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Operator Emotes/Animations


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Oh, hello there! *Obi-wan feelling*

Since the introduction of the "combat operator" one thing i love to do is take my operator and his warframe to the Captura mode. But something always bothers me: The way the operator loves to clip through the floor on his emotes/animations. And is not only over certain types of terrain, 99,9% of them clips the operator.





I know this is a minor issue, that only over certain circumstances it's noticeable, but i think that if there is a way to fix it, would be great. I love taking screenshots of my operator on different poses and doing something cool, but sometimes the relax one, like sitting is cool too and is kinda sad to see my Tenno clipping through the ground and not be able to take screeshots over different angles that shows his whole body. 

Well, that's what i have to say (and show). I hope you all have a great day! See ya!~

-Yukinooh ^^  


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This happens also with warframes and the Repala Syandana on occasion due to how the cloth physics handle the warframe's physics boxes. To fix this, the entire character(s) would need to use an assisted ragdolling mechanism, like that employed on Ambulas 2.0, the Teralyst and its bigger variants.

Problem: Characters or parts of characters clipping through floors, and Syandanas/cloth bits clipping through characters.

Solution: Assisted ragdolling (like how in Dark Souls, Skyrim or Halo 3, where characters' feet would align of its own accord to geometry, and subtly modify animations on the fly to compensate).

Temporary solution: Use the meditate animation, and the Tenno Kneel animation for sitting.

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19 hours ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

This happens also with warframes and the Repala Syandana on occasion due to how the cloth physics handle the warframe's physics boxes. To fix this, the entire character(s) would need to use an assisted ragdolling mechanism, like that employed on Ambulas 2.0, the Teralyst and its bigger variants.

Problem: Characters or parts of characters clipping through floors, and Syandanas/cloth bits clipping through characters.

Solution: Assisted ragdolling (like how in Dark Souls, Skyrim or Halo 3, where characters' feet would align of its own accord to geometry, and subtly modify animations on the fly to compensate).

Temporary solution: Use the meditate animation, and the Tenno Kneel animation for sitting.

That's referred to as Inverse Kinematics, something that seems sparsely used in Warframe. I'm unsure how their animation system handles that, since Evolution Engine seems finicky in regards to anything model-related...

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