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This Event Sucked


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So this event was a large step foward for DE in many fashions. The event rewarded teamwork, it didn't require grinding only a single mission, and they tiered some of the rewards. However DE still made a number of mistakes that, if repeated, can guarantee that I won't participate in any more events.


1. Reward Tiers: 250 points was too easy to get. The highest reward tier should be HARD to get and people should have to push for it. Reward tiers should have a larger scale and the highest tier should be something people can't complete in one sitting. The idea behind tiers is to replace the unhealthy marathon grinding that your events currently promote. Perhaps it will take a death for DE to realize that these top 100 events are not good for their player base. You burnout your hardcore players and do not satisfy your casual players, a lose-lose situation.


2. Warning: Previously DE said they would give us more warning for theses events and yet this time we had less warning than previously. Not only did DE not allow people to prepare for this event but the event has ended 15 hours early. So people who were told they would have Monday morning to finish the event are now totally screwed.


3. Cosmetics: You have over 3 million players and yet have decided that only 1 guild in each bracket will get your statue. This is the biggest rub for me because my clan got second place. Hours and hours of grinding and now we have literally nothing to show for it. In the future statues and such should also be tiered so the people in first can get a fancy statue and everyone else will unlock a 'participation' statue after their clan gets X kills. As it is, if there's no second place reward you can bet that no one in my clan will ever waste their time again.


All in all the events have improved with each one. I really hope DE listens to this because honestly it is a punch in the gut to do so much work and then have so little to show for it. Events like this cause burnout already. Having someone work an entire weekend to get something and then not even receive a consolation prize is not going to keep people invested in the game. I can tell you in the wake of this failure there's very little chance of my clan playing Warframe over the next couple weeks.

Edited by Excitonex
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So what you're saying is that the event was great, but not perfect, and because you didn't get your "Statue of E-peen", you feel ripped off. You complain that you don't need to grind endlessly to get the top reward, then also complain that grinding endlessly is unhealthy. It's only a lose-lose situation when you, the player, refuse to offer, or accept, any chance to win.

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1. this way it would be easy for everybody to get it, so DE doesnt encourage pay to win, or being hardcore player. It encoruages equality, not competitivity.

2. every warframe player with a brain should of realized from the FIRST warning, that there will be a weekend event, how many warnings you need to point same thing?

3. no big thing here, clan dojo's come and go, i doubt you will stay now more time in your dojo just to admire the statue for more then 5 mins.

P.S: you havent learn to enjoy all the things in life, this means you undoubtedly suck !

Edited by Desauron
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1 - I think the Top Reward was perfectly fine. Better than before, that people only had to play the event for like 10 minutes and would get what everybody else would. So they made Top Reward fairly easy to get but you had to play for it (specially if you didn't have a clan or a coordinated squad with random players).


2 - Well that I agree.. kinda sucks it ended earlier.


3 - I agree with what Mr.Pava said. But they also could have made it for the 1st 2nd and 3rd.

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The event was good in all, despite the fact it "ended" earlier than it should, but that is a minor deal.


Let's face it, the event lasted since Friday night until Sunday night (at least on my timezone) it was Monday morning (1 AM) and there was still 3 fomorian to destroy, all above 50% health.


As for the previous warning, well, the first "suggestive" post was made (if not mistaken) Wednesday, that is a lot of time to prepare.


As for the rewards, they were nice, and not to hard/easy to achieve. Depending on your team you could take 1h or 5h to get the 250.


As for clan rewards, they're just fine, you want the statue? be the best. Not the best? why on earth would you be rewarded for? being the worst?


Regardless of all, this was the best event they have made so far. They have learned new stuff from the previous events, and they showed it on this one. 1st "Lore" event, and decent prizing/difficulty.

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The event had some flaws yeah, but I wouldn't say the event sucked because of them. The fact that they are giving us better and better events is, as you said, a step in the right direction


250 points was a fair amount in my opinion. Some people don't have that much time to do these events. So the rewards should be fair for everyone (or the majority). It took me 4-5 hours to get my 250 points (I also had to do other things).


I agree we should get a warning sooner, and the fact that the event ended before hand, leaving the rest of the players behind, yeah that was pretty bad. However, they still had the entire weekend to do it, and 250 points shouldnt take that long (depends how much time you have at hand though..)


I don't really have an opinion about the statue, I don't care for it.


Overall, I think this was a great event, but with room for improvement.

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1. It was fair enough of an effort for casual gamers and the real challenge was for clans, where most "hardcore" gamers end up anyway. Works for me.

2. I agree that the lack of announcement was unfortunate, especially it has been pointed out numerous times that a forewarning would be appreciated.

3. Again, I agree. More ranks for the brakcets with more contestants would have been preferrable.

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I just posted the first one so then people canr ready my comment but here.


This Event>Other Events Combined





-Promoted Team Work


-Good Mission Failure


-Creative Lore


-And More.


I don't see why you are complaining.


1.Reward Tiers: It took me four long hours to get 250 points, some of us people have lives, so the 250 was great for both


                         casual and hardcore.


2.Warning:So? I think they did from the livestream because they  they were going to have something big


                         on 9.3, preferabily a huge hint right there. Also from the rules they made, they don't have to notify you.


3.Cosmetics:Agreed with this, they should of had top 100. I know some higher clans maybe made a side clan in the shadow or


                    lower tier to grind in there for a garenteed statue.  



Besides that, everything was more fun than the other events will ever be.

Edited by 123Olympian
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So this event was a large step foward for DE in many fashions. The event rewarded teamwork, it didn't require grinding only a single mission, and they tiered some of the rewards. However DE still made a number of mistakes that, if repeated, can guarantee that I won't participate in any more events.


1. Reward Tiers: 250 points was too easy to get. The highest reward tier should be HARD to get and people should have to push for it. Reward tiers should have a larger scale and the highest tier should be something people can't complete in one sitting. The idea behind tiers is to replace the unhealthy marathon grinding that your events currently promote. Perhaps it will take a death for DE to realize that these top 100 events are not good for their player base. You burnout your hardcore players and do not satisfy your casual players, a lose-lose situatio



2. Warning: Previously DE said they would give us more warning for theses events and yet this time we had less warning than previously. Not only did DE not allow people to prepare for this event but the event has ended 15 hours early. So people who were told they would have Monday morning to finish the event are now totally screwed.


3. Cosmetics: You have over 3 million players and yet have decided that only 1 guild in each bracket will get your statue. This is the biggest rub for me because my clan got second place. Hours and hours of grinding and now we have literally nothing to show for it. In the future statues and such should also be tiered so the people in first can get a fancy statue and everyone else will unlock a 'participation' statue after their clan gets X kills. As it is, if there's no second place reward you can bet that no one in my clan will ever waste their time again.


All in all the events have improved with each one. I really hope DE listens to this because honestly it is a punch in the gut to do so much work and then have so little to show for it. Events like this cause burnout already. Having someone work an entire weekend to get something and then not even receive a consolation prize is not going to keep people invested in the game. I can tell you in the wake of this failure there's very little chance of my clan playing Warframe over the next couple weeks.

1) I didn't think so.  I didn't have much time to put in this weekend, but I only got to 60+.  I'm not whining about that, I played when I could and I couldn't play much this weekend, but I don't think 250 was too low for the highest teir.


2) I think they gave warning in their 'play with the developers' livestream.  I don't think it's reasonable to expect two weeks warning and everyone who plays to know beforehand.  Two or three days notice is fine IMO.


3) So you want it to be harder to get top tier rewards, but to get rewards even if you're in second place?  You want to discourage marathon gaming but you want people to have to play harder to get the top tier of rewards?  Make up your mind.


From my perspective, given that it's cosmetic, it should be a 'winner only' deal, but I don't care either way.  Maybe just make it a participation reward; your clan participates and it can get the statue.  Then you can stop whining about not getting it and whine about everyone getting it?




I have enjoyed all of the weekend events run by DE so far.  There are improvements that could occur, I agree.  For example, there was some confusion in my clan over the completion percentage; one of my members thought you had to run it up to 100 so he was attacking the ships with the greatest percentage rather than the lowest.  Many of my members were more concerned with event failure than gaining the rewards, and that might be because the rewards actual value is ill-defined.  But DE took what they heard as complaints from the last event and this event showed it; teamwork, cooperation, spreading out the need to attack in different places, at least one new enemy... frankly I find it hard to complain.

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Event is an online community thing.


Some people are going to like it, some people are not.


I personally enjoyed the relatively slow paced event. No frantic 'ME RUSH THROUGH AND SOLO KILL EVERYTHING SO ME CAN BE BEST' this time.


Now it was 'ME RUSH THROUGH' and... why you not follow me? I get swarmed and die 4 times before you can catch up! YOU ARE STUPID!' *ragequit*


I laughed and laughed and laughed all weekend watching rushers run off, get swarmed by Grineer in packs of 20 and scream for help while the rest of the group worked to complete the objective. I never appreciated Scorpions before now. But seeing them grab an irritating Vauban 4 times in one match after he tried to troll us with Vortex at the defense point every time I dropped Snow Globe was HILARIOUS.

Edited by Kalenath
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So what you're saying is that the event was great, but not perfect, and because you didn't get your "Statue of E-peen", you feel ripped off. You complain that you don't need to grind endlessly to get the top reward, then also complain that grinding endlessly is unhealthy. It's only a lose-lose situation when you, the player, refuse to offer, or accept, any chance to win.

I don't see why he cares, it's just a statue. This is a game. You are a toy.

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1. I think the 250 are okay, so even casuals could get the high tier.

What I would have liked though is that if you get 500 you get 2x 5mods, 750 3x5 mods.

That would at least give the hardcore group a reward to mod the mods up faster or have multiple of those.


2. Would have liked an in game timer saying, ships arriving in:

As for the event ending sooner, it said we have until 29th to finish the mission and not until 29th to do the event.


3. Don't care about statues.

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Well, more Ranks would have been preferable, but when they say rank 1-3 get something and your clan got only place 4, you would be in the exact same situation as now. there will alsways be one, who didnt get anything by margin. but yeah 1-3 would have been fine.

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This seems to me as just one more "butthurt" thread. So you didint get what you wanted, big deal, neither did i. But you dont see me making threads on forums about it. I clearly understand what was event goal and what were event rules.


You were informed about rules, you played by them and when you didnt get what you though you should you made this.

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1st place it's ok, 2nd and 3rd is $&*&*#(%&.


Let's put is this way, you're on a "mortal combat"


You either win and be free like and idiot, or you die.


You can't "suggest" for having a second chance.


The End

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I wouldn't really say it "sucked" per se.  It was a great improvement over previous events and fun to play.  That said, I never aspired to be in the top 100, nor will I ever, so just getting my guaranteed five mods that I'll never use is enough for me to pat myself on the back.


I more or less agree with your latter two points, though.  I'd be fairly upset if I worked my butt off over something and didn't even get a cookie for my efforts.

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nice choice for thread title, it surely will not result in a lock/ban... surely

as i see it, this event was a large step forward.

1. while the reward tiers might have been a little on the easy side with a well coordinated team, the opposite is just as true. i saw more than a few people try very very hard to get even 150 points (newbies mind you... but still). no matter what DE does with the difficulty it will either not be enough or too much... thats just the way games are.

you saying that it might take a death for DE to learn is the most $&*&*#(%& thing i have ever seen. that is stupid and you should feel bad about putting that into words. if someone is going to die because they are grinding in a game, it is not going to happen in warframe i can tell you that. that said, if you are the type to affect your health due to a game... seek help.

2. more warning is always a good thing, so not much to say there. that said, people who knew about the objective but were too lazy to do it, do not deserve the reward. this mission was on a deadline, if you finish it before it must be turned in, then good for you (still think we should get a bonus for getting it done before hand).

3. more cosmetic options are always a plus. and having a participation/consolation prize would be a good idea.

if your clan does not play the game because they did not win some statue or something, then thats probably for the best. the only thing we get from games is fun, so if your not having fun, go do something else.

Edited by alchemistjkt
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This thread has settled down. Good. Now lets get down to constructive feedback.

1. I believe that 250 points is a pretty reasonable target, since we have to consider the difficulties others are going through when they want to do the event.

2. The lack of proper warnings before this event, I agree with this. Valid point you made there. Proper forewarnings and more detail into such warnings, such as a gameplay demonstration of how to do the event will cater to the more inexperienced players, as such, proper, detailed forewarnings will be appreciated.

3. The tiering for clans, as usual, is pretty unfair, imho. Apparently, effort put in by all the clans in trying to obtain the statue, and all of the effort is put to waste when only 1 can be chosen. This needs reflection and hopefully better tiering comes out next time, with rewards for a certain X score will yield a reward. Promotes teamplay, and it also has the added benefit of giving clan members more motivation to do these events.

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This is the best event


1)the 250 reward is very good because now i don't need to spend 3 days farming without sleep so i can get the  5 mods


2)you have notice 3 or 4 days before the event start,what do you want someone from DE to call you and tell you "hey we planning an event and is start in 3 days"


3) "The top clan in each bracket will receive a FOMORIAN STATUE for their dojo" so if your clan can't  win the first place try next time this is competition you see anyone from the olympics say "hey i have finished fifth way i don't get a metal,i spent so much time to train"

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I believe saying the event "Sucked" is slight hyperbole, now it wasn't perfect, but It was far better than all the other events they've done so far, and I greatly appreciate the improvements.


I dis-agree with point 1 and 3, for reasons that plenty of others have already explained, espically since I only had one day to farm up and would have felt quite cheated if i'd had to do more. It's good that de didn't force anyone to farm over a whole weekend to get the full reward.

However, point 2 I agree on. A lack of warning before hand, combined  with the event finishing earlier almost cost me the whole event, and i'm certain it gave others some trouble as well.

Other than that i'll just say that as a whole I massively enjoyed the event, and I hope DE expands on it.

I mean, come on. We inject infested materials into a massive foromian ship full of grineer? I'm just saying, we haven't had a infested event yet....

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