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Tennobaum gifting center


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Dear santa Clem, I tried to keep my wishlist short. It consists of consists of a skin I like for a frame I use very often, and the items every tenno needs, (except forma...sorta farmed that from plague star) and armor for my space cat.


Wishlist Wants: 

Kavat Kuva armor

Mesa devil ranger skin

Slots of any kind

Potatoes of any kind

Any other decorations/Fashion frame things

Anything is appreciated

Many thanks!

anyways Merry Christmas and happy Tennobaum, may RNG-esus bless you all


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Happy holidays everyone!  (i would put a pic of my festive banshee and taxon, but i have no idea how to do it :/ ) i hope your going to have a very festive December. My wish list is as follows:

Arrow skins


Nocturne Paris skin

and like 5 forma (srsly tho need so much forma)

and last but not least: ivara. Once more happy holidays!!!

Edited by Firestone00
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If any Tenno are feeling generous I would like:


Warframe/weapon Slots

Clem noggle





Arca plasmor


Orokin color palette

Or if you're feeling especially generous the greatest Tennobaum gift of all would be a Ember prime bp from any of my fellow PS4 players

Thanks in advance for any gifts and Happy Tennobaum :)




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page8 for my full wish list, but i forgot to add some little thing, 

deluxe : i already have exca one (proto/prisma) banshee, ash,chroma

noggles : i already have all if the index stuff, lotus

color palette : i already have smoke, orokin, satured classic, lotus, twilight 

Thx in advance if someone gift me something :D

(im a pc tenno)

Edited by Atsuhito
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If my fellow Tenno are in a generous mood I would like:

Ember Vermillion Collection/ Ember Vermillion skin

Mag Pneuma skin

Ivara Youkai skin

Nova Asuri skin

Ash Tsukuyomi skin

Valkyr Delusion skin

Nekros Irkalla Cellection/ Nekros Irkalla skin

and any Warframe/ Weapon slots would be appreciated 

Edited by (XB1)XBlood557
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Happy Tennobaum, everybody!

When the download cache finishes optimizing, I'll definitely spread the love to some of you guys, but while I wait, I'll fill out my own wishlist.

Please note that I will have two separate wishlists, one for my PC account and one for my PS4 account.

PC (account I'm posting from):

  • Valkyr Gersemi Skin
  • Catalysts/Reactors
  • Slots of all kinds
  • Noggles (surprise me)
  • Color palettes
  • Formas
  • Excalibur (I did a silly thing back in my early days and sold him. Definitely my second most humiliating thing I've done in the game since I started (Don't even ask me what the most humiliating thing I did was.)
  • Volt Proto Collection/Skin

-- end PC wishlist --

PS4 (RoboticMGJS):

  • Nekros Irkalla Collection/Skin
  • Chroma Dynasty Collection/Skin
  • Catalysts
  • Weapon slots
  • Riven slots
  • Noggles (surprise me!)
  • Boosters (Affinity/Credits/Resource)
  • Color palettes (I own Smoke and Ice colors. Send me whatever you feel like sending!)
  • Formas

-- End PS4 Wishlist --

Unfortunately, I have no plat on PS4. BUT, if you need some prime parts to finish that prime set you've always wanted (subject to whatever I have and need/want to keep, not too much I want to keep though), hit me up and I'll see what I can do.

Edited by UchidaPK
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Merry tennobaum and happy holidays to you all!  I wish I had money to give gifts ;-;

Also on my wishlist after ppl have already gifted me some stuff (tysm @CephalonShy and @mm4y for the arrow skins and the weapon slots and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!)

My wishlist is currently:

Potatoes (orokin catalysts)

A Warframe slot

A Paris skin (preferably the nocturne Paris one though any are fine)


anyway happy holidays and Merry tennobaum everyone! Have a great day and hope you like what you get!

Edited by tekker2234
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Managed to get a %off bonus with my daily today, so I've went and sent 4 people Color packs! Happy holidays, and be sure to give to others! All of it in the end helps charity.


My wishlist still remains on my account though! So if you want to pass me something small, feel free to!

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