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A bad first impression: Warframe's main issues


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1 minute ago, Gandergear said:

But like one of the frequent questions I answer from new players when I use region chat is "What do I spend my starting plat on?" I agree that the tutorials wanting having played through it recently myself, but Im not convinced the game attempts to conceal the fact youhave access to a chat channel full of people that are capable of answering questions if a player takes a methodical approach. I knew what I was getting into when I first started, I used all my plat to rush things, and was stuck with an excal and valkyr until I sold the excal to get a new frame, and then started making plat. You dont have to keep everything you get, and anything you get rid of early on you can build again later.

Still i feel like this absurd practice drives off a ton of potential players. Regardless of how "easy" it is to make plat through trading, you really think most people will stick around after getting slapped in the face with what appears to be a massive paywall? Not after Star Wars Battlefront, they wont.

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3 minutes ago, ACULonSeer said:

Still i feel like this absurd practice drives off a ton of potential players. Regardless of how "easy" it is to make plat through trading, you really think most people will stick around after getting slapped in the face with what appears to be a massive paywall? Not after Star Wars Battlefront, they wont.

You still keep saying paywall but seriously its not a paywall, any player who feels that way will have it explained to them in region chat or on the forums... Not to mention that this is a free to play game, you should come in EXPECTING predatory behavior just by the nature of the beast, but DE has made a fantastic system of allowing plat to be traded between players with just the perfect amount of plat sink to keep the economy stable. No a new player wont be able to have 6 warframes at once without either doling out some dosh or grinding away, but thats the point for not only F2P games but also MMORPGs that WF borrows heavily from.

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4 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

You still keep saying paywall but seriously its not a paywall, any player who feels that way will have it explained to them in region chat or on the forums... Not to mention that this is a free to play game, you should come in EXPECTING predatory behavior just by the nature of the beast, but DE has made a fantastic system of allowing plat to be traded between players with just the perfect amount of plat sink to keep the economy stable. No a new player wont be able to have 6 warframes at once without either doling out some dosh or grinding away, but thats the point for not only F2P games but also MMORPGs that WF borrows heavily from.

I added "what appears to be" for a reason. After the battlefront BS, anything that looks like a game trying to dishonestly overcharge players is probably gonna be looked at with extra scrutiny. It certainly seems a little excessive to give people ONLY 2 warframe slots for starters, especially since the first 2 warframes youd logically get arent the most... entertaining? 2 slots doesnt give the player alot to choose from, is the point im trying to make here.

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8 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

Not to mention that this is a free to play game, you should come in EXPECTING predatory behavior

Nobody should expect or accept that of F2P games. Youre essentially saying youre fine with F2P games ripping you off in the worst ways.

Warframe is just about the least predatory F2P game out there. Slots are the one glaring part that almost feels archaic by the way DE has gone about doing their monetization. Its the only paywall in the game that i can think of.

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18 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

You still keep saying paywall but seriously its not a paywall, any player who feels that way will have it explained to them in region chat or on the forums... Not to mention that this is a free to play game, you should come in EXPECTING predatory behavior just by the nature of the beast, but DE has made a fantastic system of allowing plat to be traded between players with just the perfect amount of plat sink to keep the economy stable. No a new player wont be able to have 6 warframes at once without either doling out some dosh or grinding away, but thats the point for not only F2P games but also MMORPGs that WF borrows heavily from.

Sure its EXPECT-able but that doesnt mean its ACCEPTABLE. 

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37 minutes ago, ACULonSeer said:

Sure its EXPECT-able but that doesnt mean its ACCEPTABLE


Name a free to play game thats got more to offer before hitting a wall than warframe, DE makes it clear they get hella money from new players (look up mod packs in the market). They want to charge you 200p for a weapon that takes 15 mins to grind, and theyre entitled to. You seem to equate microtransactions in a AAA full price title to the same thing in a f2p title, but heres the thing...

Digital Extremes needs to make money to survive, they do this by making slots, a required commodity, but possible to work around, cost plat. They make NO money from people picking up the game for the first time

The warframe economy needs plat to leave the market to survive

12-20p takes any player who has at least MR5 an hour if they have 1/4 an idea how to grind primes/dragon mods, and many new players likely have banked on average 500p in acolyte mods assuming theyve killed each acolyte about 10 times.

New players should be entitled to a guide how to spend your starting plat, this already exists outside the game however. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=365146785

Warframes a big game, a player will not make it on their own, no matter how many paragraphs of tutorials DE makes, new players need to embrace the social aspects of the game.

Players want to help players, theres an entire section on the forums for it.


Your argument has been getting dangerously close to Bread and Circuses, DE cant give everything away for free, if you waste your plat without even asking what it would be good for, there really isnt much people can do to help you.

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4 minutes ago, Gandergear said:


Name a free to play game thats got more to offer before hitting a wall than warframe, DE makes it clear they get hella money from new players (look up mod packs in the market). They want to charge you 200p for a weapon that takes 15 mins to grind, and theyre entitled to. You seem to equate microtransactions in a AAA full price title to the same thing in a f2p title, but heres the thing...

Digital Extremes needs to make money to survive, they do this by making slots, a required commodity, but possible to work around, cost plat. They make NO money from people picking up the game for the first time

The warframe economy needs plat to leave the market to survive

12-20p takes any player who has at least MR5 an hour if they have 1/4 an idea how to grind primes/dragon mods, and many new players likely have banked on average 500p in acolyte mods assuming theyve killed each acolyte about 10 times.

New players should be entitled to a guide how to spend your starting plat, this already exists outside the game however. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=365146785

Warframes a big game, a player will not make it on their own, no matter how many paragraphs of tutorials DE makes, new players need to embrace the social aspects of the game.

Players want to help players, theres an entire section on the forums for it.


Your argument has been getting dangerously close to Bread and Circuses, DE cant give everything away for free, if you waste your plat without even asking what it would be good for, there really isnt much people can do to help you.

I think having only 2 slots at base goes against the dynamic of getting an arsenal of frames. Do you think it'd be fair to increase the base amount of Warframe slots to 5?

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48 minutes ago, Gandergear said:


Just because Warframe is better than most doesn't mean their business model couldn't get better. They redid revives because it shafted new players, this is a natural progression of helping new players out.

If they help out new players more, more of them will stick with the game and spend money later. Cash grabs at the beginning are offputting, but who can complain about thowing a few bucks at a game they've put a thousand hours into?

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10 hours ago, ACULonSeer said:

I dont really feel like a few of these counterpoints are valid, especially regarding the paywalls and learning experience. The game is insanely complex but tells you virtually nothing. Thats not good game design, and it doesnt teach people anything either imo. And as far as the paywalls, im going to keep calling them paywalls despite my love for this game. I mean its what they are, cant really deny it. 

Themoment anyone insinuates - more less outright says - that learning how a game works using the forums is acceptable, i stop reading. They have completely invalidated their own opinion at that point anyway, so why bother.

Games need to teach their own basic, core mechanics. Not only does Warframe NOT do that...it sets an example for how NOT to design your new player experience...or lack thereof, anyway.

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2 hours ago, ACULonSeer said:

I think having only 2 slots at base goes against the dynamic of getting an arsenal of frames. Do you think it'd be fair to increase the base amount of Warframe slots to 5?

I thin Slots need to be removed. That mechanic screams "shady" from the rooftops. It really drags the whole game into that cheap, malcious mobile game zone...

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11 hours ago, Mewvg2 said:

No matter what you call it, the fact remains that it requires new players to do a lot of work just to get something as simple as more space for their weapons. The strength of Warframe is the variety, the more you restrict new players the less likely they are to stick around to see all the cool stuff DE has worked so hard on.

Warframe is a grinding game. That's what you do. 



11 hours ago, ACULonSeer said:

I think youre forgetting this post is about new players and their first impressions of these systems. Trading for plat within the first few hours? That seems like a ton of hoops to jump through for 3 frames, dude. And thats assuming new players even KNOW you can trade for plat, which they probably dont because the game even after all these years puts less thought into instructions than Destiny does in endgame content. You show off all these fancy frames and cool abilities, then give noobs only 2 slots and expect them to be satisfied enough to play through the rest of the game until they have enough rare mods to trade for plat? Paywall.

1. No, I'm not. If we were to assume your logic, every new player is as dumb as a doorknob.

2. It takes 3 to 4 days to build a warframe. That's plenty of time for a new player to ask questions, and have fun.

3. It's newb, not noob. Noob is an insult (see #1).

4. I've opened the solar map with my beginning warfame and weapons. I gained everything I needed along the way. If I can do this, anyone can.

5. I believe you're just insulting the intelligence of new players, DE, and myself to get your point across. I suggest you take a step back, before you step on a ToS violation. 


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11 minutes ago, GrazewoundZero said:

Warframe is a grinding game. That's what you do. 



1. No, I'm not. If we were to assume your logic, every new player is as dumb as a doorknob.

2. It takes 3 to 4 days to build a warframe. That's plenty of time for a new player to ask questions, and have fun.

3. It's newb, not noob. Noob is an insult (see #1).

4. I've opened the solar map with my beginning warfame and weapons. I gained everything I needed along the way. If I can do this, anyone can.

5. I believe you're just insulting the intelligence of new players, DE, and myself to get your point across. I suggest you take a step back, before you step on a ToS violation. 


It's not about whether or not it's POSSIBLE  to use only 2 frames to beat the starchart, it's about whether the MAJORITY of new players would be okay with that, and if that should even be acceptable. 

My suggestion, and this is very simple, is to simply increase the base number of slots to 5. That's all. 5 frames is more than enough for people to decide to spend money or not. Is that really too much to ask?

Also I'm not calling anyone stupid, I'm saying that this practice these days really gets on people's nerves. It did with me, I've heard a few complaints already, and I'm worried that those "few" are the tip of the iceberg. 

Oh and don't use the "warframe is a grinding game" excuse when you literally can't grind for warframe slots. Give me a break...

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5 minutes ago, GrazewoundZero said:

Warframe is a grinding game. That's what you do.

Games that frontload the grind are bad.

Getting new things in game reflects this, low MR requirement weapons require materials that are easier to get and don't require special items to build, later on you'll be farming oxium/cryotic/nitain/forma just to make one weapon.

Slots, on the other hand, are a wall of grind that new players have to climb over that really doesn't effect vets as much. Same concept as revives, it really only punishes new players and is very likely to be offputting enough to make new players quit. Sure it's a grind, but to a new player it can look like the start of DE nickel and diming them for the privilege of having more stuff. It can give the impression that Warframe is as egregious at monetization as mobile devs or EA when vets know that's not the case. I'm not making assumptions here, this is why I can't get some of my friends to keep playing after I introduced them to the game.

Fixing this issue would be a great improvement to the new user experience. That's a smart move for DE, the new user experience is and has been awful for years. (The other half would likely be more/better tutorials, but that's another issue.) The more new players stick around, the more money they'll make. That will in the long term outweigh the amount of money they make when new players make mistakes. (People are more likely to spend money on a game they've enjoyed for hundreds of hours than one they just started playing.)


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We need to stop making excuses and defending the paywall that is warframe slots. 

I haven't played star wars battlefront myself, but heard alot about EA's terrible systems in it. Let's compare both games if you spend NO MONEY.

I'd wager it takes about as long to progress in battlefield as it does to go from noob to platinum trader in warframe. Since apparently you're supposed to go straight to plat trading before you get warframe slots, this means warframe has the same issue as Battlefront. If you don't spend money, it takes an absurd amount of time to get anything meaningful. 

I know alot of you will be up in arms about me comparing DE to EA, but seriously look at the logistics here. If you don't spend money, it's unlikely you'll derive enjoyment from either until you've already sunk in hundreds of hours. That's unacceptable.

If they removed the platinum slot paywall, my biggest complaint with warframe and probably the biggest reason people leave the game would cease to exist.

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...honestly my thoughts on slots is really really simple "I found the trade chat without anyone telling me about it, and I am literally autistic.", and as for the idea that "there's no indication of limited slots anywhere" I have this to say "Open your damn menu once in a while would you?"


As for the bullet jump... there is an advanced movement tutorial after Vor's Prize. It covers everything except aim gliding for distance.


Finally, I really REALLY don't know how you are going to get more than two frames in your first WEEK. your second frame will probably be Rhino from Venus, but after that is Mercury and you can't get a frame there, you can't get another frame until Mars. And Lecht Kril had damn well better force you into the forums/chat/community/wiki if Jackal didn't.


As a final thought on slots, "Wow you really REALLY haven't played F2P games before if you spent your starting currency on cosmetics" Warframe is one of two games I have played that offer players some access to premium currency required to acquire slots required to enjoy the game without paying the devs directly, and Warframe's is much easier to get a bunch of than Riders of Icarus.

Edited by Ethorin
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3 minutes ago, Ethorin said:

...honestly my thoughts on slots is really really simple "I found the trade chat without anyone telling me about it, and I am literally autistic.", and as for the idea that "there's no indication of limited slots anywhere" I have this to say "Open your damn menu once in a while would you?"


As for the bullet jump... there is an advanced movement tutorial after Vor's Prize. It covers everything except aim gliding for distance.


Finally, I really REALLY don't know how you are going to get more than two frames in your first WEEK. your second frame will probably be Rhino from Venus, but after that is Mercury and you can't get a frame there, you can't get another frame until Mars. And Lecht Kril had damn well better force you into the forums/chat/community/wiki if Jackal didn't.


As a final thought on slots, "Wow you really REALLY haven't played F2P games before if you spent your starting currency on cosmetics" Warframe is one of two games I have played that offer players some access to premium currency required to acquire slots required to enjoy the game without paying the devs directly, and Warframe's is much easier to get a bunch of than Riders of Icarus.

Good lord, okay I guess I need to make myself even more clear. 

What new player is going to put up with waiting till the endgame to start getting frames? If you're like me, the fun comes from assembling a large collection of diverse frames, not sticking to 2 of them because I don't want to spend money. 

You act as if the starchart is just a tutorial, but it's a HUGE part of the game. 200 hours and I'm still not done with it. No way in hell would I stay with 2 frames this long. 

It's such an easy fix that would allow way more people to enjoy the game, why are you defending it? Sure I'm thoroughly impresses that you accidentally managed to stumble into trade chat, you deserve an award. 

This game has the opportunity to surpass every other f2p game in existence if it just removes this absurd paywall. I feel embarrassed having to explain this system to new players, or seeing then begging in chat for platinum because they wasted the starter cash on rushing a craft. Sure you can tolerate it and still derive enjoyment from warframe, but for someone like me there's no way I could play this without spending money. 

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6 minutes ago, ACULonSeer said:

What new player is going to put up with waiting till the endgame to start getting frames? If you're like me, the fun comes from assembling a large collection of diverse frames, not sticking to 2 of them because I don't want to spend money. 

Ok look, for my first TEN FRAMES the only plat I spent was from selling prime parts I acquired while looking for entirely DIFFERENT prime parts(after that it was mods I got duplicates of or didn't like [ex. Crimson Dervish]). Or duplicate prime parts, and frankly even the Corrupted mods are not actually "endgame" they are barely late early game. I STILL haven't finished the star chart and I have all frames except Gara and Nidus. I am currently working on getting Gara and only need her Neuro's, and I will probably not touch Nidus farming for a while.


Getting plat is NOT "endgame" it never has been and never will be.


As far as "stumbling into trade chat" it was more "Look at these buttons over my chatbar, I bet they are other chatrooms!"


Seriously... am I the only one who started learning how to play games via a combination of "other people" and "experimentation"?

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7 minutes ago, Ethorin said:

Ok look, for my first TEN FRAMES the only plat I spent was from selling prime parts I acquired while looking for entirely DIFFERENT prime parts. Or duplicate prime parts, and frankly even the Corrupted mods are not actually "endgame" they are barely late early game. I STILL haven't finished the star chart and I have all frames except Gara and Nidus. I am currently working on getting Gara and only need her Neuro's, and I will probably not touch Nidus farming for a while.


Getting plat is NOT "endgame" it never has been and never will be.


As far as "stumbling into trade chat" it was more "Look at these buttons over my chatbar, I bet they are other chatrooms!"


Seriously... am I the only one who started learning how to play games via a combination of "other people" and "experimentation"?

I am glad that you are taking the time to make logical points,  but the ease of implementing this change and the magnitude of the positive impact it could have completely invalidates your counterargunent.

It was possible for you to get all those frames without spending too much, and I admit that's impressive, but how many people do you think it's driven off? 

It's not really about how easily you can get Plat without paying, it's about how quickly they slap you in the face with what appears to be a mobile-esque paywall.

After EA, that's all some people need to dump a game. It nearly was for me. 

If they gave us at least 5 starting slots, that would help alot. Also if they redid the interface a bit to show how many slots you had open. The way it's currently formatted is a bit misleading.

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1 minute ago, ACULonSeer said:

I am glad that you are taking the time to make logical points,  but the ease of implementing this change and the magnitude of the positive impact it could have completely invalidates your counterargunent.

It was possible for you to get all those frames without spending too much, and I admit that's impressive, but how many people do you think it's driven off? 

It's not really about how easily you can get Plat without paying, it's about how quickly they slap you in the face with what appears to be a mobile-esque paywall.

...it wasn't "not spending too much" I still haven't actually spent anything on Warframe(mostly because I straight up have no money to spend on anything anyway), and I doubt it's driven off anyone who would actually be a positive factor in the Warframe Community(which frankly, is like 90% of why people play multiplayer games in the first place.) This bear in mind, is the community that decoded three separate languages with their mostly context-less statements placed around the game. This is the Community that tends to solve puzzles and riddles faster than DE can place them. There is no actual explanation of Jordas Verdict in game but it was cleared fairly quickly.


Anyone not willing to look into the community is not a player I am sad to see the back of... personally. 

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1 minute ago, Ethorin said:

...it wasn't "not spending too much" I still haven't actually spent anything on Warframe(mostly because I straight up have no money to spend on anything anyway), and I doubt it's driven off anyone who would actually be a positive factor in the Warframe Community(which frankly, is like 90% of why people play multiplayer games in the first place.) This bear in mind, is the community that decoded three separate languages with their mostly context-less statements placed around the game. This is the Community that tends to solve puzzles and riddles faster than DE can place them. There is no actual explanation of Jordas Verdict in game but it was cleared fairly quickly.


Anyone not willing to look into the community is not a player I am sad to see the back of... personally. 

I'd like to think I've made a positive impact so far. I've made friends, helped people, and asked the tough questions no vet would even dare.

If it's people like me you dislike, those who have no nostalgia, who've dealt with more than their fair share of predatory practices in gaming (I'm a y1 destiny vet) then I guess this is a lost cause.

I don't think disliking microtransactions means I don't deserve to play this game. I don't think it's fair how many people have said their friends won't dare touch warframe because it's "f2p-but-not-really" 

I love warframe, but I want others to love it too. If some kind of ruling is made regarding EA's practices, warframe slots will put this game under the hammer. Do you want that?

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1 minute ago, ACULonSeer said:

I don't think disliking microtransactions means I don't deserve to play this game. I don't think it's fair how many people have said their friends won't dare touch warframe because it's "f2p-but-not-really" 

I love warframe, but I want others to love it too. If some kind of ruling is made regarding EA's practices, warframe slots will put this game under the hammer. Do you want that?

Ok, F*** it, let me clarify exactly what kind of space Warframe exists in.




This is Dragon's Prophet, an "Action MMO" that promises you the ability to collect dragons like Pokemon, Only, you have all of FOUR slots to use for Dragons, two active, and two sitting in a stable doing Idle Game style activities to get you crucial crafting components and also do crafting. Microtransactions and no way to get the premium currency free.




Tera Online, a game which offers a pretty diverse set of characters with both storyline and gameplay affected by your race, you have all of three character slots to use to explore upwards of 30 combinations, you have to buy more slots with micro transactions. No access to premium currency free.




Dungeons and Dragons Online, with purchasable races and classes, and again, the buying of character slots, did I mention that the races and classes that you buy are just straight up superior to unpurchased varieties? On the other hand there is theoretically a way to get access to some of the premium stuff... if you can manage to get enough prestige off two characters.




Elsword, a game that once again requires you to buy character slots in order to actually enjoy all it's character classes at once, oh, and you had better be willing to shell out even more, since you can stack stats with premium costumes and accessories that have no f2p equivalent, not even random giveaways on an official stream. Or a trade system that let's you trade the premium currency.(if you want to do PVP or endgame content you'd better have a deep wallet).


Also, Equating EA's Battlefront 2 Lootbox problem with slots is stupid and strawman, the problem with the lootboxes was a combination of gambling and paying for a triple A shooter and then needing to either grind for years or spend hundreds more rolling dice.


And frankly, at least Warframe doesn't have any of that "if you want to play endgame stuff you'd better be willing to shell out real cash for actual upgrade capability." That pretty much every other F2P title I have played in the last few years that doesn't restrict itself to minor progression boosters/cosmetics for micro-transactions has had.


Every other Multiplayer F2P game that isn't League of Legends has some form of "pay to play" that is more restrictive than Warframe, and even League of Legends only recently mostly got rid of its own "Pay to Win" with Runes Reforged, not that it still isn't ludicrously valuable to have multiple rune pages, I have been cut off my rune editing by not having enough time or straight up forgotten often enough to wish I had more customizable rune pages.

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2 minutes ago, Ethorin said:

Ok, F*** it, let me clarify exactly what kind of space Warframe exists in.




This is Dragon's Prophet, an "Action MMO" that promises you the ability to collect dragons like Pokemon, Only, you have all of FOUR slots to use for Dragons, two active, and two sitting in a stable doing Idle Game style activities to get you crucial crafting components and also do crafting. Microtransactions and no way to get the premium currency free.




Tera Online, a game which offers a pretty diverse set of characters with both storyline and gameplay affected by your race, you have all of three character slots to use to explore upwards of 30 combinations, you have to buy more slots with micro transactions. No access to premium currency free.




Dungeons and Dragons Online, with purchasable races and classes, and again, the buying of character slots, did I mention that the races and classes that you buy are just straight up superior to unpurchased varieties? On the other hand there is theoretically a way to get access to some of the premium stuff... if you can manage to get enough prestige off two characters.




Elsword, a game that once again requires you to buy character slots in order to actually enjoy all it's character classes at once, oh, and you had better be willing to shell out even more, since you can stack stats with premium costumes and accessories that have no f2p equivalent, not even random giveaways on an official stream. Or a trade system that let's you trade the premium currency.(if you want to do PVP or endgame content you'd better have a deep wallet).


Also, Equating EA's Battlefront 2 Lootbox problem with slots is stupid and strawman, the problem with the lootboxes was a combination of gambling and paying for a triple A shooter and then needing to either grind for years or spend hundreds more rolling dice.


And frankly, at least Warframe doesn't have any of that "if you want to play endgame stuff you'd better be willing to shell out real cash for actual upgrade capability." That pretty much every other F2P title I have played in the last few years that doesn't restrict itself to minor progression boosters/cosmetics for micro-transactions has had.


Every other Multiplayer F2P game that isn't League of Legends has some form of "pay to play" that is more restrictive than Warframe, and even League of Legends only recently mostly got rid of its own "Pay to Win" with Runes Reforged, not that it still isn't ludicrously valuable to have multiple rune pages, I have been cut off my rune editing by not having enough time or straight up forgotten often enough to wish I had more customizable rune pages.

Okay, okay, I think this got out of hand. No, it DID get out of hand, I shouldn't have let this escalate. 

I think we should have 5 slots at base, that's all I will say on the subject. 

However I am gonna ask you something: do you believe removing the cap would hinder the game somehow? If so, please explain. I need some insight here

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1 minute ago, ACULonSeer said:

However I am gonna ask you something: do you believe removing the cap would hinder the game somehow? If so, please explain. I need some insight here

There is right now, one thing that EVERY player HAS to spend plat on, slots. Take slots away and one of the most effective early plat sinks is GONE.


Behold the Inflationpocalypse.


EDIT: if you tell me it won't happen point me at ANY other game that had premium currency trading without premium currency sink, I guarantee all of them had to deal with ludicrous inflation.

Edited by Ethorin
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5 minutes ago, Ethorin said:

There is right now, one thing that EVERY player HAS to spend plat on, slots. Take slots away and one of the most effective early plat sinks is GONE.


Behold the Inflationpocalypse.


EDIT: if you tell me it won't happen point me at ANY other game that had premium currency trading without premium currency sink, I guarantee all of them had to deal with ludicrous inflation.

So basically if they didn't force you to buy slots, nobody would pay money? Uh, my wallet would like to have a word with you. 

I think 5 slots at base is the perfect amount for people to decide if they wanna pay.

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Just now, ACULonSeer said:

So basically if they didn't force you to buy slots, nobody would pay money? Uh, my wallet would like to have a word with you. 

I think 5 slots at base is the perfect amount for people to decide if they wanna pay.

...no, if they didn't force you to buy slots 5 prime junk would quickly go from 10-12 plat to 50-60 plat to 100+ plat.


It happens in EVERY SINGLE GAME with insufficient currency sinks, for Warframe that is Slots, Potato's, Forma, Exilus, and there are STILL people sitting around with 50k plat off trading alone because they own every thing they care about but still trade.


Warframe does not need to lessen the importance of interacting with other players.

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