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Weapon Battles 2 Shotgun Wars



Hi guys 

first off all i would like to thank you for your controbution to the first one i was quite amazed at the debates that broke out and your feedback when me and my freind checked the forums we where amazed with the feedback and my freind now wants to give it a try


He is a frost who is modded for dmg and is the tank of our group he is looking for a shotgun and what better way to find out witch one he wants then by confronting the community. realod times dont bother him as the resident nyx and banshee take care of things


thanks for contrubuting and once again you will be informed about the results 



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19 answers to this question

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I'm against all of ya >:D

Well kind of. I personally prefer the Sobek over the Hek. Sure Sobek is really bad at ammo managing but well; who woulding want 30-32 x7 pellets flying at the same accuracy as Hek with a tad less punch.

Mathematics warning!!!

Hek: 7 pellets/shot, 140 base damage(20/pellet), ~6 shots/mag

6 x 560 = 3360

Sobek: 4 pellets/shot, 100 base damage(25/pellet), ~32 shots/mag

32 x 700 = 22400

I'm probably wrong on thinking how this would effectively work but still. Sobek just feels like it'd be doing more dps than Hek overall. True that Sobek has a longer reload than Hek, but after 32 shots who'd be alive anyway unless it's a boss your fighting; even then yer most likely doing it with a party and so wouldn't end up using all 32 shots in most cases :D.

Keep in mind I'm looking at both with having max Magazine Cap mods on them.

If you MUST have a Hek; then use Bronco Prime as a sidearm and you'll achieve roughly the same thing anyway :P

Fixed the math on this cuz i totally fudged up the pellet counts on each gun.

Edited by Ddublu
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I'm against all of ya >:D

Well kind of. I personally prefer the Sobek over the Hek. Sure Sobek is really bad at ammo managing but well; who woulding want 30-32 x7 pellets flying at the same accuracy as Hek with a tad less punch.

Mathematics warning!!!

Hek: 4 pellets/shot, 140 base damage, ~6 shots/mag

4 x 140 = 560

6 x560 = 3360

Sobek: 7 pellets/shot, 100 base damage, ~32 shots/mag

7 x 100 = 700

32 x 700 = 22400

I'm probably wrong on thinking how this would effectively work but still. Sobek just feels like it'd be doing more dps than Hek overall. True that Sobek has a longer reload than Hek, but after 32 shots who'd be alive anyway unless it's a boss your fighting; even then yer most likely doing it with a party and so wouldn't end up using all 32 shots in most cases :D.

Keep in mind I'm looking at both with having max Magazine Cap mods on them.

If you MUST have a Hek; then use Bronco Prime as a sidearm and you'll achieve roughly the same thing anyway :P

That's totally wrong...


Hek has 7 pellets/shot, Sobek has 4 pellets/shot. 

Hek deals 140dmg/shot (7*20), Sobek deals 100dmg/shot (4*25)

But you have to remember that you have mods which are % based so the same mod will give you more damage on Hek than on Sobek.

For example Hell's chamber increases the amount of pellets shot, so if I'm not mistaken here, 120% Hell's Chamber should give you: 15.4 pellets/shot on Hek and 8.8 pellets/shot on Sobek (*20 for dmg/pellet and you'll get the base damage for each shotgun per shot). This increases your base damage which affects elemental mods so Hek would benefit even more from elemental/AP mods. 

Hek also has smaller spread and longer range.


Yes, Sobek might deal more damage per magazine than Hek, but Hek will deal far greater damage per shot. (again, mods need to factored in) Sobek has bigger magazine and faster fire rate (but slower reload) so you have to count all of it in. So if your aim is good and you like to one shot stuff, get Hek. Otherwise go with Sobek.


Also, yes, Bronco Prime is pretty much pocket Hek, but it has much bigger spread compared to the Hek, with the advantage of full damage on all distances.

Edited by Balerion84
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That's totally wrong...


Hek has 7 pellets/shot, Sobek has 4 pellets/shot. 

Hek deals 140dmg/shot (7*20), Sobek deals 100dmg/shot (4*25)

But you have to remember that you have the mods which are % based so the same mod will give you more damage on Hek than on Sobek.

For example Hell's chamber increases the amount of pellets shot, so if I'm not mistaken here, 120% Hell's Chamber should give you: 15.4 pellets/shot on Hek and 8.8 pellets/shot on Sobek (*20 for dmg/pellet)

Hek also has smaller spread and longer range.


Yes, Sobek will deal more damage per magazine, but Hek will deal far greater damage per shot (both unmodded, someone would have to do the math with fully modded hek and sobek). Sobek has bigger magazine and faster fire rate (but slower reload) so you have to count all of it in. So if your aim is good and you like to one shot stuff, get Hek. Otherwise go with Sobek.


Also, yes, Bronco Prime is pretty much pocket Hek, but it has much bigger spread compared to the Hek, with the advantage of full damage on all distances.

oh yeh... totally reversed pellets, my bad xP

I did the math earlier when I was debating between the two with some friends; but was trying to remember it from then and forgot the majority of it >.<

Here's the modded math... i hope i dont F*** this up too:

Hek: 140 base; ~6 clip; ~266 damage w/ Point Blank?

full clip damage: ~1596?

Sobek: 100 base; ~32 clip; ~190 damage w/ Point Blank

full clip damage: ~6080?

Now for Hell's Chamber (oh boy...)

Basing it off your pellet number for each gun with the mod.

Hek: ~300 base (15pellets/shot); ~6 clip; ~570dmg/shot w/ Point Blank?

full clip: ~3420

Sobek: ~200 base (8pellets/shot); ~32 clip; ~380dmg/shot w/ Point Blank?

full clip: ~12160?

I probably am trying to add in the Point blank bonus wrong on the second part; although it feels right in a way since 100% would give basically double the damage of what one shot would do.

It still sounds like overall Sobek will do more damage than Hek in the long run. Sure if you shot the same number of shots Hek would do more then; but since Hek would have to reload for a couple seconds; it'd take long for it to reach the same shots as one Sobek clip with mods.

As for accuracy; well.. they both have the same range; not sure if the fall-off is the same though; but you wouldn't be sniping with a shotgun anyway; thats been dead since fall-off was put in.

But yeh it would take 12sec+ for Hek to dish out the same number of shots as Sobek; ~9sec if modded for reload speed.

Edited by Ddublu
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AND THE WINNER IS.... no one... till furthuer testing is done we can se that the majority of you want ethier hek or sobek and those 2 will be tested along with the boar. Why boar you ask? Because we think of it like a standard. to win they  have to  beat boar and beat the other competitor in dmg, reload speed and rate of fire than they go in and obviosly the one that wins the most is the winner 


if anyone already knows the answer plz let me know

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Everyone is a winner depending on your playstyle


Hek - I must kill everything in ONE shot. 

Boar- Why must do it in one shot when the 2nd shot is 0.2sec away? In the meantime, spray spray spray.

Sobek - Baam baam baam, I will reload after everything is dead.

Strun - I'm the best gun for you to get insights of other shotguns

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oh yeh... totally reversed pellets, my bad xP

I did the math earlier when I was debating between the two with some friends; but was trying to remember it from then and forgot the majority of it >.<

Here's the modded math... i hope i dont F*** this up too:

Hek: 140 base; ~6 clip; ~266 damage w/ Point Blank?

full clip damage: ~1596?

Sobek: 100 base; ~32 clip; ~190 damage w/ Point Blank

full clip damage: ~6080?

Now for Hell's Chamber (oh boy...)

Basing it off your pellet number for each gun with the mod.

Hek: ~300 base (15pellets/shot); ~6 clip; ~570dmg/shot w/ Point Blank?

full clip: ~3420

Sobek: ~200 base (8pellets/shot); ~32 clip; ~380dmg/shot w/ Point Blank?

full clip: ~12160?

I probably am trying to add in the Point blank bonus wrong on the second part; although it feels right in a way since 100% would give basically double the damage of what one shot would do.

It still sounds like overall Sobek will do more damage than Hek in the long run. Sure if you shot the same number of shots Hek would do more then; but since Hek would have to reload for a couple seconds; it'd take long for it to reach the same shots as one Sobek clip with mods.

As for accuracy; well.. they both have the same range; not sure if the fall-off is the same though; but you wouldn't be sniping with a shotgun anyway; thats been dead since fall-off was put in.

But yeh it would take 12sec+ for Hek to dish out the same number of shots as Sobek; ~9sec if modded for reload speed.


Don't forget other mods. Each other damage mod on top will give more damage to the Hek than to the Sobek. 90% Fire damage mod is calculated off the base damage after all the base damage mods are added in. So you have Point Blank (90%), Blaze (60%) and Bane mods (30%) and on top of that you get +90% fire damage calculated from this. 


The thing that matters to me personally is that I blow stuff up faster with the Hek than with the Sobek and I don't really have to watch the ammo. So yes, Sobek is more forgiving thanks to its bigger magazine and it's a good alternative to the Hek. 



It'd be great if you stopped using damage per magazine for comparison as that can be very misleading. If you really want to compare Hek and Sobek, you need to calculate damage per second that'd be much more accurate.


Bottom line is, if you want to just quickly blow stuff up with one shot you get Hek. And you get Sobek if you want to just shoot around and not having to worry that some shots missed their target,



(And if you just want to have fun for 10 seconds and tear stuff up, you get the Boar... but after the first room you have to switch to your secondary ;) )

Edited by Balerion84
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Btw Hek with maxed reload mod recharges in less than half the Sobek's time (like 1.3-1.4 seconds, it's amazing.)


In certain situations Sobek is "enough"... when lvl raise Hek comes in to play with its 40%+ more base dmg per shot, but before lvl 40-50 Hek is simply overkill it dishes out so much dmg that is more efficent going around with a less damage weapon (Sobek) that can fire for more consecutive seconds.

Edited by Phoenix86
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