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would People be fine with a completly unbalanced Game?


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Just now, R3b3ll10n90s said:

How about Nekros boyband that I accidentally run into with my Nekros Prime (yep, 4-Nekros party)? It was 40 min that game.

Nekros is fine, he can actually die! 

Did you guys call yourselves the Soul Suckers?

Did you play Classic Soul music? 

When is your next album? Im dying to know! The wait is killing me.

I cant stop

Help me

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The balance is necessary thing which contains nerfs and buffs. The balance is a never reachable thing only partially because every new addition to a game cause a need to balance a current thing in game. Sometimes better to nerf things which op sometimes need to work on the underpowered weapons and other stuffs. DE sometimes not realize what need to do and sometimes they are ignoring the feedbacks and suggestions and that just make the players frustrated because not beign listened. That not really matters if a game is pvp or pve the balance always need because if an enemy or a part of a game is too hard that demotivate the players and they wont play that anymore, if a player can find against other players something (exploit a bug) then the player who know how to exploit have a lot better chances to win against the another.

Balance is an illusion overall in the sense the perfect balance is non exist but you can try to get closer to a standard. There are changes which necessary but there are also unnecessaty changes which happens sometimes if the devs misinformed or they calcul different. Overall the players who test the game and the devs who patching it.

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A PVE power-fantasy game should be balanced, but NEVER at the expense of fun.

If some mechanic/power/weapon is somewhat OP but very fun (in most player's view) - keep it. Take Gara's nerf for example. Her 4 was kinda OP, but nothing game-breaking, and it was definitely fun to use, so the nerf was a bad idea.

On the other hand we have Turret Mesa (pre-nerf), her 4 was OP and she was boring to play because of how it worked, so the nerf was fitting.

Edited by CrunchyCloud
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On 18/12/2017 at 9:05 AM, NightBlitz said:

there should never be a situation where you can say X frame is objectively better than the others

I'm sorry but this has always been the case. People will always gravitate to the most efficient option. For example, no one wants an Oberon or Equinox for an Eidolon hunt when a Trinity is available. In practically all scenarios of importance, like Raids and hunts people will go for the option that just gets the job done without any sort of faffing about involved.

In casual play where you are just doing it purely for fun and not for the rewards, feel free to use anything. But when people get serious, they go for the most reliable gear. You can't make it where all frames are equal because then they all loose their uniqueness and basically become reskins. As such there is always going to be a tier of frames/weapons generally considered "end-game" or just plain better than others in their category.

Loki for example, has always been better than Ash, even before the public execution that was the latters rework (R.I.P Ash may the gods show you mercy), simply because he scaled indefinitely and was a true benefit to squad play.

Edited by (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01
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