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Maroo's Bazaar


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Now, I know a lot of people don't like the place and to be fairly honest, I don't know why. I think it's a cool idea. There's no "invite me to your dojo and let's trade", everything happens right there and then. I've spent my fair share of time in there and I like the place. I think it's more, if you will, "friendly", especially for new new players. It's not as chaotic as the tradechat. In Maroo's the person you wanna buy stuff from or sell to, is right there and it's all connected, if you know what I mean - it's more human, if you will. Maroo's is like a nice little gathering area. You say what you need and people reply if they have the spesific mod or Warframe part you might need. 

However, Maroo's feels super neglected. The place itself is somehow a lot more murky than Relays like Kronia, for examble. That place is so nice and open and just lovely. Maroo's is, for the lack of a better word, stuffy. I wish it more like like an actual marketplace, you know? Vibrant and all that! A little more decoration wouldn't hurt. I mean, trees are cool and all, but I think the place needs some love and attention to detail.

The selling mechanics and putting stuff on display works fine, however, one thing should DEFINATELY be added and that would be the ability to change the items you're showcasing. If there is such a thing and I've missed it, please inform me. Right now it's like: "press Q to set up shop, choose what you wanna sell, start selling" but if you wanna change stuff, you need to close up shop and set it up again. That's is just annoying and I desperately wish it was changed.

I really like Maroo's, I think it's a nice little place and a lot less hassle when it comes to trading. That place has clear purpose. A lot of new players come in there and be a little bit lost and everytime they are guided and helped. I think that's really cool.

DE, how about some attention to Maroo's? Pretty please!

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a different lighting would certainly change things, maybe she has a really small crew of dedicated Maroons!

Regardless of what they call themselves, it would be neat to see one or two be able to figure out Tenno and Orokin power grids to light up the darn marketplace!!!

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8 minutes ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

a different lighting would certainly change things, maybe she has a really small crew of dedicated Maroons!

Regardless of what they call themselves, it would be neat to see one or two be able to figure out Tenno and Orokin power grids to light up the darn marketplace!!!

Yup! Simple lighting changes would make a huge difference! More staff to liven up the place. Would be super neat!

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It would be nice if we had some kind of text command to initiate trading between players, regardless which instance they're in.  There have been a handful of times where someone in instance 3 wants what I have, but I'm in instance 7, and the only way to get in the same instance is to load out and back into Maroo's.

Being able to cylce through the items you have would be beneficial, as would being able to just post an entire set.  i.e., Soma Prime SET instead of using up all your slots advertising the parts.

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1 hour ago, MagPrime said:

It would be nice if we had some kind of text command to initiate trading between players, regardless which instance they're in.  There have been a handful of times where someone in instance 3 wants what I have, but I'm in instance 7, and the only way to get in the same instance is to load out and back into Maroo's.

Being able to cylce through the items you have would be beneficial, as would being able to just post an entire set.  i.e., Soma Prime SET instead of using up all your slots advertising the parts.

Those seem like good ideas! The instance has been a problem with me personally, and I bet with so many others too! And posting a set, instead of just filling slots is a great idea too! There are limited amount of slots anyway. Maybe that could be changed as well?

1 hour ago, (PS4)Lilybad said:

I personally dislike it, because I'll have stuff to trade, and no one will come. Then, all of a sudden someone comes and I get happy! And it's some idiot asking "Do you have ______?" or "Do you have any spare plat??" That needs to be fixed, but it really can't.

Yeah, there are people like those. Most of the time it's new players or just the most desperate ones who just want plat. But you can't change people in that regard, unfortunately. But hey, maybe if the decor of Bazaar changes, people will be more excited to buy stuff, haha! You never know!

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