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This Event Sucked


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Know what the difference between a request and a demand is? The reaction, if you get &!$$ed that it wasn't done the way you wanted, it was a demand, not a request.

Offtopic: You imply that we do not have the right to demand things of DE. While I don't think that we have the right to demand things of them regarding events specifically, we certainly have the right to demand things of them.

Ontopic: I agree with most of your points regarding this topic. They made a terrible event, got feedback, fixed it, and are now getting more feedback. Not all of the feedback they got or are currently getting is constructive, but it is important nonetheless. I admire DE for responding to feedback, but they aren't perfect either.

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Offtopic: You imply that we do not have the right to demand things of DE. While I don't think that we have the right to demand things of them regarding events specifically, we certainly have the right to demand things of them.

Ontopic: I agree with most of your points regarding this topic. They made a terrible event, got feedback, fixed it, and are now getting more feedback. Not all of the feedback they got or are currently getting is constructive, but it is important nonetheless. I admire DE for responding to feedback, but they aren't perfect either.

Yes they are getting feedback that event was succes. You think 3 people on this whole thread saying that event suck is feedback, while rest of us are saying that it was succes? I understand that everyone have opinion, but majority of the community is not complaining. As far as i know this is democracy and if majority gives good feedback about something then it is good.

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Yes they are getting feedback that event was succes. You think 3 people on this whole thread saying that event suck is feedback, while rest of us are saying that it was succes? I understand that everyone have opinion, but majority of the community is not complaining. As far as i know this is democracy and if majority gives good feedback about something then it is good.

It's either an oligarchy or a dictatorship. Somebody/bodies at DE hold power over us and ultimately they can continue to make things however they want. Our feedback helps them make a product we want, but does not obligate them in any way. When I refer to feedback, I refer to the sum of the feedback, not what is in this thread. There are multiple threads with grumblings about this event and some of them are more constructive than others. Some of them raise valid points. Whether you agree with their point of view or not, DE should listen to it; they are as much of a consumer as you are.
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It's either an oligarchy or a dictatorship. Somebody/bodies at DE hold power over us and ultimately they can continue to make things however they want. Our feedback helps them make a product we want, but does not obligate them in any way. When I refer to feedback, I refer to the sum of the feedback, not what is in this thread. There are multiple threads with grumblings about this event and some of them are more constructive than others. Some of them raise valid points. Whether you agree with their point of view or not, DE should listen to it; they are as much of a consumer as you are.

Not everyone can be pleased, there will be complainers always.

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My only complaint about this event and all previous events is the lack of notice. Expecting people to sit through an hour of livestream to hear a few seconds of, "OBTW we might have a weekend event coming up..." is BS. We shouldn't have to check the forums on a daily basis and watch all of the livestreams to be informed of a community event. A SIMPLE EMAIL WOULD SUFFICE ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE.


Many people who play this game work for a living or have vacation plans they need to work around. Missing out on an event because you've already gone on vacation and didn't think to check the website or forums is pretty frustrating, especially when you miss out on one-time rewards like Vandal weapons... This event didn't have a Facebook->YouTube teaser until the NIGHT before the event started.


Devs, please just create an opt-in email list and do the teaser videos a week in advance. Nothing will be lost by announcing earlier, but you're pissing off a LOT of people by giving such short notice. Happy players spend money. Pissed players get fed up and move on.


I know quite a few people who had no idea updates had even happened because they never get any emails. Not everyone is on Facebook, subscribes to the YouTube channel, or trolls the forums.

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My only complaint about this event and all previous events is the lack of notice. Expecting people to sit through an hour of livestream to hear a few seconds of, "OBTW we might have a weekend event coming up..." is BS. We shouldn't have to check the forums on a daily basis and watch all of the livestreams to be informed of a community event. A SIMPLE EMAIL WOULD SUFFICE ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE.


Many people who play this game work for a living or have vacation plans they need to work around. Missing out on an event because you've already gone on vacation and didn't think to check the website or forums is pretty frustrating, especially when you miss out on one-time rewards like Vandal weapons... This event didn't have a Facebook->YouTube teaser until the NIGHT before the event started.


Devs, please just create an opt-in email list and do the teaser videos a week in advance. Nothing will be lost by announcing earlier, but you're &!$$ing off a LOT of people by giving such short notice. Happy players spend money. &!$$ed players get fed up and move on.


I know quite a few people who had no idea updates had even happened because they never get any emails. Not everyone is on Facebook, subscribes to the YouTube channel, or trolls the forums.


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1. It was fair enough of an effort for casual gamers and the real challenge was for clans, where most "hardcore" gamers end up anyway. Works for me.

2. I agree that the lack of announcement was unfortunate, especially it has been pointed out numerous times that a forewarning would be appreciated.

3. Again, I agree. More ranks for the brakcets with more contestants would have been preferrable.



I actually think 250 was rather hard to get. Being a parent and having a job that may call me in at any time (VoIP Admin), I barely had any time to play. 


Unless you are in a top clan, doing these events "solo" is pretty darn hard. Most times I was the only one with an Alpha or Beta in the game. Eventually I ended up spamming region chat and forming groups that way.

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Well, I stopped reading after many posters run to DEs side and blame a poster for his view.

I too agree with the OP that DE "NEEDS" to give the community a clear vision of when events are coming and what to expect.

Events/Information should be listed where everything else that is deemed important, in the upper left of the WF screen.

Easy to do, would give people advanced insight about Events, and provide players a better chance to know what to do in the event.

I will say, DE does a terrible job at explaining what to do in an event and leaves it up to players to figure it out as they go.

Regarding the statue; the OP has a point about at least offer a participation statue to all clans that took part in the event.

Do I care about a statue, absolutely not. However, if DE wants people to keep playing and striving then sweeten the pot and reward effort and hard work. How could smaller clans compete if it is solely based on number of points achieved?

Cut the guy a break. So he calls DE to task for good reason; DE needs to step up their game as well.

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Little feedback since the main thread was locked: Please DE, quit with poop-socking contests.

Having to rush this mission 25 freaking times, ignoring enemies, defending a pod for a full, gasp, 1 minute against piss-easy enemies that can be easily AOEed down to then rush to the end is just plain awful design. You guys can do much better than this (please don't tell me "I choose to rush". With a wife and kid, I have to make the best out of the time I'm allowed to play).

The lore of the event was awesome. The mechanics were super cool. The details were terrible: grinding is not fun, rushing is not fun. Having to spend hours on this non-sense isn't fun.

A few suggestions that would have made it better: you play on a defense maps, spawning in a room adjacent to it, you defend the pod for a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes. You kill a boss at the end (a Grineer commander with some boss gimmick). Mission complete. You can only do it once per ship. You need to do it 3 times to complete the event. There, fun, meaningful and with a small level of challenge.

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No matter how great or perfect something is, there will always be people who just wants to hate on the little things.


This event was great, the DE did a great job making it fair for everyone. It took me about 3 - 5 hours to get 250 points. Simply because some people refuse to chat in Squad and discuss which corrupter they were going to bring.


Overall great event compare to the previous one which were grind fest. 

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Yes they are getting feedback that event was succes. You think 3 people on this whole thread saying that event suck is feedback, while rest of us are saying that it was succes? I understand that everyone have opinion, but majority of the community is not complaining. As far as i know this is democracy and if majority gives good feedback about something then it is good.


I don't understand how anyone here can seriously play the "majority rules" card. Arguing few dozen people out of +3 millon players(roughly 0.00001%) shows a majority is absurd. That is the argument used by those who cannot defend something on its merits.



1. Reward Tiers: 250 points was too easy to get. The highest reward tier should be HARD to get and people should have to push for it. Reward tiers should have a larger scale and the highest tier should be something people can't complete in one sitting. The idea behind tiers is to replace the unhealthy marathon grinding that your events currently promote. Perhaps it will take a death for DE to realize that these top 100 events are not good for their player base. You burnout your hardcore players and do not satisfy your casual players, a lose-lose situation.


I disagree. Farming this same boring place 25 times like that was very difficult. Not for the actual difficulty but for my sanity. There was no challenge or anything, it was just monotonous.


My biggest issue was how you were forced to do the same mission type over and over and over again. In other events like the Fusion Moa and Grineer Informants, you could do any missions you wanted and get your completion. For this one, you had to continously run the same map and defend the same area 25 times.

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It took me ~4 hours to get to 250 (including farming for corrupters and time spent looking for a group).


If it had been any more I prolly wouldn't have gotten it all, since I had to play between 2-5 am only. (I had to man a booth at a fair the whole weekend :( )

Edited by modded
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Title misleading, expected ragetears to slake my thirst..


On a serious note, this event was GREAT. Do things need improving? Sure. But many of your "flaws" are opinions biased by self interest. They gave us a few days warning, which is plenty for a majority of the players. There's a good chance that they only had this planned for a week or two anyways, and it's a terrible idea to talk about in development content before it's for sure ready. The event didn't "end early" It was stated that we had until monday to complete the objective. The objective was a tangible thing this time, so it stands to reason that we could( from precedent set for the moa event) and quite likely would finish before the timelimit. As to the wanting everyone or at least top x clans getting something, that would only really matter if there was no personal achievment. The incentive was to be the best, not be one of the better. Everyone got a personal reward, so it's hardly wrong to only reward the winner in a subcategory.

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Topic title should be changed by a moderator.

It is shamelessly trying to catch attention and does not reflect the message of the thread.


1. 250 points was actually perfect. I do not want to sound like a broken record, but most people have LIVES on weekends.

It is when you spend time with people you love like your parents, friends, or relaxing outside. In ~ two days, it was a challenging, but

reasonable amount to get in a few sessions of play. I am really really truly sorry if you grinded non stop for 2 days and expect

others to do the same. Not only that, you want to get a better reward because you could mindlessly grind more than most people.


2. Kind of neutral on this one. I'm okay with the way right now. Because we intercepted the intel recently it feels more real to me.

I like the surprise of an event I found out around thursday. And I only had to wait one day for it to start. Maybe someone can explain

to me the seemingly CRUCIAL importance of being warned of events 1 month ahead. So what, so you can cancel you vacation to attend it?

So you can cancel plans for the weekend and don't miss out on some S#&$ty mods? Because there might be circumstances that I did not

think of, I'd like to remain neutral on this one.


3. Yay, agreed. So many hardworking clans, but no participation reward :(. I mean our clan tried very hard and it would be nice I think

if in the dojo we can see a little statue to say we contributed. It's a nice reminder of the good times we had during these events instead

of just one statue per tier. As of right now, the 1000+ tiers is completely locked by a few big clans and we are always floating in the top 5

with no chance of getting it. But unlike the OP I don't cry and whine about it, if we don't get it oh well, it's just nice to have.

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