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Plain / Cetus remakes during Eidolon Hunts


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Dear Devs,

I'm a regular hunter of Eidolons, and since you have released Patch 22.8.3, I have experienced a bug. It has hit me eight times so far.

During Eidolon hunts, I am the host, since I have a good computer and a great connection. After we defeat the Eidolon, we reconvene in the hall between the Plains and Cetus, awaiting the return to Cetus and reentry into plains for the next instance. As a host, I see the members disconnecting from my instance and getting into Cetus. When we get down to the last player with me, I have to wait a bit longer to load into Cetus. I don't know why, but losing the first and second player is easy, but the 3rd is always harder. Something to take a look at.

The bug occurs when the last player and I are still loading out of the Plains, and the first two players already enter a new instance. They think it's new, but it's the old instance of the plains that hasn't been remade into a new one. There is no Eidolon Spawn, we checked. It's the old instance persisting. The last player and I are still in the hall trying to load into Cetus, and the other two players are already in a 'New' instance of plains. I can't press "Abort Mission" anymore since I'm "Loading" into Cetus, so I have to Exit game with [Alt]+[F4] and restart, reinvite the players and start a new game in the Plains to remake.

The workaround we have to adopt is the players leaving the group when they load into Cetus, and that makes sure that the last person and I load into Cetus. So far this has cost us 6 Teralyst captures.

Now Cetus is its own topic. Loading into Cetus is hard on many computers. The amount of detail loaded in is big, and there's plenty of details to consider: When a team is loading into Cetus is there only to remake, do they need to see everything? Do they even want to see all the other Warframes? No, they normally don't. Can we have either an option for the host and all the other players to load straight into another session of Plains? That would remove the need to load the details of Cetus and the models of all the Warframes in Cetus.

I have a different bug report coming in regards to Host and other players difference in Amp damage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have also lost 1 teralyst hunt to this EXACT SAME BUG. I have lost 3 hunts to the reverse bug where the host leaves and I lose all my items. ALL MY ITEMS. Plains of eidolon runs horribly on my computer, with a minimum of 5 minutes load either direction. I have waited up to 20 minutes one direction just loading.

I am physically standing at the gate for 10-15 minutes on average. When I load, all other members are standing on top of the eidolon, with 3-4 charged lures, and often have several limbs knocked off it. When I load into town people are already on their way out.

So in total, due to loading times, host migration complete inventory wipes, or being unable to enter town (town is non-existent with no extraction ability) I've lost 4 complete teralyst hunts, which seem to be between 6500 and 7500 each in standings. This is a MAJOR issue nigh unto an emergency issue. Players are losing important items, time, and night is on a cycle, so it's a limited resource, they can't always just "rerun it to get the lost items/missing rewards". I just lost 20 intact cores, 7 exceptional cores, and a flawless, plus the eidolon shard and brilliant eidolon shard, and I've lost about the same before. Don't keep ignoring this, please.

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