I quote from the frontpage:



Special Alerts Now Through July 7
" in place just now.
Good to hear the job's working out pretty well by the look of things.
Thanks again and fair winds to thee.
Edit: Only 3x 24h alerts. Not really something you'd only catch with WFI, unless you don't log in daily ofc.
Edited by DarkVeghetta
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Version 1.6 is available!


- Moved reward, credits and planet images to Data subfolder.

- Completely Rewritten program startup. Again.

- Huge program structure overhaul. Because I like refactoring.

- Finally found and killed this little damn nasty bug which caused memory leak in date retrieval thread. 

-- Note: Program still bloats over time, because it never deletes received alerts/invasion/infestation data. I can add "Event limit" option to settings if this bothers you. When limit is reached, program will delete the oldets expired event (Event = Alert/Invasion/Infestation/Actually Event/News/Darvo Sale/Etc -> everything is now goes by codename Event, not Alert).

- Informer doesn't require libeay32.dll or ssleay32.dll anymore.

- Some internal optimization. 

- Added Auto GMT detection checkbox. GMT calculation function rewritten to UTC standards. if you have custom GMT settings you will have to change it again (same value as before).

- Overall auto GMT detection improvement: since Delphi 19 provides a native library which is much more reliable then custom functions which translate DateTime to SystemTime and then to UTCOffsetTime, GMT auto-detection should work better now.

- "Twitter URL" and "RSS URL" elements were removed because they are now obsolete.

- Fixed a bug where data collecting thread would stop working on internet fail/lag spike.

- Now if you click "Show test alert" without selecting filter list to test it with, credits notification settings will be used. Program will no longer  show you window with filter list to force you select one.

- Now for all unknown events alerts filters are used.

- Now all existing planet images are precached when program starts.

- Added outline effect (shadow) to text on planet image.

- Updated "Settings" button image. Why did no one tell me it's background wasn't transparent?

- Introduced TopOrder in Events list. Current TopOrder is: Invasions -> Infestations -> Alerts -> Defended Invasions -> Cleared Infestations -> Timed Out Alerts -> Everything else

- Tray popup balloon is discarded. Custom notification always-on-top window is used now instead.

-- No, you will not have to re-config anything. This a replacement, not addition.

-- You can set it position in Program Settings -> Main Settings -> Notification area. Right-Bottom corner of the screen by default.

-- You can select "custom" position and then hold & drag small notification window anywhere on screen.

-- It will appear with 21.5% transparency and will fade in with 1.5% progress per every 10 miliseconds (100% visible in less then 1 second). Tell me if you find this annoying / laggy and I will add option to disable it.

-- Left click will stop notification process and will show Informer main window, like before.

-- Right click will stop notification process but will not show you informer window. So you can right-click the "meh" events or just right-click it when you want it to silently go away. This was impossible with tray popup ballons.

-- For now I simply render planet image once and then project cached planet image to small always-on-top notification window. Tell me if you think its K or if you want see something else. I plan to add more info (like enemy faction & level) on planet image later.

- Moved to new data source:

-- Now program can easily distinguish Dagger Axe Skin for Scindo from Dagger Axe Skin for Dual Zoren.

-- Now it shows infestation/invasion progress. For now I show it's as an percentage before planet name, late on I will change it to a progress bar like in-game one.

-- Now program can actually receive amount of each and every seperate item, so item amount finally works for Alerts too.

-- Item amount now properly detected for both factions on invasions.

-- The most important thing: Warframe Alerts Informer will never stop working anymore.

-- Invasion & Infestation is now marked as expired once Goal is reached.

-- Filter list reworked for new data source format. Old filter list is obsolete.

-- Same goes for Notification settings file. You will have re-config your notifications, sadly.

-- "Nightmare mods" category renamed into "Dual Stat mods" because now it contains all dual stat mods, just in case. Said mods are now sorted not by name, but by type and then by name.

-- Added "Nightmare mission" filter.

-- Added "Notify about unknown rewards" filter.

-- Rewritten event filtering function 3 times. God this is pain. It has 3 nested functions now.

- Now you can save all events data to a text file by right-clicking on events list and selecting "Save debug file".

- Translation:

-- Now you can translate all rewards, mission names, planet names - anything to your language! To do this you need to: change GameLangStringFile from GameStringsEnglish.txt to GameStrings<your language>.txt. Go to Warframe Alerts Informer\Data\GameLangStrings\ and copy GameStringsEnglish.txt. Rename copied version to GameStrings<your language>.txt, open it and translate it.

-- I tried to translate "Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Center, Custom" by myself to all languages except Taiwan, please tell me if I mistranslated something :)

-- French translation update by Aramid.

-- Added German translation by GER]_Slaughtermelon.

-- Added strings which need translation in first post, under "Stings which need translation" section, wrapped in spoiler tag.



I know that filter editing is overcomplicated right now. I will work on it a bit later.

Edited by SonicSonedit
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07.07.2014 14:01:39 Произошла ошибка при попытке получить данные с WORLD INFO ; Error code: 502

07.07.2014 14:02:20 Произошла ошибка при попытке получить данные с WORLD INFO ; Error code: -1

что это?

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