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Pitch black patches/models, shader/lighting bug.


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So yeah, this issue first came to my attention when playing Octavia and has happened on other occasions aswell with other frames after that.

What exactly is this issue? Well it is the following. In certain environmental lights/shadows my Octavia would turn pitch black, like some simple rendering, much similar to what we can see when loading into public hubs. The difference was however that her helmet still looked/rendered as it should (using her Cadenza helmet on her default skin). This issue happened out in the PoE aswell as in the Infested Salvage mission (at certain positions around the objectives). I've tried maximum graphics, minimum and a mix in between. I got tired of fiddling with it so settled on near max graphics where the game is baby smooth except for these pitch black incidents.

As I said at the top, this happened to other frames aswell, but not in the same way. No other frame has run into the simple pitch black warframe look, however my Nidus has this happening at times with Virulence, the rendering just turns completely or partially black. The same graphic bug happens at the vaults where you insert the keypad to start the defense wave in the PoE. The box is pitch black except on the front where the yellow lights show as they should.

What should also be noted is that in Octavia's aswell as the Vault's case, gunfire or similar will make the pitch black areas light up and look "normal" for a moment. I havent been able to notice this on Virulence however.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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