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Players Being Rude In Chat And Not Helping New Players.



Lately there are a few players that think they are better than or superior to others, they think they are God's. The problem is instead of helping others (in game chat) they laugh at their misery and frustration. (I have a Warframe Wiki account, but it doesn't answer everything. I just wanted to say a good King always helps others with kindness and shares his knowledge with the peasants and would be kind instead of enjoying someone else's misery. Just think about it the next time someone asks what's a Dojo Key, because I guarantee there was I time when you asked the same question, remember that. Bad Karma to those whom think they are somehow better than others, bad Karma to you...

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Its the internet...you should know this by now...

I can understand why people get mad, when I run Xini to find two level 1 mastery and a mastery 2 all running with Loki's and a Mk1 or Paris its annoying. In which case I feel like a god compared to them and I start acting as one. As for questions in region, I would give up on that, its fulled of people that just want short entertainment. For that they yell at new players and laugh at horrible questions.

Edited by dadgoat
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It's true. I was running Kappa with some people who who were being real $&*^s. Myself and some other team member were trying to tell them that if we stick together we can get more XP but they didn't listen, didn't defend anything and refused to even res someone when they went down. They claimed "Know what's great about being a grandmaster? Even if I'm an A****** they love me" (Not sure if he meant the company or the players. 


Some people really only play games online so much because they can't handle real social interaction I would assume. =/

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To an extent, this extends to the forums as well.  Just because you like your Warframe/weapon/mods doesn't mean you should trash somebody else's choices. if you see a less-than-ideal build explain to them what could make it better, or what works for you, but please do so without insulting them.


*By "you" I am not referring to a specific person, but rather all the frequenters of the forum.

Edited by Mateodon
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I am pretty much Daemon Prince.


also i do not ask things, i read things. you should try it sometimes. actually there a guys who made a wiki about warframe. they put their efforts so people like you could find information they need.

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That made me shudder.

Let's get the torches and pitchforks.


Anyway, that made me shudder as well. If what this person said actually happened to him/her, I'd say something as "douchey" as that deserves nothing less than a strip of rank. Respect is earned, not bought.

Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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Still, it shouldn't be a free pass for people to act like everyone is inferior to them. 

No it shouldn't, however people act as tho it is a free pass. I remember once upon a time in games long past, players would bend over backwards to help each other and work cooperatively  to achieve most goals. People with bad attitudes like that either found themselves in volatile guilds that never lasted and were shunned or where shunned themselves. However games have adopted systems to make it easier for players to group up unfortunately also making it easier for people to have these kinds of attitudes with no real consequence i.e. not being able to get into a group or guild.  

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I am pretty much Daemon Prince.


also i do not ask things, i read things. you should try it sometimes. actually there a guys who made a wiki about warframe. they put their efforts so people like you could find information they need.

Not everything is on the Wiki.  And how does one first learn about, say, Sentinals, without asking "why is that little box following you around?"  It's not like the Wiki will do any good if you don't know the name of what your looking for.  https://www.google.com/#bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=ee5bf3aa9d72854e&q=warframe+little+box+that+follows+people

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Not everything is on the Wiki.  And how does one first learn about, say, Sentinals, without asking "why is that little box following you around?"  It's not like the Wiki will do any good if you don't know the name of what your looking for.  https://www.google.com/#bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=ee5bf3aa9d72854e&q=warframe+little+box+that+follows+people

On top of that, information there is a summary, it isn't living. A person could probably give more insight than what is provided in the wiki. Everyone teaches differently.

Edited by RibbonRobbin
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On top of that, information there is a summary, it isn't living. A person could probably give more insight than what is provided in the wiki. Everyone teaches differently.

To further add to that, everyone learns differently.

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Let's get the torches and pitchforks.


Anyway, that made me shudder as well. If what this person said actually happened to him/her, I'd say something as "douchey" as that deserves nothing less than a strip of rank. Respect is earned, not bought.


It happened. The rest of that mission they were deliberately acting like a tool to annoy us. (Standing over a downed player and T-bagging them, not helping kill anything but just balling up enemies, ect...)

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Not everything is on the Wiki.  And how does one first learn about, say, Sentinals, without asking "why is that little box following you around?"  It's not like the Wiki will do any good if you don't know the name of what your looking for.  https://www.google.com/#bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=ee5bf3aa9d72854e&q=warframe+little+box+that+follows+people

... yeah right... it requires so much effort and knowledge to study menus and market's content.

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It happened. The rest of that mission they were deliberately acting like a tool to annoy us. (Standing over a downed player and T-bagging them, not helping kill anything but just balling up enemies, ect...)

It is disappointing they think donating money to a brilliant game gives them the "privy" to act like that, though I'm sure their attitude would have remained the same even if they didn't join the Founders Club.

I hope you reported that behavior and that DE takes action, even if temporary, to teach them a lesson.

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came across a good bunch of people last night , farming plastids then 1 guy shows up and has not @(*()$ clue about the peer-2-peer system in this game i was explaining it for like 5 mins to him and he still puts the blame on me


and best of all he throws out im almost MR-7 and when i saw that i was just like WTF is this community coming to , ive meet some annoying people during my long cycle of playing in this game and not once have i heard them say anything about there MR or what not


either way this is expected after all happens to every community when it goes into OBT , its us the reasonable and mature players to step up :)

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It happened. The rest of that mission they were deliberately acting like a tool to annoy us. (Standing over a downed player and T-bagging them, not helping kill anything but just balling up enemies, ect...)


hmm all tho that is a $&*^ move , and all tho i would never do that unless teammates do not understand or are planning to screw the mission up me and my clan mates always have funny ways of getting them killed


for a rael life example me and one of my mates where farming olypus on mars to get salvage , but apparently these people where running around the map spawning killing them


EVERYONE knows you let the enemy's come to the pod that way its easier to collect mats and mods if they drop , but nope not for these twats so what we done was we found a nice little corner and just stayed there letting all the enemy's run from behind and kill the pod while they are at the bottom of the map

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hmm all tho that is a $&*^ move , and all tho i would never do that unless teammates do not understand or are planning to screw the mission up me and my clan mates always have funny ways of getting them killed


for a rael life example me and one of my mates where farming olypus on mars to get salvage , but apparently these people where running around the map spawning killing them


EVERYONE knows you let the enemy's come to the pod that way its easier to collect mats and mods if they drop , but nope not for these twats so what we done was we found a nice little corner and just stayed there letting all the enemy's run from behind and kill the pod while they are at the bottom of the map


Yea I always hate how on maps like xini half or even 3 of them sit up in that front left corner and leave basicly everything that spawns on the right and the things they miss to just one person that is actually you know........defending the pod. Its like some people forget they are supposed to be defending something and sit half way across the map from it the entire time.

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Yea I always hate how on maps like xini half or even 3 of them sit up in that front left corner and leave basicly everything that spawns on the right and the things they miss to just one person that is actually you know........defending the pod. Its like some people forget they are supposed to be defending something and sit half way across the map from it the entire time.


true true all tho i understand completely where you are coming from the truth is people have turned from working with others to > caring only on XP and the rewards it brings

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yea that sucks....like the time i asked in the region chat "hey banshee owners, where did you get your banshee systems?" and just one guy repplied "read the wiki, jackass"


i read the wiki 2 weeks ago before asking that, and i know where it should drop (btw the drop is only 3%).,,.and also read in the comments that ppl got their systems from other planets (low level), and just wanted to chat with someone at region about it...so...yeah theres a lot of idiots there thinking that they are above everything and everyone, and just trashing everyone asking something in region thinking they are just noobs wich does not give any reason to act like that...


i think thats just life.

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yea that sucks....like the time i asked in the region chat "hey banshee owners, where did you get your banshee systems?" and just one guy repplied "read the wiki, jackass"


i read the wiki 2 weeks ago before asking that, and i know where it should drop (btw the drop is only 3%).,,.and also read in the comments that ppl got their systems from other planets (low level), and just wanted to chat with someone at region about it...so...yeah theres a lot of idiots there thinking that they are above everything and everyone, and just trashing everyone asking something in region thinking they are just noobs wich does not give any reason to act like that...


i think thats just life.

if you had read the wiki you would have know where banshee parts drop , its a raid reward commonly found in Eris same goes with defense missions it can be given as a reward on defense


never rely on global chat , this community has turned into a ridiculous troll fest that likes to play with its pray before it gives any answers


wiki is where you will find all useful tips and hints from the dedicated community that wish to help others like my self , if your in need of a wing man feel free to ask anyone hell just shoot me a friend invite and if we are on at the same time il get a couple games with you , always fun to play with new players after all its something to chill out over rather than doing high lvl missions all the time

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if you had read the wiki you would have know where banshee parts drop , its a raid reward commonly found in Eris same goes with defense missions it can be given as a reward on defense


never rely on global chat , this community has turned into a ridiculous troll fest that likes to play with its pray before it gives any answers


wiki is where you will find all useful tips and hints from the dedicated community that wish to help others like my self , if your in need of a wing man feel free to ask anyone hell just shoot me a friend invite and if we are on at the same time il get a couple games with you , always fun to play with new players after all its something to chill out over rather than doing high lvl missions all the time

i only asked because theres a information about banshee systems on wiki that says "you can find the systems by doing high lvl defense missions, heres the tier3 loot table to prove it" and like i said in the comment, i was trying that for 2 weeks, 2 weeks doing grineer defense missions wich i hate with absolutely no sucess. so at that point i just cant rely on wiki anymore or im just unlucky as hell


also i didnt know about that raid information that you just said, again, on wiki it says or defense missions or spy mission on mars wich i tried like 20 times with no sucess

Edited by HolySoul77
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