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Why we have to only strengthen the operator by using our warframes and armaments?


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As the title says, for now focus 2.0's primary effects are make the operator better, but why we have to do by attack and kill the enemy by warframes and weapons wielded by warframe? It makes me baffled.


Yes, make the better operator should be one of the feature of focus system, but for now almost entire of effects are only focus on the operator, while we gain the focus points by using our warframes, NOT operator themselves. And, is the result satisfy us? I don't think so. Unless the situation that we NEED TO use the operator(such as Kuva Siphon and Eidolon hunt, or want to reset the immunities on the Sentients), the operator gives actual useful buffs(such as Energizing Dash on Zenurik school), or you have to do a covert ops mission but don't have stealth warframes, they are largely useless and you better fight on the warframes. There are some useful passives on Madurai(and surprisingly, on Naramon), though, but not all schools are get good passives as them.


In short, current system that warframe gains the focus and only benefits the operator which is not so useful in the most times is weird. Operator is fragile, slow, and not so powerful enough to fight, so it is not so strange that warframes are feeds them. But why only the operator gots everything, while warframes are stay unchanged? I think that more passives or buffs for our warframes would be need for the focus system on each schools.


Such as change one way-bound that can be universal passive to be benefit your warframes - like as give them 0.5 regen rate per level, 0.1 energy regen rate per level, +5 enemy radar per level(or +3 sprint bonus per level), +3% damage increase per level, and reduce the status duration by -5% per level, like many aura mode does.

Also the buffs given by operators are should be got easier. We need to bear the risk to using operator each times when we need to buff them, about two times per a minute for now. -_-;



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