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Why Do Rooms Get Nerfed Now?


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*implement kickass parkor system*


*give players minimal opportunities to use it*


*completely remove any need or benefit from using it making its use detrimental to gameplay instead of needed or fun via map design*


Good work.....

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The major problem with the room was just that we'd never seen it before. Because, y'know, it was new.   It took me about four tries before I would run into the door, pause a moment, and cross the whole room in a few seconds.  The problem was the buggy wallrunning.  Which I wish they'd fixed, instead of adding these ridiculous staircases. 



But on another topic--anyone notice all of the secret passages hidden in the grineer maps? :D It's totally cool. 

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First time I ran through this room it was the first time everyone in my group had encountered it. It took us a good five minutes to figure out how to get through it... looking back it seems obvious but at the time it was really frustrating. A few runs later I fell off while wallrunning and got stuck in an endless falling loop. I think the ramps were a temporary fix because of the falling loop bug; some of the ramps are nice but having all the ramps that are in now makes it claustrophobic. 

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While I don't mind parkour, the movement in Warframe is admittedly rather floaty and sometimes you simply slide off of walls without being able to wallrun up them (especially with lag), potentially getting you stuck and unable to progress with the rest of the level with no fault of your own. Parkour such as chained wallruns and so forth should be limited to shortcuts and secrets, while there should be some kind of way to get through each non-bonus room without parkour, even if it would take longer than with parkour.

And seriously guys, they just changed a few rooms because a significant amount of people were getting stuck there due to unresponsive walls, stop getting your panties in a twist and insulting the "casuals" or blaming it on "the new spoon-feeding generation", especially when it wasn't necessarily all "casuals" that were complaining about the mandatory parkour rooms.


I would rather there be some hiccups in a room, than see DE just completely nerf a room.  You slip off the wall?  Oh well, run it again.  Get stuck in an endless fall loop? It you hold down the direction towards the platform you can break it in a few seconds.  Not good at the parkour aspect of the game and don't want to do it?  Use a Loki and switch teleport, us an Excal and slash dash and super jump, use a nova and wormhole.  There are tons of ways you can deal with parkour rooms.  If you can't make it through a room in Warframe than maybe you don't deserve the reward for the mission?  Just saying.


Please DE, set it back to the way it was.

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Looks like normal spaceship construction to me.  Either way wall running has been way to buggy for me to ever want to do it.  Most of the time I end up wall running through walls or something and have to sit there for the rest of the mission.

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the rooms from those pics are supposed to only be used when you are on a rescue mission so the prisoner can actually follow you through the map, instead of getting bugged and standing there and failing the mission for you when they get killed.


edit: love the comments from people who think the change is for those that either cannot wall run or cba to wall run, maybe use your brain a bit more and don't just have a knee jerk reaction, instead actually think of other possible reasons something was changed.

Edited by SchrodingersKitteh
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They didn't remove the wall, if you wanna wall run, you can still do it.

Also this nerf is really helpful for PuG game with super laggy host and new players.



I also find it very weird for Grineer to put themselves in that kind of situation just to patrol their ship, too...

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 Take a moment and really consider how well the room worked before.  There were issues.  For anyone that has trouble regularly with any wall running, that room was the point at which they stopped their mission.  It was shutting down a lot of people.


 For people that were good with wall running, it took them a good amount of time to think about that room.  If they didn't think, then they got through pretty quick.  (Yeah, it doesn't make much sense.)


 In general, the backflip from the central pillar to the upper exits was not exactly perfect.  The vertical shafts on the sides were not particularly noticable and also had the same backflip issue that the central pillar has.  The room did have a few problems with the setup.


 But from the looks of those screenshots, I would rather have the room removed then to have those changes put on it while it was reworked.


 Better yet, put in a secondary way through.  Make a new use for hack consoles.  In some rooms, if the wall runs are complicated, let someone go to the hack console, and hack it to extend walkways like the ones seen.  If they won't block wall runners, then they would be available to allow non-wallrunners a way through, it just isn't a shortcut anymore.

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Better yet, put in a secondary way through.  Make a new use for hack consoles.  In some rooms, if the wall runs are complicated, let someone go to the hack console, and hack it to extend walkways like the ones seen.  If they won't block wall runners, then they would be available to allow non-wallrunners a way through, it just isn't a shortcut anymore.

Now, this is interesting!

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So are we just gonna be come space marines since there is no need to wall run or do thing stealth-fully?

We should create a poll, so something like this doesn't happen!




Please. DE!


Someone create a poll!

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I posted a bug report for this. On a rescue mission, the prisoner cannot follow you to extraction when you have to go through this room. They will run in circles until killed thus failing the mission. How would you like it when the mission involved an alert reward? Think about it before calling this a nerf.

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I posted a bug report for this. On a rescue mission, the prisoner cannot follow you to extraction when you have to go through this room. They will run in circles until killed thus failing the mission. How would you like it when the mission involved an alert reward? Think about it before calling this a nerf.

hahaha, i always leave that guy behind and he never gets killed 

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I posted a bug report for this. On a rescue mission, the prisoner cannot follow you to extraction when you have to go through this room. They will run in circles until killed thus failing the mission. How would you like it when the mission involved an alert reward? Think about it before calling this a nerf.

I had to go through this tile in an alert rescue mission.

I just left him behind and he didn't get killed.

Made it pretty much easy mode for the rest of the mission, since I didn't have to give a S#&$ about the hostage anymore.

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