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Warframe Alerts Informer



Warframe Alerts Informer is a standalone tool (application) for Windows XP/7/8. It will scan for alerts and inform you about new alerts which you want to know about. It's very easy to set up - for example, if you only want to be informed about Orokin Catalyst Blueprint and Orokin Reactor Blueprint alerts, just add "orokin" keyword to filter list!


This program:

  • Will inform you about alerts you want to know - flexible filter settings.
  • Easy to use and setup - Unzip & start!
  • Has nice and user-friendly interface, but can also quietly run in tray.
  • Well optimized, this tool will not use more than necessary of your CPU or RAM. Much less than a browser tab with plugins.


Languages supported:

English.png English

Russian.png Русский

Spanish.png Espanol

Taiwan.png Taiwan

30n9mw3.jpg French

German.png German

image.png Portuguese (BR)


Current version 1.6.1:


First of all, a big thanks to NTYD1S for updating filters, nodes and lang strings.

- Fixed a bug with popup windows not going away after you click it
- Now WAI only writes error to log file if same error happened at least 15 minutes ago
- Fixed a bug when settings window will go into background after executing "Open file" dialog on Windows7 and later
- Scrapped windows API sound functions, using custom function to set music volume, now it affects .wav files just fine (affected mp3, ogg and others formats but not wav before)
- Increased volume range
- Fixed popup window not updating it's picture for the first second of notification
- Fixed a lot of bugs related to Test Alert, also you are now prompted about saving the config before launching test alert
- Added new option for when game is already running:
-- Reduce notification time: default 3 seconds, This affects BOTH sound and popup window! If set to 0 then WAI will not notify anything at all while game is running
-- Do not show notification popup window: default off, this basically means "sound only" while game is running.
-- Reduce notification sound volume: default 25%, if enabled, this volume will override any event notification sound volume setting while game is running. Setting volume to 0% makes it "popup window only" while gaming is running.
- Added button to open Warframe alerts twitter "Twitter | (@WarframeAlerts)" to both alert list popup menu and tray popup menu
- Added "Close to tray" option: default off, minimizes app instead of closing it
- Program settings window is now blocked while saving settings to avoid confusion
- Program settings title is now translated
-- Translation:
- Added Portuguese (BR) translation by Kitessencial
- Added 5 new strings which need translation in first post, under "Stings which need translation" section, wrapped in spoiler tag.


Older update notes:

Version 1.1 update notes

Version 1.2 update notes

Version 1.3 update notes

Version 1.3.3 update notes

Version 1.3.4 update notes

Version 1.4 update notes

Version 1.4.1 update notes





Windows 7: thumb.pngthumb.pngthumb.png

Windows XP: thumb.png thumb.png thumb.png




To edit settings click a button with gears on it.

1) Twitter URL - don't edit this.
2) GMT - program should automatically detect your GMT. But still it better check if it detected your GMT correctly (Windows XP users notably). You can check your GMT here. Just select your region under "What's the Time in every country in the World?".
3) You can save keywords to ini file by clicking image.png or load them from ini file by clicking image.png. For example click image.png and load Keywords.ini which should be in program's directory.
4) This is keyword list. When any of these words are present as alert reward, program will inform you about the alert.
5) To add more keywords, click image.png. To delete a keyword, first select it in the list (#4) and then click image.png. To edit a keyword, first select it in the list (#4) and then click image.png.
6) If "Play sound" is checked, program will play "Music123.wav" when alert is detected. If "Flash on taskbar" is checked, program will restore itself from tray and blink on taskbar. if "Show alert info notification" is checked, program will show balloon-popup info about alert (see screenshots above).
7) The notifications above (#6) can be repeated set amount of times or until program's window gets focus.


Language strings in "Lang" folder which need an update:


EditKeyword2 (hint when you hover over "edit filter" button)
ActionType (actions to take when informing about alert/invansion/infestation - in other words notification settings for selected filter)
Restore (Restore application from tray icon to normal mode)
CompactMode (Switch to compact mode)
StandardMode (Switch to full mode)
OpenSoundFile (Title for open sound file dialog)
ErrorConnection (This message is logged in error.log on connection error to any URL, not just twitter now)
ErrorNoLib1 (This message will popup if libeay32.dll is missing)
ErrorNoLib2 (This message will popup if ssleay32.dll is missing)
SelectFilterFirst (This message will popup if you try to activate test alert but didn't select filter from which notification settings will be used)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application




NotificationArea (Small always-on-top notification window settings)
NotificationPosition (position of said window)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application


NotificationArea (Small always-on-top notification window settings)
NotificationPosition (position of said window)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application

Portuguese (BR): 

Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application


Version 1.6.1:
Steam thread


Found a bug?
Have idea for a new feature?
Want to add translation?
Contact me here!

Edited by SonicSonedit
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I've noticed something with running the informer for a while... It doesn't seem to release handles like it should. I was having persistent slowdown problems, I check process explorer to find out what's going on... and Warframe Alerts Informer.exe is using over 14,000 handles with about 40MB of ram usage (normally 10MB RAM with less than 300 handles.)


I do run my PC as a file/print/ventrilo server, so I'm running my PC for days on end, with an average of one restart a month if needed.


Exiting and restarting the informer fixed the issue, but i'll keep an eye on it to see if it likes to eat more handles and RAM for no reason.

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I've noticed something with running the informer for a while... It doesn't seem to release handles like it should. I was having persistent slowdown problems, I check process explorer to find out what's going on... and Warframe Alerts Informer.exe is using over 14,000 handles with about 40MB of ram usage (normally 10MB RAM with less than 300 handles.)


I do run my PC as a file/print/ventrilo server, so I'm running my PC for days on end, with an average of one restart a month if needed.


Exiting and restarting the informer fixed the issue, but i'll keep an eye on it to see if it likes to eat more handles and RAM for no reason.

Thanks you very much for this report. I'll surely take a look at it.

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How about just a nightmare mod filter?

I just use "(Mod)" for that, since it's possible other mods besides nightmare mods might pop up eventually, and they seem set on appending (Mod) to all applicable alerts.

As for why I do it: I have most, but you can still use them for transmog since all Nightmare mods are Rare. More importantly, I want to have all ranks of all mods eventually - allows for the greatest amount of flexibility while moding, especially for non-maxed weapons/frames.

While I'm posting, I'd like to give a BIG thanks to SonicSonedit for this most excellent program. Long are the days past when I had to pin the twitter feed (not to mention mess about with multiple feeds to find the one with the least useless info in it) to my browser and check it every hour or so (which I would forget to do at times, and have lost Catalysts because of it >.< ).

I'd also like to thank Sonic for making the program so customizable. Personally I don't like having obsolete files so I usually delete all extra language files/redistributables/etc whenever I can get away with it. Glad this program won't bug out when I do just that. Plus it has allowed me to change the "RewardOther.bmp" to something a little more... fitting (pic of a greedy Corpus, widely known as Good.jpg; but heavily edited in Paint to suit the size of the original bmp... sorry, can't find a link to it after an hour of searching). Did I mention I'm slightly OCD? :P

I've also had the issue with WarframeAlertsInformer not opening on Startup if told to do so (using Win XP Pro SP3)... but oddly enough, it opens Warframe's Launcher.exe on startup instead. I have no explanation for this.

I've searched a bit and msconfig shows it where it should be - Startup tab... thou... well, I did notice it's in

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run instead of the usual


Made a copy of the String using regedit and moved it manually to HKLM, then deleted the old entry. Restarting now to see if it works.

Edit: Nope.avi . Does the same thing as before - starts Launcher.exe .

It's even stranger since I can't use the "Run Warframe" option - possibly because Warframe's not in the default directory on my PC, though the actual launcher installs itself to "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Warframe\Downloaded\Public\Tools\Launcher.exe" regardless of your actual installation folder, so I'm not sure what to think.

Oh, also, thanks for pointing me towards http://deathsnacks.com/wf/ guys. I'll have to use it a bit to see how well it works, but seems like a good temporary resource until WarframeAlertsInformer can handle multiple feeds (either the associated Invasions feed from @WFInvasionNew, or the one made by DE after they get off their asses).


Edited by DarkVeghetta
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Oh, also, thanks for pointing me towards http://deathsnacks.com/wf/ guys. I'll have to use it a bit to see how well it works, but seems like a good temporary resource until WarframeAlertsInformer can handle multiple feeds (either the associated Invasions feed from @WFInvasionNew, or the one made by DE after they get off their asses).

is there any way possible to add invasions?


and thanks a lot :)

is there one for invasion missions?



Really people? You can infer from the end of my post (which I might add is right above yours) and the posts on the previous pages that no, not atm, but SonicSonedit is working on it and we'll have a version with multiple feeds in the future.

Edited by DarkVeghetta
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I've also had the issue with WarframeAlertsInformer not opening on Startup if told to do so (using Win XP Pro SP3)... but oddly enough, it opens Warframe's Launcher.exe on startup instead. I have no explanation for this.

I've searched a bit and msconfig shows it where it should be - Startup tab... thou... well, I did notice it's in

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run instead of the usual


Made a copy of the String using regedit and moved it manually to HKLM, then deleted the old entry. Restarting now to see if it works.

Edit: Nope.avi . Does the same thing as before - starts Launcher.exe .


Edit 2: After about a dozen restarts and more regedit edits, I have managed to get WarframeAlertsInformer.exe to work on startup.

The short version is that WinXP doesn't know the difference between a Shortcut and a Folder if the shortcut has the same name as the beginning of the folder. In this case the offending party was my 'Warframe' shortcut that was in the same directory as my 'Warframe Alerts Informer' folder.


From what I can tell, startup kept opening the 'Warframe' shortcut instead of going inside the 'Warframe Alerts Informer' folder, hence why Launcher.exe was opening on startup (since that's where the 'Warframe' shortcut was pointing towards). The fix was a simple renaming of the shortcut from "Warframe" to "Warframe.exe". Everything's peachy on the Startup front now.



Note: The shortcut's name and where I keep it is not standard for a Warframe installation, so most won't have this problem. I just happen to be anal about keeping my shortcuts in the same folder as the game they're for, if I don't outright delete them for being redundant.


Unimportant note: I moved back the registry string to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, so the option "Start Warframe Alerts Informer when Windows starts" stays ticked. Neat und tidy as mentioned before. :P



Thanks again for this great program, SonicSonedit!

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This missed the two nightmare mod alerts today for me (no biggie, I had them anyway). I unchecked the "hide timed out alerts" option and they all came up. I guess the daylight savings time screwed with it.

Edited by Kotoso
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Thanks to [DE]Megan for fast reply! It turned out that my thread was locked by accident with old alert threads.


Version 1.5 is available!

First of all, I want to apologize for a slow update. Yes, I wanted to take a break from warframe. Once again - if I will really drop this project, I will officially state so.
Now, about the update. I tried to make a filter list as user-friendly as possible, this took the most of the time - working on its GUI functionality. I also took a break from Warframe for about a month. Finally, twitter changes slowed update once again. And finally, there is an official RSS from DE which shows invansions - so yeah, the time has come.
About fitler list: it's now separated into 3 parts: GUI part which is only used to display/edit data, a filter database where filter data is stored and a notification settings database, which stores notification settings, obviously.
What does this mean? Bad things and good.
- Old filter file is not supported. Don't worry, I have new file prepared just for you with all new mods, helmets and whatnot.
- You will have to re-configure notification settings. With new GUI this will take just a few moments.
- Filter list and notification settings are stored separately now. This means you can easily update filter list by replacing FilterList.ini with a newer version and unlike in previous versions, your notification settings will not be lost!
- Each filter can have different notification settings! For example you can use different sounds from Warframe Alert Sound Pack for different filters!
Than, RSS. The new RSS is awesome (thanks a lot DE!), very easy to parse and I can extract much more info from it (like a faction and more accurate expiration date). This will allow me to create a faction-related options for filters in future for example. For now I will only grab invasions and infestations from there, while still grabbing alerts from twitter, but I plan to change it next version.
Finally, compact mode. Since a lot of people requested it and I tried to publish new update ASAP (and filters took 70% of the time) it will work as it works for now. I personally think it's kinda ok, but the alert list itself looks ugly as hell. Tell me what you think.
The project got rather big and has some complicated structures/code now. This means it became better.

Tell me about any bugs/weird stuff you notice.
Also Looking for a good infestation icon.

FAQ about new version:
Q: Will I have to re-configurate my settings?
A: Only notifications settings, since old filter list file is no longer suported. All other settings will stay.

Q: Will I have to re-config notification settings every time I update my filter list file from you?
A: No, not anymore!

Q: Can add/edit filter list myself?
A: Yes and its super easy now!

Q: Do you plan on working on filter list more?
A: Yes, I plan to add Drag&Drop options and whatever you will suggest!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me here!

Update notes:
- Added compact mode
- Added dynamic title for open sound file dialog in case you forgot what filter you choose sound file for
- Filter list reworked completely
- AlertList class rewritten into WarframeEventList class
- Test alert uses notification settings of currently active filter
- Finally fixed TabOrder everywhere
- Fixed a bug when informer kept informing you about alert that timed out already
- Fixed a bug when your filter list could get wiped if config.ini is missing
- Now you can edit sound file textbox directly, without open sound dialog
- Now if sound file doesn't exist textbox will become red and play button will become unavailabe. Notification sound file name changes will be saved regardless if file exists or not. But you will know instantly if it doesn't exist by red color
- While editing notification settings, if you click "play sound" button and switch to other filter, sound file not stop playing if same sound is used for that filter. But volume will be changed. If different sound file is used, sound file will stop playing
- Changed name of Spanish translation to Espanol from Espacol (request from Inferuz)
- Now error which says that libeay32.dll or ssleay32.dll is actually translated
- "Restore from tray" button is now translated
- If someone can update Spanish and Taiwan translations I would really appreciate it! String needed to update:
-- AlertsURL (adress for twitter alert)
-- InvansionsURL (adress for RSS)
-- EditKeyword2 (hint when you hover over "edit filter" button)
-- ActionType (actions to take when informing about alert/invansion/infestation - in other words notification settings for selected filter)
-- Restore (Restore application from tray icon to normal mode)
-- CompactMode (Switch to compact mode)
-- StandardMode (Switch to full mode)
-- OpenSoundFile (Title for open sound file dialog)
-- ErrorConnection (This message is logged in error.log on connection error to any URL, not just twitter now)
-- ErrorNoLib1 (This message will popup if libeay32.dll is missing)
-- ErrorNoLib2 (This message will popup if ssleay32.dll is missing)
-- SelectFilterFirst (This message will popup if you try to activate test alert but didn't select filter from which notification settings will be used)


Full archive (10.2 mb) http://www.mediafire.com/download/2uodemjvsjoztps

There are a lot ninja changes I omitted because they were minor or I forgot what exactly did I do and can't remember lol.

Edited by SonicSonedit
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Great to see ya back. Loving the new update. I'm not seeing any real problems.



Thank you for the update!

There is one small problem. When i open settings dialog and try to close it, program freezes, i have to kill it in task manager. settings are saved after program restart.


It does hang up for a bit. As for me, it takes around 10-20 seconds, but yeah it's definitely slow.


Anyway, currently, you're unable to edit whole "main keyword" categories to play a specific sound. Like, for instance, in the Main category, I'd like to play a song that'll wake me up if I'm sleeping. What would be nice, is to be able to just click on "Main" and edit the notification information right there so it edits all the items within the Main category.


It's not a big deal at all of course. Just a small bit of extra convenience. Either way, I'm absolutely loving this. Great job buddy.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Anyway, currently, you're unable to edit whole "main keyword" categories to play a specific sound. Like, for instance, in the Main category, I'd like to play a song that'll wake me up if I'm sleeping. What would be nice, is to be able to just click on "Main" and edit the notification information right there so it edits all the items within the Main category.


It's not a big deal at all of course. Just a small bit of extra convenience. Either way, I'm absolutely loving this. Great job buddy.


I have notifications for LOTS of filters enabled but I want all of them to play the same notification sound and changing each individual filter is so time consuming....

Some sort of universal setting, or a way to modify all keywords in a category to play a particular sound, would be great.


(That, and having to set "5 second playback" for each filter is annoying)

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I will add some way to edit multiple filters at once. Not sure about multi-select since TreeView is forked in the head component, but I will add an option to edit all filters when category is selected in next version. I will also optimize save/load. Right now it does a full save/load process, which gives 100% result which you instantly see, but I guess since program got this big, it's not an option anymore.


Thank you for the update!

There is one small problem. When i open settings dialog and try to close it, program freezes, i have to kill it in task manager. settings are saved after program restart.

Can you give me all your settings and tell me folder you run informer from? And what exactly do you do?

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I unpacked folder from zip to my desktop and let it run. the path is like this:  E:\Users\[uSER]\Desktop\Warframe Alerts Informer

Now I've found that main window doesn't want to close, it just hangs, i have to use task manager again.

all config files are here, hope it helps



unless i need to close program or change setting, it runs like it should, so it is still awesome. thanks!

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One of my clanmates reported that bug "item index out of bounds (-1)" have returned. Can anyone confirm it? To reproduce it enable "hide credit-only rewards" and turn on alert notifcation for credits. Can you also check same problem for invansions & infestations if you have time?


Thanks, I will check it!

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