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Akbolto Prime vs. Spira Prime: Who Wins?


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Ignoring the silent nature of Spira Prime and its compatibility with Concealed Explosives, I think these two weapons are relatively close in terms of performance. My question to you guys then, is which one do you think is the better weapon?

And I guess to extend the competition to the broader picture, can Akbolto Prime's crits make it capable of outdamaging the status monster of an Akstiletto Prime in some cases?

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Akbolto all the way. It's far more accurate, meaning you can reliably land headshots for massive crit damage.

Spira Prime, while it SAYS it has perfect accuracy, it actually has perfect accuracy in a triangle. Each thrown knife will alternate to a different spot around the reticle in 3 points.

Spira Prime you can still mod for crit damage and firerate, throw on Concealed Explosive and blow some fools up though

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