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This Event Sucked


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Inflammatory titles get attention. I could have titled it 'The event was OK but room for improvement' but then it wouldn't have 13 posts already.

It could be bait for a flame war.


Just have This Event Needs Improvement than something maybe offencive to some.

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For those saying we had warning, yes we had 2 days warning. But in what world is 2 days warning enough time to switch around your whole weekend schedule? I'm not saying we need months in advance but having at least a week's notice should be pretty standard and easily achievable.

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So this event was a large step foward for DE in many fashions. The event rewarded teamwork, it didn't require grinding only a single mission, and they tiered some of the rewards. However DE still made a number of mistakes that, if repeated, can guarantee that I won't participate in any more events.


1. Reward Tiers: 250 points was too easy to get. The highest reward tier should be HARD to get and people should have to push for it. Reward tiers should have a larger scale and the highest tier should be something people can't complete in one sitting. The idea behind tiers is to replace the unhealthy marathon grinding that your events currently promote. Perhaps it will take a death for DE to realize that these top 100 events are not good for their player base. You burnout your hardcore players and do not satisfy your casual players, a lose-lose situation.

​Response: 250 was a nice medium ground. Casual players couldnt hit it easy but could with time, coordinated teams could get there after an hours or so. As it was, it took me about 3 hours of PUGS to get there. Thats about all the time i had this weekend, i finished the event with 302 points. Worth my time without feeling like i didnt want to play warframe for a week afterwards.


2. Warning: Previously DE said they would give us more warning for theses events and yet this time we had less warning than previously. Not only did DE not allow people to prepare for this event but the event has ended 15 hours early. So people who were told they would have Monday morning to finish the event are now totally screwed.


Response: Ending early sucks. But i think it was a timezone thing. Either way not cool, but not the end of the world.  Not sure why we would need more than a day or two of notice before an event though... I'm not going to clear my weekend every time there is an event. 


3. Cosmetics: You have over 3 million players and yet have decided that only 1 guild in each bracket will get your statue. This is the biggest rub for me because my clan got second place. Hours and hours of grinding and now we have literally nothing to show for it. In the future statues and such should also be tiered so the people in first can get a fancy statue and everyone else will unlock a 'participation' statue after their clan gets X kills. As it is, if there's no second place reward you can bet that no one in my clan will ever waste their time again.


​Response:  There will always be a looser. If you gave out 1st, 2nd, 3rd, then 4th place would feel ripped off.  I appreciate that you fought hard in the competition. Good for you. But you lost, it sucks, but please loose with dignity. I give you major cred for giving Broframe a fight of it. That takes real moxy.


All in all the events have improved with each one. I really hope DE listens to this because honestly it is a punch in the gut to do so much work and then have so little to show for it. Events like this cause burnout already. Having someone work an entire weekend to get something and then not even receive a consolation prize is not going to keep people invested in the game. I can tell you in the wake of this failure there's very little chance of my clan playing Warframe over the next couple weeks.

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1. Reward Tiers: 250 points was too easy to get. The highest reward tier should be HARD to get and people should have to push for it. Reward tiers should have a larger scale and the highest tier should be something people can't complete in one sitting. The idea behind tiers is to replace the unhealthy marathon grinding that your events currently promote. Perhaps it will take a death for DE to realize that these top 100 events are not good for their player base. You burnout your hardcore players and do not satisfy your casual players, a lose-lose situation.


You do realize that if you made the highest reward tier higher and harder to get, people would STILL try to do it in one sitting and then complain about burnout, right?

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So what you're saying is that the event was great, but not perfect, and because you didn't get your "Statue of E-peen", you feel ripped off. You complain that you don't need to grind endlessly to get the top reward, then also complain that grinding endlessly is unhealthy. It's only a lose-lose situation when you, the player, refuse to offer, or accept, any chance to win.

Nah bro most of ppl gona do like 250 done... , but ppl like me like to do like : 500- or more just get something extra 

and.... Event was win by farmers not 250 logout ... :)


1. Reward Tiers: 250 points was too easy to get. The highest reward tier should be HARD to get and people should have to push for it. Reward tiers should have a larger scale and the highest tier should be something people can't complete in one sitting. The idea behind tiers is to replace the unhealthy marathon grinding that your events currently promote. Perhaps it will take a death for DE to realize that these top 100 events are not good for their player base. You burnout your hardcore players and do not satisfy your casual players, a lose-lose situation.



i agree...

Edited by jimomateusz
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So this event was a large step foward for DE in many fashions. The event rewarded teamwork, it didn't require grinding only a single mission, and they tiered some of the rewards. However DE still made a number of mistakes that, if repeated, can guarantee that I won't participate in any more events.


1. Reward Tiers: 250 points was too easy to get. The highest reward tier should be HARD to get and people should have to push for it. Reward tiers should have a larger scale and the highest tier should be something people can't complete in one sitting. The idea behind tiers is to replace the unhealthy marathon grinding that your events currently promote. Perhaps it will take a death for DE to realize that these top 100 events are not good for their player base. You burnout your hardcore players and do not satisfy your casual players, a lose-lose situation.


2. Warning: Previously DE said they would give us more warning for theses events and yet this time we had less warning than previously. Not only did DE not allow people to prepare for this event but the event has ended 15 hours early. So people who were told they would have Monday morning to finish the event are now totally screwed.


3. Cosmetics: You have over 3 million players and yet have decided that only 1 guild in each bracket will get your statue. This is the biggest rub for me because my clan got second place. Hours and hours of grinding and now we have literally nothing to show for it. In the future statues and such should also be tiered so the people in first can get a fancy statue and everyone else will unlock a 'participation' statue after their clan gets X kills. As it is, if there's no second place reward you can bet that no one in my clan will ever waste their time again.


All in all the events have improved with each one. I really hope DE listens to this because honestly it is a punch in the gut to do so much work and then have so little to show for it. Events like this cause burnout already. Having someone work an entire weekend to get something and then not even receive a consolation prize is not going to keep people invested in the game. I can tell you in the wake of this failure there's very little chance of my clan playing Warframe over the next couple weeks.



1)  I don't know about you, but I didn't think that 250 was that easy. Maybe Im too casual and don't like doing the same thing, over and over and over, but that's just me.


2)  I thought they gave us a warning a couple days before it started, with that video with weird russian-like language?  And what type of preparing do you need to play a game?  Just login and play, simple as that.


3)  Awww, poor you.  Didn't get a unique statue, while others did.  I do agree that for others, it would be nice to get a participation statue, or a participation award of sorts

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To say it as nicely as I can....the OP is an utter tool.

It amazes me how some people think a game will be set up just for their own personal preferences.

And then when it isn't they have to have a public hissy fit about it..

The event was just fine and I'm glad DE took the time to set it up.

I got 256 points and that's all I needed.

I could care less about some pixelated statue.

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Entered this thread expecting pure whining, was surprised that the OP was actually mostly reasonable, and that it's a lot of the repliers that are condescending fanboys trying to shut down opinion.

Regarding the OP:

1. I don't think 250 was too low for the top tier reward. I mean, it would still take each player a MINIMUM of 25 runs to get that kind of score, and 25 runs isn't exactly "fast". I was getting pretty bored by the 12 or 13th consecutive run (wanted to finish off my quota on a lower level planet), though it might have more to do with how i didn't like the format of the event anyway. But as I said, 25 runs to get top reward isn't too low IMO.

2. Yes we could have had more warning than just 2 days. Not everyone checks the forums every day or watches the livestreams. A week's notice or at least 5 days would be more appropriate.

3. This should have been standard, i don't know why DE took a step back on clan rewards compared to the Informer event. Having only the very top clan of each tier get ANYTHING from the event is BS that discourages many, many clans and players from even trying to get the reward. I'm head of the Lone Rangers, and I know for a fact that many of our clan members gave up after 250 points since the odds of us getting Top Clan for our tier was extremely low, especially after comparing our points to that of other clans with the implementation of real time leaderboards. We ended up getting third for our tier (maybe, the math may have been done wrong), which would have been rewarded reasonably in the Informer event, yet our efforts were completely wasted for this event, and probably even less members will try as hard as they did on the Informer event if the clan reward system continues as it currently is. Why bother trying when your chance of getting any kind of reward or recognition for your effort is next to zilch?

DE needs to give ALL clans who reach a tier-based goal some memorabilia, so that all clans can feel like they can receive SOMETHING from the event. The top clans can get a deluxe edition to reward their extra effort and give clans something to go the extra mile for. The number of top clans for each tier can vary, for example having top 10 or top 5 for some of the smaller tiers due to larger amount of clans in those tiers, and a minimum of top 3 for the higher tiers, so that acquiring a top position would seem more plausible.

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1. 250 points was perfect for me... after each 50 I would do something else ingame cause I got bored over the same mission over and over again. Im not a hardcore gamer seeking to be first, and my clan has no chance at being top in our tier, with 2 members if we had the top2 places, we would still lose in the clan points, so I got over that and dont expect to get any statues ever, unless they add a participation prize, that would be nice, ofc, but if that doesnt happen, well its just a game.


2. I agree on the warning, I look at the forums, youtube, twitter, facebook and watched the livestream... not everybody does that. Ingame should link us to the event videos, at the least, or the forums. They lacked on that, but are improving.


3. As i stated on the first one, I gave up on that, I did my part on the event, did a it over 250, and helped my clan mate to achieve the bare minimal as he had no intentions on participating, but wanted to at least get the lowest tier reward.

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This event was great fun. Yes, it didn't favor being hardcore, but from what I gather being hardcore and burning out isn't something DE wants for their players.

My family had 2 weddings over the weekend, and I was still able to squeeze in over 500 points, with the time that I would have been playing warframe anyways.

If it was intense battle every weekend and only the top 100 players getting exclusive mods, then yeah DE would have allot of hardcore players that would burn out eventually and alienate the casual players.

The coolest part of it?

I got to play with my usual group, met some of my clan-mates in game and I made many new friends.

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So this event was a large step foward for DE in many fashions. The event rewarded teamwork, it didn't require grinding only a single mission, and they tiered some of the rewards. However DE still made a number of mistakes that, if repeated, can guarantee that I won't participate in any more events.


1. Reward Tiers: 250 points was too easy to get. The highest reward tier should be HARD to get and people should have to push for it. Reward tiers should have a larger scale and the highest tier should be something people can't complete in one sitting. The idea behind tiers is to replace the unhealthy marathon grinding that your events currently promote. Perhaps it will take a death for DE to realize that these top 100 events are not good for their player base. You burnout your hardcore players and do not satisfy your casual players, a lose-lose situation.


2. Warning: Previously DE said they would give us more warning for theses events and yet this time we had less warning than previously. Not only did DE not allow people to prepare for this event but the event has ended 15 hours early. So people who were told they would have Monday morning to finish the event are now totally screwed.


3. Cosmetics: You have over 3 million players and yet have decided that only 1 guild in each bracket will get your statue. This is the biggest rub for me because my clan got second place. Hours and hours of grinding and now we have literally nothing to show for it. In the future statues and such should also be tiered so the people in first can get a fancy statue and everyone else will unlock a 'participation' statue after their clan gets X kills. As it is, if there's no second place reward you can bet that no one in my clan will ever waste their time again.


All in all the events have improved with each one. I really hope DE listens to this because honestly it is a punch in the gut to do so much work and then have so little to show for it. Events like this cause burnout already. Having someone work an entire weekend to get something and then not even receive a consolation prize is not going to keep people invested in the game. I can tell you in the wake of this failure there's very little chance of my clan playing Warframe over the next couple weeks.

1. People will always whine if theyre too bad to get something. It doesnt matter, you can make 250 points normal reward and 10000 points rare mod reward, people will still whine that they "couldnt" get it or whine that it shouldnt be event exclusive (god this community is starting to annoy  me pretty bad).


3.Couldnt care less personally since after I finished building all clan weapons I never went back into the dojo (only sometimes to donate random mats).

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1. 250 points was perfect for me... after each 50 I would do something else ingame cause I got bored over the same mission over and over again.

Just to provide a different perspective from the OP, I did the mission once then stopped. I had no interest whatsoever in blitzing 25+ defense missions. I hate rushing, personally. While there were some great things about this event, like the fact that teamwork was encouraged, I prefer events where you encounter enemies in a variety of missions and are rewarded for fighting rather than speed running.

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lol so you define sucked as I didn't get my digital viagra statue? Good times...good times....


1. Too easy to get reward!  --->Instantly complain about the top 100 reward tier because its difficult le-lulz [Events are made to be accessible since people have you know, lives - 3 million of them in fact. Still takes hours of doing the same friggen mission over and over to get 250. 


2. DE told us on wednesday during livestream


3. lol a death, good times....I suspect DE would have to take responsibility for the deceased actions too eh? lmao this generation - purely $&*&*#(%&.  These events actually give me a reason to log on since you know, already grinded out most everything and don't see much point in actually leveling it.


Wish I could -1 this post this thread.

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So this event was a large step foward for DE in many fashions. The event rewarded teamwork, it didn't require grinding only a single mission, and they tiered some of the rewards. However DE still made a number of mistakes that, if repeated, can guarantee that I won't participate in any more events.


1. Reward Tiers: 250 points was too easy to get. The highest reward tier should be HARD to get and people should have to push for it. Reward tiers should have a larger scale and the highest tier should be something people can't complete in one sitting. The idea behind tiers is to replace the unhealthy marathon grinding that your events currently promote. Perhaps it will take a death for DE to realize that these top 100 events are not good for their player base. You burnout your hardcore players and do not satisfy your casual players, a lose-lose situation.


2. Warning: Previously DE said they would give us more warning for theses events and yet this time we had less warning than previously. Not only did DE not allow people to prepare for this event but the event has ended 15 hours early. So people who were told they would have Monday morning to finish the event are now totally screwed.


3. Cosmetics: You have over 3 million players and yet have decided that only 1 guild in each bracket will get your statue. This is the biggest rub for me because my clan got second place. Hours and hours of grinding and now we have literally nothing to show for it. In the future statues and such should also be tiered so the people in first can get a fancy statue and everyone else will unlock a 'participation' statue after their clan gets X kills. As it is, if there's no second place reward you can bet that no one in my clan will ever waste their time again.


All in all the events have improved with each one. I really hope DE listens to this because honestly it is a punch in the gut to do so much work and then have so little to show for it. Events like this cause burnout already. Having someone work an entire weekend to get something and then not even receive a consolation prize is not going to keep people invested in the game. I can tell you in the wake of this failure there's very little chance of my clan playing Warframe over the next couple weeks.

1. They wanted to make it so that everyone has a chance to make it.

2. We had a warning a few days before the event with the intercepted transmission video. Also, the post for the event said that we had UNTIL July 29 to destroy all ships, not that the ships will stay till July 29... Please reread this post. https://warframe.com/news/operation-sling-stone-community-event-0

3. Meh. Whatever. Rather get a potato.

Edited by Jaren-117
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Umm the event was actually announced 3 or 4 days earlier in the livestream, so you had plenty of time to prepare. If you don't watch the livestreams, then that's YOUR FAULT. DE said nothing about the event ENDING on July 29, they said we had UNTIL July 29. If you were lazy and procrastinated until today to get your points, YOUR FAULT. The statue isn't even a big deal. Its just a cosmetic thing that will make your clan feel happy for a couple days, then mean nothing to you. You knew that only the 1st place clan of each bracket would get the prize, so your clan had a choice. Either do the minimum and don't worry about competition, or work your &#! off and try to get 1st place. Nobody forced you to grind for hours and hours, so if you wasted your weekend, YOUR FAULT. 


All 3 things your complaining about were your fault, so don't blame DE for everything bad that happens in the universe.

Edited by Duelshock
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WoW - DE listened to all the "negative" feedback from the Grineer Informer event and implemented everything that was requested into this event, and yet there are people still complaining and not giving any "constructive" feedback.


I honestly could not be a developer (let alone one as communicative as DE) with constant negative feedback, especially when you completely listened and then implemented change from the last round of negative feedback. If you're going to complain at least make an effort to do it in a constructive way.


Know what the difference between a request and a demand is? The reaction, if you get pissed that it wasn't done the way you wanted, it was a demand, not a request.

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