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The new Banshee SoundQuake augment is even worse!


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19 hours ago, BlakusLogan said:

you're just a bit salty since you can't lazy focus farm anymore

Actually I don't think I've ever done the lazy focus farm method except one time on berehynia in a squad just to try it out once.

The 3 other times I've used resonating quake, 2 of them were for corpus interception sorties where I ran a max range, max effiency build looking mostly to cc (as you get better at the game, you realise that mass cc builds aren't necessary at all for intercepts, all you really need to do is cap all 4 points, and kill at most 2 guys:the ones hacking the point). The other time was for a defense sortie again corpus where there was another resonating quake banshee as well trying the same support cc build. It's a horrible build, btw, you need to vomit like 20 energy restores the whole time since the energy costs are high and even then, you're better off just using nova or nyx or vauban or limbo or frost or really any other cc character. 100m radius of stun isn't really worth anything.

I do play a lot of banshee though which is why this matters to me greatly, actually I can probably show you some pictures if you are that curious about my usage

So I have about 1800 hours played


and I've used banshee about 14% of those 1800 hours, and banshee prime about 14% for about 30% (aka about 400 hours of banshee)


I have a collective 20k kills with both of them over the course of 400 hours.

This is my ember stat by comparison


it has literally more kills than my banshee stats combined, and those were back when I was still exploring the star chart with afk world on fire.

So either I am the worlds WORST banshee soundquake user ever based on how many kills I've gotten, or more likely I use a sonar build. And hey, let's check out the weapon kills too.


40k kills with my favourite sybaris. Even more than the ember stat. I like to shoot glowing orange weakpoints. I like to see 1 million+ dmg dealt (PS gamedevs, make dmg text above 1 million last like 5 seconds, it's a special moment really).


13k kills with the burston p, a gun I've kinda forgotten but still a classic and a old favourite of mine. It's plenty viable for any mission, super accurate, can heal you, and because I play sonar banshee a lot you can put on a reload mod without feeling bad about dmg output. Lotta players consider it trash up till todays recent update.

The part where I get to put in QoL mods like reload or recoil reduction or ammo economy are one of my favourite parts to playing sonar banshee. That and the "I can use any gun so the game never burns out". If I get bored, I switch guns and get a brand new experience. It's always fresh and exciting to use a gun everyone else said was unviable and it works fine with banshee. And hitting brand new damage records is fun too! Also this is kinda strange but recently, the sheer danger/risk and effort you need to put in to not die has kinda been growing on me; you have very bad defensive skills as banshee (unless, y'know, DE fixes this quake augment) so your only real defense is to oneshot every single threat within those 3 second time windows before they kill you.


You also think I'm lazy, but I am literally the only MR 20+ player I have ever met that has a "most used companion" as a non-carrier no-vacuum type. Dropped sentinels and used this thing since it's release. I love this cat. I love it's (sometimes the whole mission) red crits, I love it's ability to now oneshot enemies while healing me to full, it's ability to generate argon crystals (and other rare drops) whenever I need them, I love that 120s buff, I love getting the 10s buff on the plains and switching to operator flying, and I love how cute it looks. The part where I have to parkour to every mod and energy sphere that drops sure is lazy ain't it? Well, at least you aren't that lazy aren't you?


This is the banshee build I used for the past 2 years. I don't use it anymore. But it can really "kill anything, with any weapon". Anything with armour I can remove. Anything with health, I'll just oneshot. Does depend upon Zenurik for regen and survivability. Weak whenever DE "accidentally" allows quick thinking stagger chains to happen. It's alsoa bit nice since it encourages using sonic boom in general for self defence, something many players have forgotten to do.


This is the build I use now a days. It's less greedy and helps the team out a bit more, multiples every dmg by 10 (and more since weakpoints stack). The vitality is because of the recent addition of the hunter set, specifically the addition Hunter recovery (the lifesteal one). The vitality is also nice since my smeeta get's more out of health link. The quicking thinking combo is there as a safety measure.


And here's my smeeta build if you're curious. It can oneshot anything below level 50 while instantly full healing without sonars. But since I'm always casting sonars constantly, things in T5 bounties and level 80-100 sorties also die in one hit while also keeping me full health (and therefore preventing quick thinking staggers). Also it can shred armour and takes more than a minute to bleed out making it really hard to lose.

Oh and by the way, that resonating quake change, note I don't use any of it in these builds. (The adaro build if you are curious is a savage silence one with parkour mods, radar mods, and of course savage silence+duration and a very fixed range so it matches the tiny vision cone of a grineer so I can just run through the mission and slide attack'em as quickly as possible while gaining large amounts of affinity; if you dont know what adaro exterminate banshee savage silence focus farming is, I'd recommend just looking it up on youtube, it's much smoother and funner than the equnox variety.) I don't even touch quake unless I notice my in-mission challenge is "from within"; in which case I will press 4, then immediately back out so I get that 1k affinity. Mostly because quake is just a bad ability in general. It's super high energy cost (literally 25 energy per second; highest in the game) and super-doesn't-really do anything after level 50.

Also kinda sidetrack here, but one funny thing was more than a year ago I tried switching back to my old main, atlas (yeah that was a fun time too) and I found myself randomly placing walls whenever enemies were missing on the minimap or when an enemy showed up, which was a reflex I developed I guess since I was so used to using sonar to spot enemies or set weakpoints.


I don't know if you wrote that comment before reading what I actually put into the OP, but it seems quite rude to just ignore what I've stated in my OP since that's kinda the foundation of discussion here. It kind of looks like you read the title, hopped into the thread, ignored what I wrote assuming it was just some guy complaining about their lazy focus farm, that they wanted it back and was flaming DE, and then made that comment.

But it's not. I'm like the exact opposite. If anything I was part of the voice that wanted new players to be able to play the game and wanted ember and equinox out of lith fissures/low level missions/low level alerts. Since I like to occasionally hop into those missions myself with level 0 guns and use sonars to make the new players have a fun time hitting dmg numbers they've never seen before while shooting alongside them.

if you want a TL;DR for the OP, it's quite simple, the new augment is also problematic. It's a cheap spammable aoe nuke that can definitely be used to shut new players out from combat the same way ember used to.

On the primetime I believe the week before last week, they showcased a banshee augment that was completely different, a deployable stun field of sorts, that would have fit perfectly into sonar banshees (and depending on if the soundquake staggered enemies were open to melee finisher attacks, also great for savage silence built ones too). But instead they chose to go with this generic nuke that's really abusable and shifts the problem somewhere else. Somewhere worse. To the new players, who are the lifeblood of any community.

Edited by Obviousclone
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Banshees current 4 is a lot like the way mags polarize used to be when she was known as the corpus killer. It's really powerful.


Right now because you can now use her 4 while mobile banshee can now nuke extermination and survival and any mission that requires movement. She's stronger than ember ever was at doing this type of thing. And she's even doing Hydron and bere easier because she doesn't need to build flow or use pizzas, zenurik alone is good enough. Duration is also a pointless stat so she can prioritize efficiency and strength. With her newfound mobility not having enough range isn't as punishing because she can reposition and recast  so just stretch and augur reach have been doing well enough without having to use overextended


I'm going to enjoy it while I can because I love banshee and it really is fun to be able to use her in a wider variety of missions. But it's going to get nerfed eventually. And I mean actually nerfed

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From my perspective of Banshee is she is better used with her 2 and 3 since her passive already gave silence to all guns and combo that with the damage multiplier with her sonar to know where enemies at so that they wouldn't spot you thus ruining the stealth crit. And I really don't understand how spamming 4 is fun, DE clearly said in the update that Banshee's 4 is the most boring skill ever

Edited by Rabbid-
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I don't know what everyone is talking about here. I tried the new Resonating Quake in a bounty in the plains: it did no damage to lvl40 tusk grineer, and the casting animation was longer than the duration of the CC effect. A long casting animation that leaves you completely defenseless... I found it completely useless for damage or CC... I guess I should build for max power str? But what's the point, Banshee's unagumented powers are all better than this, even Sonic Boom. If you want CC you can use Silence, if you want damage use Sonar and shoot the enemies. I don't see a reason for this augment to exist. I wish DE would redesign it, I don't want the old one back at all, I'd like an augment that actually does something good...

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On 2/11/2018 at 3:14 AM, Obviousclone said:

I hoped onto a lith defence fissure earth

So banshee can nuke lith earth defense.  So can many other frames where you won't see a single enemy.  There are plenty of frames and weapons that will nuke that so fast you will have ZERO chance at getting 10 reactant before the 5 waves are over.

Banshee and her augment is not the problem.  Having content where the only place to get rewards/resources or the most efficient place to do it is low level missions means high level gear will destroy it and people will go there (or HAVE to go there) with this high level gear.


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