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An Idea To Introduce Pvp


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Let me state some things here before you all start reading what I suggest. This game NEEDs pvp, not right this second true, but it WILL need pvp. I don't care what you say, and what you try to point out. This game's 4 vs AI WILL GET OLD! Unless DE can pull out random "FUN" ideas and not just... drop off the face of the earth, this game will reach a cycle of new players coming in and enjoying the game and old players wanting to leave and get out because they are sick of doing the same old thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Be as it may, this is BETA, which is fine, and everything is just great where it doesn't even need PvP at this moment. However, You can NOT have a game where you just sit and kill robots without any "real" drive for competition between other players.



With that being said Let me begin throwing some ideas. I'm mostly going to throw events that wont effect the "general" game".



1. Clans vs Clans.


With this being made, clans can fight each other to see who is the "better clan" with this, 4 vs 4 group in a arena, maybe some spectators too incase whomever wants to watch, can fight each other with maybe a 5 round game, whoever wins the most rounds wins and gets a rank on high scores. Terrority wars can be also implamented to where clans can challenge multiple clans, and whoever wins majority of the clan vs clan fights, gets territory over a planet which can have a 1 month grace period in which the clan can not be challanged by another clan, and will get bonus materials for making dojo stuff, or maybe a discount because of territory owned. After a month, the clan can be challenged by other clans once again. If a planet doesn't have ANY challengers except ONE clan, The clan will have to fight EXTREMLY hard AI with boss(es) to win over the planet. (high winning clans can also be broadcasted around the world to show the dominance in clans, however thats optional, though I think that would help gain more publicity for other clans!)


2. Open-World PVP Planet


Open world can just be an ALL out Free-For-All PvP planet to where people can load in with NO allies, and fight everyone they see, there will be no gain, but people can pvp whenever they feel like, getting kills will give them more energy and ammo clips, maybe add a kill streak, though it is not needed. In the end, after they leave, they can leave a kill count on a high score for that open PVP planet, showing how many times they died and killed other players to the world as well as other ranks, and where they stand on that rank. However they wouldn't gain anything outside of that world. *this is also good for people who like to explore ALL of the world without having to be on a forced map with barricades. (of course you could make invisible walls around a certain area so players can go wherever they want on the planet, but not so far to where no one would see them EVER. Spawning would be random so no spawn killing can be made)


3. Arena based PvP


once again free for all but could have other options like 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 - 2 v 2 - 4 v 4. Every win will give you points, eveyr loss will get you 75% off of the winning points so even if you loose you still win, and after a certain time, you can spend the points for blue prints, maybe such as Warframes only unlocked from Arena pvp that can be used anywhere in game. HOWEVER! No Warframe should be based upon pvp! only unlocked via pvp. Thus not making any "real" pvp ing warframe.




Now let me hopefully try to answer some questions here, or at least try to make my own points.






True, this game was made to be co-op, but I'm willing to bet you any money that down the line, you will get bored of doing the same thing over and over agian just by fighting AI bots. Whats the point of killing something that's not there once you have everything you want already? Also, I have friends who wont even touch this game if there wasn't pvp in it. As for changing the game, not possible. There will be people who hate pvp, and people who love pvp, and people who love both. You can ALWAYS skip over and do your regular gameplay and not even have to look at pvp, unless DE throws in Warframes or weapons only obtainable via PvP matches.





How do you figure? DE can make it so certain skill will not work on players, just AI. Also, I'm pretty sure if anything, DE can make PVP based skills load once your into the game, which can make it VERY easy to control the balance within PVP. The only balance you would have over other players, is the weapon you level up in-game.





Even if  DE doesn't want pvp, Like i said earlier you will get sick fo doing the same thing over and over again. I know it's WAY to early to say this now but. DE will run out of ideas what to do with their bots. At one point, this game will NEED pvp in order to survive. As much as I see it, You have no choice. People may not want pvp now, and I agree, but at one point you will HAVE to implament it. Regardless. I see no future in this game without it. Take it in this prospetive, I rather have DE take their time and make some KICK A** pvp option that is unique and everyone can enjoy, instead of no pvp, or even half - a**ed pvp such as like... the dojo duel arena, *which is are only option of pvp at this moment*.

Edited by Foxnstuff
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I don't care what you say, and what you try to point out.


This statement renders the rest of your post - and indeed, any further discussion - pointless. Congratulations.


For the record, I decide what I like and what I get tired of, not you.

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Eh. I am not going to get bored anytime soon. Not that I am a flamer or anything, you should come up with better facts to support your hypothesis other than "It gets boring". Also, we are not going to be doing the same thing. The game is in beta and it will be changing a lot still. DE will probably never run out of ideas because the player-base is a large portion of their ideas.


These are very good ideas though, unique.

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This statement renders the rest of your post - and indeed, any further discussion - pointless. Congratulations.


For the record, I decide what I like and what I get tired of, not you.


Ment as far as proving it does not pvp at all. However I'm willing to listen to as why pvp shouldn't be implamented as to right now and why it should be prolonged.


Also, good for you!

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I do think I will get bored of this game PvE but I will get bored of PvP too and most likely pvp in this game would be a nightmare... whatever you say will not convince me that pvp in this game will not be a nightmare.


so no if you get bored of PvE go to another game and when you get bored of PvP come back and play PvE again simple

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Eh. I am not going to get bored anytime soon. Not that I am a flamer or anything, you should come up with better facts to support your hypothesis other than "It gets boring". Also, we are not going to be doing the same thing. The game is in beta and it will be changing a lot still. DE will probably never run out of ideas because the player-base is a large portion of their ideas.


These are very good ideas though, unique.


I'm not bored either, I LOVE the game as it is right now, I'm saying in the future, It WILL need pvp. however, as of right now. It doesn't need it at all. Though it would be nice ^-^. And to say never. I mean, theres only so much you can do with AI, unless they start implamenting... welp. I would say player based options but wouldn't that be the same as saying pvp? However, at this point, ideas are new, and I like it, and it doesn't need it now, but eventually I'm pretty sure DE would struggle onto what to do "next", However thats FAR down the line.

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I do think I will get bored of this game PvE but I will get bored of PvP too and most likely pvp in this game would be a nightmare... whatever you say will not convince me that pvp in this game will not be a nightmare.


so no if you get bored of PvE go to another game and when you get bored of PvP come back and play PvE again simple


Why have just one or the other when you can have both in the same game? Especially if we make pvp type options that dont effect the general game itself? Wouldn't that make things better so you can still get your rush for pvping, but also play the game normally without having to worry about some person out ranking you just from pvp?

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No offence that just nulled your whole statement.

I dont see how so? He is entitled to what he thinks and what he agrees and disagrees with and how he plays the game and what he finds interesting and what not. Though I don't agree with his attitude or the lack of well... Replying with a valid reply as to why/how pvp should be added or not added at all.


That would make me respect more of his statement, instead of well.. basically replying to my post to say that I don't care what people think and that I DO WHAT I WANT!!!!


So whats the point really in caring for his post.

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Why have just one or the other when you can have both in the same game? 

you missed the point I think PvP will be a nightmare in this game, it will have 10 billion balancing issues and it will limit you to certain frames too. It is doable but still I don't think warframe HAS to do it. 

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lock this pointless thread there is hundreds of pvp games go play them if you want pvp you got dojo duels what else you want planet arena clan pvp yeah right good one


With that advice, everyone who likes pvp should go play another game so DE should loose money and players because theres no pvp and everyone should play a better game with pvp?




how about this, DE looking into pvp and see what players want and try to give the best of both world and maybe add somehting people can feel "okay with" so they can have fun doing multiple thing and not have to leave warframe to play another game that will suite there every needs?

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I dont see how so? He is entitled to what he thinks and what he agrees and disagrees with and how he plays the game and what he finds interesting and what not. Though I don't agree with his attitude or the lack of well... Replying with a valid reply as to why/how pvp should be added or not added at all.


That would make me respect more of his statement, instead of well.. basically replying to my post to say that I don't care what people think and that I DO WHAT I WANT!!!!


So whats the point really in caring for his post.

Yes, but you see, you are implying that everyone has the same opinion as you for boring. They don't.

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Yes, but you see, you are implying that everyone has the same opinion as you for boring. They don't.


Which is why they can post here explaining as to why and maybe I can come up with something I think to either agree or disagree with them?

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-1, we don't need PvP, we need bug fixes, we need PvE polished, we need new mission types, we need market prices rebalanced, we need new dojo rooms, we need RNG tweaks (60+ runs for one piece of frame might be a little much), we need all sorts of things. PvP isn't one of them.


And after that is all done and finished and nothing else needs to be re-added anymore.


what then?



just saying NO to pvp all together seems pointless to me.




As i said, this IS beta, WE DO NOT need pvp at this moment. I agree with you, However when all the bugs and glitches and such is all fixed out and this game is no longer in the beta stage. What will there be to do then? To early to say what but I'm sure blocking off ALL pvp is not a good turn.

Edited by Foxnstuff
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With that advice, everyone who likes pvp should go play another game so DE should loose money and players because theres no pvp and everyone should play a better game with pvp?




how about this, DE looking into pvp and see what players want and try to give the best of both world and maybe add somehting people can feel "okay with" so they can have fun doing multiple thing and not have to leave warframe to play another game that will suite there every needs?

i dont really think we all came here for pvp and you might forget about the imbalance it would bring and pointless work for DE you wont get any pvp so i suggest you leave now and stop waisting your time trying to prove something

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And after that is all done and finished and nothing else needs to be re-added anymore.


what then?

I'm talking about now and the foreseeable future. Nowhere did I say "we will never need PvP ever, especially not in the future."

Right now discussing PvP is pointless, they have so much to do we'd come back in a year probably and still see PvE being tweaked and fixed.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Im not bored either but I like the idea of fighting with people with some rules and restrictions to dont make it either unfair or pay to win,wich the game already is being tagged as one with the pve competitive aspects,not saying I do,i have over 200 hours of gameplay on this and still going but alot of my friends say this is just some game that needs money and the community bash to the ones who want a little more challenge to something that is not an AI,like cmon we all know Corpus cant even miss shots at this theyr bullets are kind of homming to an angle and such, I think the community needs to learn to accept that the game will have Pvp at some point, I know its realease on PS4 will make that even more pushing since alot of that community don´t like to be fighting AI since they been doing it all the time,I got bashed upon anyone who has a closed mind upon this matter,DE will run out of money at some point for updates and people needs to stop bashing on the ones who like other gamestyle instead of what I have seen sometimes "you dont like it,get out", for that kind of mind, you get out of here there is no need of closed minded selfish gammers here without seeing the fact this can even have 2 types of gameplay,making 2 modes as GW does for the ones who want to fight let them fight,the ones who want to pve let them,separate the game into two sections would be good so the community doesn´t fight over this, it just need more open minded people and less bashing.

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i dont really think we all came here for pvp and you might forget about the imbalance it would bring and pointless work for DE you wont get any pvp so i suggest you leave now and stop waisting your time trying to prove something


I'm positive for EVERY SINGLE game that has been made, "Many" people have not came for the pvp. However there is plenty of other people who will stand by pvp as well. However like I stated, Im sure DE could add PVP skils for Warframes that can be activated upon PVP arrival, thus making it easier for DE to control with their own ideas and what to do with them. The only balance you'd have as stated, would be your weapons you bring in.

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I'm talking about now and the foreseeable future. Nowhere did I say "we will never need PvP ever, especially not in the future."

Right now discussing PvP is pointless, they have so much to do we'd come back in a year probably and still see PvE being tweaked and fixed.


I agree 100%. I'm talking about future though. I TOTALLY agree as to now PVP is not needed.

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