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Auto-Popping Frost's Globes Concept


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With no finite duration to make snow globes expire, I feel like one good remedy to fixing the issue with Frost Prime noobs is to automatically destroy all globes under their individual possession when they get downed or fall off the map. The same already works for Limbo's Cataclysm and Stasis, and I feel like this concept should be applied to Frost as well. If he dies outside of the globe, it's his fault for not even utilizing his own abilities. If he dies inside his own globe (i.e. toxic nukes from high level Infested), then he might learn that maybe his ability isn't fit for that specific job. I personally do not believe it's a real nerf to Frost because an experienced one with his high shields and armor would surely in theory survive far longer than more fragile CC/support frames like Nova and Equinox.

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so what you want is MORE frost macroing? what? cataclysm and stasis do VERY different things to frosts bubble and as such should not be compared. Frost usage has already fallen off becuase of how the game has shifted. making his bubble 'die' for things other then the BUBBLES hp pool is absurd. 


If you have an issue with random frost globes sitting around inform them that it can be hit with the 1 to break it. you would be amazed how many people don't know its a mechanic since its not something you are likely to just try.

here is an example situation for how it works now (2hr defense):

Defense Pod -> Frost Bubble -> Frost steps out of the center (still in his bubble) of his Bubble and dies to to bombard AoE -> Frost sighs, team revives -> mission continues -> Job. Done. 


here is an example situation for how it works now under your version (2hr defense):

Defense Pod -> Frost Bubble -> Frost steps out of the center (still in his bubble) of his Bubble and dies to to bombard AoE -> Frost cries, bubble dies -> mission fails  -> Press F to pay respects.

Edited by Tailion
added stuff. drunk so forgot.
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5 minutes ago, Tailion said:

so what you want is MORE frost macroing? what? cataclysm and stasis do VERY different things to frosts bubble and as such should not be compared. Frost usage has already fallen off becuase of how the game has shifted. making his bubble 'die' for things other then the BUBBLES hp pool is absurd. 


If you have an issue with random frost globes sitting around inform them that it can be hit with the 1 to break it. you would be amazed how many people don't know its a mechanic since its not something you are likely to just try.

Agreed. Most people are not aware of mechanics that their frames have. OP , you can just tell them what to do.

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7 minutes ago, Tailion said:

If you have an issue with random frost globes sitting around inform them that it can be hit with the 1 to break it. you would be amazed how many people don't know its a mechanic since its not something you are likely to just try.


Can't count the number of frost's i've politely asked to pop their snow globes. 9.9/10 it tends to be a mind blowing experience for them, and for the rest of the mission you see them popping the things whenever the squad move on from the point, even when they don't even need to do it.

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8 minutes ago, Tailion said:

so what you want is MORE frost macroing? what? cataclysm and stasis do VERY different things to frosts bubble and as such should not be compared. Frost usage has already fallen off becuase of how the game has shifted. making his bubble 'die' for things other then the BUBBLES hp pool is absurd. 


If you have an issue with random frost globes sitting around inform them that it can be hit with the 1 to break it. you would be amazed how many people don't know its a mechanic since its not something you are likely to just try.

You're trying to say that I can somehow communicate with enough noobs? Roughly half are willing to learn and do quickly pick up the mechanic. Others are just braindead and don't even respond in chat (implying that they're not even reading).

And what macroing? What fallen usage rate? This change would have near zero effect on an end-game Frost that can self-heal with health pizzas or arcanes and self-replenish energy with energy pizzas or Energizing Dash.

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1 minute ago, MillbrookWest said:


Can't count the number of frost's i've politely asked to pop their snow globes. 9.9/10 it tends to be a mind blowing experience for them, and for the rest of the mission you see them popping the things whenever the squad move on from the point, even when they don't even need to do it.

You have good luck with noobs, then. I wish more Frost P's around me were like your teammates.

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1 minute ago, Raspberri said:

You're trying to say that I can somehow communicate with enough noobs? Roughly half are willing to learn and do quickly pick up the mechanic. Others are just braindead and don't even respond in chat (implying that they're not even reading).

And what macroing? What fallen usage rate? This change would have near zero effect on an end-game Frost that can self-heal with health pizzas or arcanes and self-replenish energy with energy pizzas or Energizing Dash.

what do you define as end-game? because the point where im worried about frosts bubble matter arcanes and pizza dont matter for health. one hit from some enemies, and you dont exist. and thats just sortie/kuva flood S#&$. if your endgame is Hydron then yeah, it wont matter because the enemies dont matter.

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3 minutes ago, Tailion said:

what do you define as end-game? because the point where im worried about frosts bubble matter arcanes and pizza dont matter for health. one hit from some enemies, and you dont exist. and thats just sortie/kuva flood S#&$. if your endgame is Hydron then yeah, it wont matter because the enemies dont matter.

You are correct about being one-shot and everything, but I would generally assume that an end-game squad would have at least one Warframe that can apply significant damage resist for the whole team (that frame usually being Trinity).

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Just now, Raspberri said:

You are correct about being one-shot and everything, but I would generally assume that an end-game squad would have at least one Warframe that can apply significant damage resist for the whole team (that frame usually being Trinity).

maybe. maybe not. whenever i do/did really long runs, multiple hour runs, we didnt always have bless trin. the frost was a backup while we kept EVERYTHING cc'd. and it depends on the faction, vs corpus i would usually rather jsut get a damge buff over a DR. 


This game has not been focused on endurance since the void changes 'way' back, balancing S#&$ around the maximum possible usually just hurts the lower end. Tonkor was already on its way out with the release of Zarr, then they gutted it even further becuase it used to be 'meta'. Orthos Prime has a riven dispotion of 1 becuase for a long time it was king, but now we have S#&$ like the cassowar that S#&$s on everything and has a riven disposition of 3. what you are proposing ONLY makes frost worse in content thats hard, and does nothing where it means nothing. frosts ability to leave his globe and not have to worry about the instant failure of a mission is good, making it so that frosts death kills his globes would be just as brilliant as the Ash Bladestorm rework (aka, @(*()$ awful and nothing but a nerf to something that wasnt even a problem)

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8 minutes ago, Tailion said:

maybe. maybe not. whenever i do/did really long runs, multiple hour runs, we didnt always have bless trin. the frost was a backup while we kept EVERYTHING cc'd. and it depends on the faction, vs corpus i would usually rather jsut get a damge buff over a DR. 


This game has not been focused on endurance since the void changes 'way' back, balancing S#&$ around the maximum possible usually just hurts the lower end. Tonkor was already on its way out with the release of Zarr, then they gutted it even further becuase it used to be 'meta'. Orthos Prime has a riven dispotion of 1 becuase for a long time it was king, but now we have S#&$ like the cassowar that S#&$s on everything and has a riven disposition of 3. what you are proposing ONLY makes frost worse in content thats hard, and does nothing where it means nothing. frosts ability to leave his globe and not have to worry about the instant failure of a mission is good, making it so that frosts death kills his globes would be just as brilliant as the Ash Bladestorm rework (aka, @(*()$ awful and nothing but a nerf to something that wasnt even a problem)

Before Cassowar, just look at the Zaw polearms. Going back on track, I do see your point now. I still don't think it's any major change, but I do see some minor problems with my idea ("minor" compared to that Ash Bladestorm rework, anyway).

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