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An Idea To Introduce Pvp


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They already have said repeatedly, the game would suck horribly in pvp, the dueling room was the most they're going to begrudge us, as there's no practical way to balance all of the skills and weapons for it. They've said this repeatedly and with a great deal of conviction.


There are pvp games out there, and they don't NEED to cater to all people on earth, just people that want to play the type of game they're making. We don't need pvp, most of us don't want pvp, and there's no realistic way to make pvp function in a game where you can insta-kill everyone in a 75 foot radius.


We're happy with the ever-expanding map types and new puzzles to solve and new enemy types to deal with, and as they're far from done with things(there's new races and mapsets and physics rules they're coding AS YOU READ THIS!), it will be a long time before you've actually tried everything enough to "get bored" with it.


Unless, of course, the reason you want pvp is for the ability to try and feel superior to others(your little spiel about "THE NEED FOR COMPETITION"). In which case, this is probably boring you already, and you're likely upset that you aren't winning the current competition(Fomorian weekend event).


I can't really see this making any sense otherwise. Is that your problem? You're losing the weekend event? Wish you could shoot at the winners directly to feel better? Sorry 'bout your luck.

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The balance work being done on dueling will by and large be very applicable to any team based pvp so much of the ground work is already in the process of being done :|

So? how much time will be taken away, ALL of which could be used for bug fixes. Then again, I can't think of any nasty bugs, can you? Nope, nothing to do host migration making the game "forget" any of the mods/mats/exp you earned, or (gimme a sec to pop on over to the bug forums...) Oh right! and Kril being invincible, or mag's crush + m prime crashing games, or disconnecting during a loading screen after the mission finishes and the game (more or less) crashes, or "skill in use/can't be used in air", or Melee locking up, or heavy grineer ALWAYS knocking you down, not if you're in range, simply if they start the skill, you get knocked down. Need I go on?


It's as if there are actually people that want PvP or something, contrary to what anti pvp kids would like most to believe :|

Right, people want it, therefore it's a good idea, even though more people DON'T want it. Honestly, think it out. PvP is implemented, what has to happen? Balance. How much? ALL OF IT, EVERYTHING MUST BE BALANCED. How long will this take? I dunno, a loooooooooooooong time is a good guess for ~80 weapons and 14 frames (all of which serve different roles)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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No, I didnt bother to read every bit of this thread.

Just my personal quik 2 cents.....


First you want the PVP  to have its own maps, gameplay mechanic, leaderboards ect.  I am 100% behind this!




Maybe You should have to buy PVP keys, just like void keys?  and it is all PVP No xp,  No credits, no Loot and make them maybe 1 plat each.

Someone has to pay for all the new code ect....so if you want pvp you should pay for it.  And this way those that dont want it dont have to support it.

{And if you are thinking, well, there are parts of this game you dont like why should you support those!?  Answer=Because you want to use what you get from the rest of the game to play PVP}


    I Dont PVP, dont care to, never have , probably never will.  Also I dont care if you do!


The HUGE problem arises when 1 Frame can easily beat all the other frames in PVP....Then the PVP people want everything balanced for PVP.

And if this ever happens then the game is.......

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Let me state some things here before you all start reading what I suggest. This game NEEDs pvp, not right this second true, but it WILL need pvp. I don't care what you say, and what you try to point out. 


Nope. This isn't the game for you then.

It's a PvE game, get used to it.

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They already have said repeatedly, the game would suck horribly in pvp, the dueling room was the most they're going to begrudge us, as there's no practical way to balance all of the skills and weapons for it. They've said this repeatedly and with a great deal of conviction.

You clearly didn't pay much attention during the last live stream.  They have said plenty of times that they expanding pvp is a possibility.  The devs themselves have never said that it would be impossible to balance.



They want PvP until it they get it. Frames will start getting nerfed left and right, and the F2P cash shop will suddenly look like a pay2win grab bag.

See, this is why most people who want PvP get tired of these threads.  It's like trying to reason with a mentally challenged brick wall.  As with dueling, it would be an entirely separate balance; PvE would remain uneffected in terms of balance.



So? how much time will be taken away, ALL of which could be used for bug fixes. Then again, I can't think of any nasty bugs, can you?


Right, people want it, therefore it's a good idea, even though more people DON'T want it. Honestly, think it out. PvP is implemented, what has to happen? Balance. How much? ALL OF IT, EVERYTHING MUST BE BALANCED. How long will this take? I dunno, a loooooooooooooong time is a good guess for ~80 weapons and 14 frames (all of which serve different roles)



Because because all the game designers are also working on bug fixes.  Oh wait.  That's not how it works at all.  How many times must this be repeated to you people?


Most PvP balance is already being worked on for dueling.  But I guess saying that a million times over isn't enough for you people.  That is the reason why many people that are interested in PvP don't bother taking part in these discussion.  That and many people that would otherwise be interested in this game haven't even bothered because of the lack of PvP.

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Because because all the game designers are also working on bug fixes.  Oh wait.  That's not how it works at all.  How many times must this be repeated to you people?


Most PvP balance is already being worked on for dueling.  But I guess saying that a million times over isn't enough for you people.  That is the reason why many people that are interested in PvP don't bother taking part in these discussion.  That and many people that would otherwise be interested in this game haven't even bothered because of the lack of PvP.

No, not all game devs work on bug fixes, but who gets pulled off of what then to code some stupid pvp? New PvE content coders? The people who make the MEAT of the game? Or the people who fix stuff, and leave a skeleton crew of one of the two? Probably the bug keys get moved.


"most pvp balance..." Proof? I love claims without proof because I get to ignore them! (along with the other statements of people not playing because no pvp, or people who like pvp not taking part because they're scared of being flamed. If you can't handle your ideas being flamed, get thicker skin. Everything on forums will be flamed by SOMEONE.)


edit: PvP should come some day. Not today, not this week, not this month, or the next 5. There are S#&$ tons of bugs that need to be fixed, endgame bosses/raid esq things to be added, etc. Not expand a tacked on mode. As DE has said, PvP isn't a priority (in like almost every livestream that touches on it...)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Most PvP balance is already being worked on for dueling.  But I guess saying that a million times over isn't enough for you people.  That is the reason why many people that are interested in PvP don't bother taking part in these discussion.  That and many people that would otherwise be interested in this game haven't even bothered because of the lack of PvP.

Which is why I have yet to see almost anything altered in PvP.
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Which is why I have yet to see almost anything altered in PvP.

Devs have talked about nerfs to weapons in dueling and different fuctionality for weapons and abilities.  Just because it hasn't been implemented doesn't mean it isn't being worked on.

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Lmao why do you morons want huge team pvp this game can barely handle 4 people in one game.

If anything, hosting a 4v4 would probably be easier for most people compared to hosting a mission of 4 players and hundreds of npcs :|

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Devs have talked about nerfs to weapons in dueling and different fuctionality for weapons and abilities.  Just because it hasn't been implemented doesn't mean it isn't being worked on.

It shouldn't be worked on YET. If DE is dedicating time to this garbage, I don't even know anymore... There are TONS of better ways to spend their time. Like bug fixing. Or testing content for obvious bugs...

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It shouldn't be worked on YET. If DE is dedicating time to this garbage, I don't even know anymore... There are TONS of better ways to spend their time. Like bug fixing. Or testing content for obvious bugs...

Jesus christ how many times does it have to be said that it's not the same exact people working on bug fixing and game balance/design? 


People say the same exact thing about the constant introduction of new content even when the devs have gone out of their way to say multiple times that IT'S DIFFERENT PEOPLE working on bug fixes.  How many times does it need to be said before it finally penetrates your skulls? 


I mean holy S#&$, you've prolly even played other games where the devs have told you the same exact thing, I know I have.  How the hell do people not understand something so basic?

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Jesus christ how many times does it have to be said that it's not the same exact people working on bug fixing and game balance/design?  People say the same exact thing about the constant introduction of new content even when the devs have gone out of their way to say multiple times that IT'S DIFFERENT PEOPLE working on bug fixes.  How many times does it need to be said before it finally penetrates your skulls?

People can't just be summoned from thin air.

If a new team gets hired, that's less money that DE has, which means more cash-grabbing.

If a team gets pulled from the other teams, that means all those teams have less manpower.

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           Personally, if you don't care what I say then I don't care what you say.... I'll take no part in PvP, don't care if it's beta or not and even if this game becomes years old and obsolete. I hate PvP and always have in any game I've ever played, it's also true that anytime PvP hits a game that becomes the focal point as more people want more content, balance changes, constant whining about this and that being nerfed, then it's all about a PvP based game and then no more PvE content is added. Begone with PvP if you don't like it then move on, I think the Devs are making a right choice in NOT implementing it, way to go Devs! Those of you who want PvP then play the many PvP based games out there, if your bored. I'm still having a blast and have penty to do, and can say for sure I won't get bored.

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People can't just be summoned from thin air.

If a new team gets hired, that's less money that DE has, which means more cash-grabbing.

If a team gets pulled from the other teams, that means all those teams have less manpower.

Except they have teams dedicated towards bug fixing.  Any dev studio worth its salt has a dedicated QA team and for the most part, don't have engineers working on game balance.  They've even mentioned that they're constantly pulling people into warframe after other projects have been finished since it's quickly become DE's main title. 


What you're talking about might be an issue for a tiny indie dev studio, but DE is a mid sized dev studio, they may not be some monster EA/Activision studio, but they've got more man power and proper division of labor than you people think and frankly, it's kind of an insult to their competence that you think that they can't handle having a couple game designers work on dueling balance in addition to what they're already doing.

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Jesus christ how many times does it have to be said that it's not the same exact people working on bug fixing and game balance/design?


Ok, I understand this, you don't understand the same people could be doing stuff for PvE. Please, understand that already. Stop being dense.


People say the same exact thing about the constant introduction of new content even when the devs have gone out of their way to say multiple times that IT'S DIFFERENT PEOPLE working on bug fixes.  How many times does it need to be said before it finally penetrates your skulls?

See above.


I mean holy S#&$, you've prolly even played other games where the devs have told you the same exact thing, I know I have.  How the hell do people not understand something so basic?

See above.



People can't just be summoned from thin air.

If a new team gets hired, that's less money that DE has, which means more cash-grabbing.

If a team gets pulled from the other teams, that means all those teams have less manpower.

Also read this again. Please. Fewer people on bug fixing/design mean fewer people polishing up PvE, no matter how you try and spin it, please just stop trying. They need all the people they have fixing bugs, lets be honest. And more new content is always good.

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Also read this again. Please. Fewer people on bug fixing/design mean fewer people polishing up PvE, no matter how you try and spin it, please just stop trying. They need all the people they have fixing bugs, lets be honest. And more new content is always good.

Which would only be a problem if they had a small handful of people working on balance and weren't pulling new people into the team regularly.  And to top it off, they already have stated they have a small team working on dueling.  The sky has not yet started to fall because that yet.




This thread again. They are just becoming flamewars. No pvp, for now. No one in their right mind will talk about PvP with this kind of power setup on frames.

If you've read this kind of thread before, why do you still show a basic misunderstanding of the issue?  PvP and PvE have separate balance.  The power system actually would make for an excellent PvP game.  Think a moba/third person shooter where gunplay is a bit more important.  Since they've already got NPC mobs done for PvE, they've even got a decent amount of the work done on the ground work for a tower defense style pvp game.

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