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Why not make every Warframe non-specific gender.


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Having non-specific genders implies that the warframe armors would be androgynous - that you wouldn't be able to tell if it was meant to be male or female period. Being able to choose the gender of their warframe implies that you would still be able to tell, but the player would have a choice. However that means twice as many character models, and if they ever implimented any kind of voice acting it would double the work there, too. Maybe its down the line, but I don't know what they are planning for this.

My thoughts exactly. Might be a nice long term goal, but dont see it happening this year.

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Then doing a rescue mission must be the worst for you... Considering Naked Nick sure does live up to his name. XD

Oh.. ugh.. no. Well, yeah, he has some firm buttocks but i wasn't refering to him when i said i know the feeling. I was refering to those Big-No-No women. (PS: Your own mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts aren't women.)

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Essentially I am proposing that instead of haveing warframe a be male and warframe b be female decided by the type it is; to instead allow the player to decide what gender their warframe character is. I think the user preference would be much better than having to be a male or a female just because you like the abilities better.

Yes, I agree. Gender options, at least options for androgynity (though I must say many of the warframes are quite androgyne), would be very helpful. I am quite vain and honestly why not since it is my time, my entertainment. I've refused to play games where the character options have been not to my taste, including gender being something I don't like.

I do understand that it i lots of men making the games, imagines themselves, their fantasies and what would be cool.

It is the roleplay aspects of most design, the empathy, the artistic and self-realisation trying to be realised.

It doesn't mean that it is any less for me or the other players (although I have no problem that women are less drawn to the game since it is in beta, since it can seem very FPS oriented, unlike Mass Effect that have drawn many women to play it despite sometimes similar designs).

I do not know what is the story behind the Teno, I bet it is lots of logical reasons for things being as they are. Still, the great thing about design of a story, is that you can easily make more story so something else ALSO gets logical.

For instance is the generously talking lady, Lotus, looking very different from, say the alternative helmet design of Mag (woha!) with Mag being a scary one eyed space-bunny (that is quite hard to get good looking no matter scheme...the somethings looking nearly like bunny teeth doesn't help).

However I do like the unusual organic looking feel of the Teno armours, or is it beings? Anyone seen synthetic rope being made? Fascinating to see where fluid is coming from small nozzles and within split seconds turning from fluid to something solid and entwined with the same stuff that came from some other nozzle.

Or like rock formations in lava-caves.

Anyways, just...imagining since I have no idea (yet).

Edited by NinaV
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Its not a big deal. Games have had gender locked classes forever, people need to get over it.

Games are made FOR PEOPLE - BY PEOPLE.

21st century people are more accepting of gender varience. Basic equality means having non gender-locked characters, so that us girls can play the big DPS classes too.

May not be important to you, but it is to some of us. And look at it this way - does it really cost you if the devs add a feature into the game that you never use? More features is inherently better.

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Games are made FOR PEOPLE - BY PEOPLE.

21st century people are more accepting of gender varience. Basic equality means having non gender-locked characters, so that us girls can play the big DPS classes too.

May not be important to you, but it is to some of us. And look at it this way - does it really cost you if the devs add a feature into the game that you never use? More features is inherently better.

You can still play a DPS class. In fact, Ember is probably one of the more powerful DPS classes, and its a she. Limiting yourself based on a superficial character model is only hurting yourself.

This is an idea for the future, but it should be for the cash shop and not given for free because 'it should already be in the game'. There are plenty of games where you get narrowed into a male or female protagonist, not both. At least they have both genders represented in the beta, and maybe they will do more in the future, but fighting over gender this gender that is not going to get any changes made.

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Fixing the current frames so that they are all balanced and useful would be my top priority

Balancing weapons so more than a couple in each class are desireable is second

A few new locations would be third.

But more cosmetic/gender options for the current frames should be done before they add additional frames. Id like to see at least 2 alteranate helmets and skins for the existing frames.

Of course adding a reason for people to do more than play ? alerts is sort of ultimate priority, but i have no idea what the devs are doing about this serious (very detramental to game health over the long term) issue.

Edited by Archade
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Because no one is going to play a lady Rhino.

A lady Rhino will be like a Lady Krogan, no one will see the difference

(Krogan on mass effect, for those don't understand my joke)

But i like the idea of give the freedom to pick the gender of your tenno, because the warframe is just a suit, like Nanosuit.

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Its not a big deal. Games have had gender locked classes forever, people need to get over it.

NO, it is a big deal

i want a Male Mag,, frost is a tank and i love it,

but i want an elemental/Esper light armored char too....


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I personally veiw warframes as characters, not suits.

You can't play a female BRICK in Borderlands, or a male SIREN. They should design new frames, not gender swaps.

But then, a genderswap option for warframe wouldn't bother me at all. So glhf.

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First do I think people, some men, that are happy with the status quo that leave them with exactly the options they want should stop dismissing what other people think and feel would make their own enjoyment greater. Such selfgratification at others expense is something that stumps most progress.

What I think would solve this the easiest way with least effort would be that the designers made a pair, a male and a female (or more of course), of standard warframe suits that can be built from blueprints, or bought, so it could replace any warframe you got with a gender you do not prefere.

If you got a Base Male Warframe built, can you go to the screen where you pick colours and helmets, then even if you got your NYX selected can you pick the Base Male Warframe.

With that solution...Please, something more...visually pleasing than Mag's alternative helmet (although it reminds me a bit of the "human scanners" in the movie Rid$&*^). MY Favourites: Ember's helmets (2), Nyx body and helmets (2), Excalibur body and helmets (2), Frost's body (is that cool or what) and helmets (2), Trinity's body (to a lesser degree) and Trinity's main helmet and optional helmet (to a lesser degree), Volt's body and main helmet.

Edited by NinaV
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It's not dismissing opinions, its just stating the obvious.

Doing something like this would require a lot of work from the dev team. In order to make up for that work, as the cosmetic items they are, these should be platinum costing versions that can be bought in the shop, if implemented at all.

It is also fact that this is not required in the game for people to actually be able to play. You are playing up the situation by making it sound more important than it is, please do not do that. It detracts from your argument and does not make me want to take you seriously.

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It is also fact that this is not required in the game for people to actually be able to play. You are playing up the situation by making it sound more important than it is, please do not do that. It detracts from your argument and does not make me want to take you seriously.

Technically all you need in a game for it to be functional - are a start button, a control of some sort, and an objective. Look at something like pong for example. Very little is required to make a game. But to make it popular, you need to appeal to your audience.

Yes - it would require quite a lot of work from the dev's - double the amount from the art and rendering departments at least - and yes, I at least, don't expect any expanded gender options until release. Frankly anyone who does - is being a little unrealistic in my veiw.

But at the same time I agree with Nina.

It seems like a lot of these threads get punctuated with comments by people (be they men or women, or something else entirely) - who try and claim that because they see no reason to add extended gender options, because they are happy with the status quo, and because they think the people who want said options, are being unrealistic in their appraisal of game development - then their concerns are irrelevant somehow.

Let me make this quite clear.

If you think that the current gender options are enough - this is the thread to share that perspective in.

If you think that people who want expanded gender options are - being unrealistic - silly - annoying - stupid - whiney or smelly. Take that sort of talk elsewhere.

We're here to discuss, constructivley, for the purpose of improving the development of this game - in accordance of what we, the consumers want to see from DE. All of our perspectives are equally valid, and deserve to be considered.

But we still have to be polite and respectful with how we express those views.

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You've made your point countless times, but you have yet to explain the actual important pieces. Do you want this for free? How much is it going to cost?

Right now you are just going around in circles and trying to push people out of the thread that disagree with you. You basically ignored the rest of what I talked about.

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Having non-specific genders implies that the warframe armors would be androgynous - that you wouldn't be able to tell if it was meant to be male or female period. Being able to choose the gender of their warframe implies that you would still be able to tell, but the player would have a choice. However that means twice as many character models, and if they ever implimented any kind of voice acting it would double the work there, too. Maybe its down the line, but I don't know what they are planning for this.

While it's twice as many models, it takes less time to modify an existing model into the other gender than making entire new warframes. This would be a cheap alternative to double their Premium income with minimum effort.

The models and a week in zbrush and problem solved.

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Actually, if they make ONE female and ONE male warframe that everyone can replace the standard frame with, then they don't need more than two. If being extra work-saving, give NYX as optional female version and Exalibur as optional male version of the cosmetic alternative. Of course, people will get bored of those, but I'd actually be happy to replace most of even the female frames with NYX if I could and I hear similar things about some male frames.

The cost could be like the usual, platinum and the free blueprint ones.

SURE, it need to be coded and it is work, but hey, this is not something that forumites are saying the devs need to do or get lost, it is wishes and wishes that are argued for.

11.11.11 is absolutely right. If people didn't have estetic/artistic/roleplay-empathic attachment to their characters would it not be needed with anything at all, but even for the hardcore anti choice guys am I sure being, say, a bompibear would subtract from, or at the very least change, the experience, or say, hello-kitty, an invisible pink unicorn, tomatoes and bananas. So really, you do understand if you really try.

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I am for the idea of having both gender for each warframe, but I believe there to be more important things currently.

I myself like the idea of genderbased Frames, since that makes me androgynous, being able to switch from woman to man in an instant, this being less segregated than the idea of having set sexes, like in Planetside 2. Even if it's set sexes for different frames, it still does not mean that I am bound to use that frame. I mostly go for skillset when I choose things, and here there is no difference. I would not have cared if Loki was a sex-demonspawn from heaven, given his abilities, I would still have used him. Heck, he could even have been that grumpy old lady on the 4:th floor(Visually speaking) with hearing AIDS, I still would have played that frame. I don't get how people feel neglected, or something, when they are not having everyone being able to be every sex. The sexes are also there to segregate the frames, as well, which I myself am okay with. The different frames talk about different strenghts, and giving them a set sex enhances the experience that they all are unique in a different way.

Take Ember. She is no shallow, big-boobed mind-less blond. She is a strong and willing woman, with a burning desire to be the greatest. I can imagine that, thus I can "be" the character much easier. Take Ash. An experienced combatant, stealthy, ready for anything that the world might throw at him. See, here I can also live myself into the character. The ability to experience the combat from "within" is a much more relateable matter when the sexes are set. If they were not to be, I would be less indulged, and the game would be a bit more boring. I would see male embers/Female Ash:s everywhere, making me feel much less unique.

And now, do not get me wrong, I would be fine with them implementing the other sex to all frames. It might enhance the feeling of being unique. But I will probably have my Ember female, and my Ash male, because that is where I find them most appealing(Rhino would totally be female, though), "Roleplayingwise"

I want to be a special snowflake, and I am worried that making them either NOT andogynous, or making them suprandogynous, would make me a sad panda, and make me have to choose sex. also making Frames less personified, and more personal. Unique in a way that I would not fancy, and less of a "famous person" unique. It's set frames, not TES5:Skyrim Character Creation.

EDIT: I usually space out with long posts, but the message I'm trying to make usually makes it, if you read it as a entirety.


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Heck, he could even have been that grumpy old lady on the 4:th floor(Visually speaking) with hearing AIDS, I still would have played that frame. I don't get how people feel neglected, or something, when they are not having everyone being able to be every sex. The sexes are also there to segregate the frames, as well, which I myself am okay with.

Hearing AIDS. The worst kind of aquired immuno defeceincy syndrome.


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I still would have played that frame. I don't get how people feel neglected, or something, when they are not having everyone being able to be every sex. The sexes are also there to segregate the frames, as well, which I myself am okay with. The different frames talk about different strenghts, and giving them a set sex enhances the experience that they all are unique in a different way.

~Because - exactly as you said. It's segregation. It's saying: "You want to set people on fire? Oh well, only Ember can do that. Only FEMALE frames get to use fire. You want to be a sneaky trickster? Sorry, that's a Loki only thing, you gotta be a guy to be a sneaky bastard."

Now while it isn't outright saying that one 'gender' is somehow inferior - and while it isn't the rule of law that only female players can play female frames or visa versa. It is still SEGREGATION.

You might be fine with that - but the society I'm a part of, is trying to move away from gender locked roles. So if society is taking steps away from it, then why shouldn't that removal of segregation be refelcted in society's art - it's past-times - it's video games? When all it would take is a bit of time remodelling existing models (considering there's no voicework or anything yet) - not removing the gender-lock on what are essentially, classes, seems just lazy at best.

The issue isn't "Why do it." It's "Why not?"

And sure, at the end of the day, this might all be reading into things a bit too much. But as long as things exist, people are going to read into them.

Take Ember. She is no shallow, big-boobed mind-less blond. She is a strong and willing woman, with a burning desire to be the greatest. I can imagine that, thus I can "be" the character much easier.

~ Hey labcat, where are you getting your steamy Ember fanfics from these days? I kid I kid :3

Seriously though, the fact that you put that amount of roleplay into your ember should make it easy to see where some of us are coming from. I know people who'd love to daydream about their hunky hottie of a male Ember.

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