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Do You Like The Direction Warframe Is Heading And Has De Bitten Off More Than They Can Chew?


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Even though I love the game and DE alot, I do have to agree with pretty much all the points that are being put on the table.

I love to spend time, effort and money into this game because it has a very bright future still, unfortunately these points brought up are indeed not helping the game much even turning some things (looking at the daily logins and rewards + implementation of forma) into a down slope.


This thread is worth reading and opening a mature discussion with the dev team!


Help us keep the Tenno a formidable fighting force.

Edited by Swakke
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Even though I love the game and DE alot, I do have to agree with pretty much all the points that are being put on the table.

I love to spend time, effort and money into this game because it has a very bright future still, unfortunately these points brought up are indeed not helping the game much even turning some things (looking at the daily logins and rewards + implementation of forma) into a down slope.


This thread is worth reading and opening a mature discussion with the dev team!


Help us keep the Tenno a formidable fighting force.

Agree the discussion here is great, taking notes!

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As a long-time advocate of adding nuance and depth to Warframe's gameplay, I've been watching the devs' attitude towards the game's development since U7 become something pretty distressing, and have even warned that this was coming a long time ago.  To break down a few main points:


1) DE has deemed that it is acceptable to repeatedly impose poorly tested, half-baked content that occasionally requires real money for early access, which effects a sense of disrespect, or apathy.


2) DE has deemed that it is acceptable to repeatedly impose baffling "fixes" to the game while ignoring a wide variety of better suggestions and ideas from the beta testing community, which effects a sense of ignorance, or inexperience, or I don't even know.


3) DE has deemed that it is acceptable to repeatedly deprioritise elements of gameplay that elicits in players anything from mild irritation up to blind rage, and subsequently released things like melee weapons that nobody asked for, which effects a sense of incompetence, or greed.


These three points, recurring over a period of nearly 6 months have developed a bad taste in players' mouths sufficient to sicken.  That's the effect that we're seeing that's causing so many unhappy threads.  I can only guess that this "Warfarm" style of development is actually making money, otherwise the trend would not have continued for so long.


Having said that, I don't believe the term "biting off more than they can chew" necessarily applies; they haven't created a monster they can't control, they just haven't built something that will last in its current state.

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i joined in april 2013, somewhere around the 14th and since then i gotta say, nothing has really changed. sure, there are more mods/weapons/warframes available but THAT's it. no endgame content. i am barely playing it right now, just stalking alerts with my android warframe nexus app and logging in on a daylie basis (although it's crap most of the time, hell i feel like i am lucky when i get 10k credits...).


sure, there's the void now but come on guys, be honest. it's just grind packed into another package. i'd like to somehow grind the braton prime (i like my braton) but to get the braton prime i first have to grind a bunch of void keys (bad drop chance), then again i have to grind the void for a random drop out of a big pool of items that don't really interest me. i don't care about any other prime stuff, just want the braton, yet there is no way to effectively just go and "work for the things you want".


the only things in game that can be accomplished by your work without lucky drops are clan weapons (not counting the need for forma here and the research/dojo stuff needed).


so to sum this a bit up.

- no real endgame content (just artificial goals i set myself like max weapon x, max mod x, etc)

- no effective way of working for your desired stuff, everything's covered by RNG

- playing is most of the time the same. start mission, kill a bunch of bad ai enemies, "reward", rinse and repeat

- weekend events are grindfests that do not require anything, most of the time reward you with S#&$ty stuff and if we (players) fail we are having bad times farming mats then (like that threat about not destroying fomorians = halved resource drops)

- bugs and suggestions are being ignored although they are pointed at or around for a LONG time. (looking at puncture mods thread for example)


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I'm going to be fair on this one. I do have my gripes about some of the drop rates in the void. (cough cough Braton Prime Barrel... 2 weeks and DOZENS of T3 caps and defs now DE. plz.)

But in the 4 months I've been playing over two dozen new weapons were introduced, 2 regular mission tilesets, the void, the new void and nightmare mode. I have no idea why the Grineer informers or eviscerators aren't now included as regular enemies in game. (they introduced the fusion moas and those became regular enemies)

I must admit it's been a quiet with regards to finding public matches in the past few evenings, but I chalk that up to everyone burning out from 2x affinity weekend and dropping formas/level weps like the madmen we are at ungodly hours non-stop.

We gon' be fine folks. Could it be you guys liked playing it so much you burned through the content faster than they could make it?


Edited by sushidubya
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Well, yeah, for the past months DE has managed to make me lose all faith in the game. Now, don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that they are doing a bad job, or that this is a bad game, it's just that the direction they are heading isn't pleasing me. The direction they are heading does seem to please the majority of players, since I always seem to be alone in my displeasure with the current situation.


I guess it's my fault for expecting fixes and improvements over new content. Oh, well, I can only hope that the day I escape from Warframe's clutches is near.

Edited by Kohira
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Well, after nearly 300h of playing I might add one thing that bothers me the most - game lacks the true "co-op". Dont get me wrong, playing with friends is one thing, but doing something besides going full rambo is a whole new experience.


Second thing that we mention a lot in clan - there's nothing to achieve. Any particular goal, any reward, something that only maybe 10% of gamers could do (i mean something except 100th wave on Xini) 


Nevertheless, I still have faith in DE. They aint acting like any other company, they listen (well, sometimes ;] ) and care about all the gamers, not only those who pay. High five for that guys and kiss on Rebecca's cheek.

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i joined in april 2013, somewhere around the 14th and since then i gotta say, nothing has really changed. sure, there are more mods/weapons/warframes available but THAT's it. no endgame content. i am barely playing it right now, just stalking alerts with my android warframe nexus app and logging in on a daylie basis (although it's crap most of the time, hell i feel like i am lucky when i get 10k credits...).


sure, there's the void now but come on guys, be honest. it's just grind packed into another package. i'd like to somehow grind the braton prime (i like my braton) but to get the braton prime i first have to grind a bunch of void keys (bad drop chance), then again i have to grind the void for a random drop out of a big pool of items that don't really interest me. i don't care about any other prime stuff, just want the braton, yet there is no way to effectively just go and "work for the things you want".


the only things in game that can be accomplished by your work without lucky drops are clan weapons (not counting the need for forma here and the research/dojo stuff needed).


so to sum this a bit up.

- no real endgame content (just artificial goals i set myself like max weapon x, max mod x, etc)

- no effective way of working for your desired stuff, everything's covered by RNG

- playing is most of the time the same. start mission, kill a bunch of bad ai enemies, "reward", rinse and repeat

- weekend events are grindfests that do not require anything, most of the time reward you with S#&$ty stuff and if we (players) fail we are having bad times farming mats then (like that threat about not destroying fomorians = halved resource drops)

- bugs and suggestions are being ignored although they are pointed at or around for a LONG time. (looking at puncture mods thread for example)


Same way I've been feeling about the void, prime weapons and everything else you mentioned. I honestly barely log in everyday, I too just stalk alerts and half the time I can't even be bothered to log on if its something I want. The only time I might play more than 30 minutes straight is during weekend events and that's pushing it.


 if your like us and have been playing this game for months or even a shorter time you realize it's always just grind this, to get this that will let you grind that, with no real purpose behind it.

I'm waiting for an update that doesn't add new content, but instead is focused on actually fixing a lot of the problems that's been in the game. Kind of like how update 9 was supposed to do.

Edited by theclinton
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Regarding the huge focus on content patches:

I will not play any content if the game mechanics aren't solid or fun.  There simply isn't enough lore/story to engage me enough to overlook some of the major problems outlined in the OP.

I hardly play anymore, except to check for an alert or to try my next fruitless run for orokin cells (six runs in a row; so far, none. Fun).

Please don't release a single new weapon, frame, or tileset until the game is stable and more useable.  Constant weapon additions can come after beta!  

I'll feel a little better once the UI is complete and provides all the information vital to players (complete weapon stats, seriously!!).

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DE has about 3 months to go out of beta. They better go out of beta with a bang! I hope they drastically change the game else they won't make it. Still believe in them, but they have to address there's an issues first.


Pretty much my feelings. The deadline for official release is drawing for a close, and it still seems like DE has a lot of content to fine tune for Warframe to leave a lasting impression in the gaming community. I'm kinda worried if they'll be able to finalize everything before the beta period is over.


I'd be totally cool with a whole month of no new content as long as DE took the time to polish and balance everything that currently exists in the game (melee system, armor, mods, drop tables, etc, etc). I feel that going back and making sure everything that already exists is fun and balanced should take priority over weekend events and new content at this point in development.


EDIT: That's not to say that improving Bosses and adding new tilesets is bad, that's something they should be doing, but in terms of weapons and warframes, they should focus more on making the existing ones balanced and unique before creating new ones (there's already a ton of existing weapons that can use an overhaul).

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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I think Lore would take the least amount of time & effort and make the biggest difference for the investment...I want to hate the grineer right now they just kinda bug me a little. When I first started playing this game it seemed kinda dark and I hope that's the direction they go. I remember first starting this and not seeing any humans and thinking hmm I guess we lost the "war" and these warframes are all that left of humanity so I guess this game is about revenge "Wrath of Khan" style...when I started reading it and saw that it had little to no fleshing out done I was very disappointed..My "reason" for killing everything is just too vague.

Edited by Zeke01234
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I'd like to point out an observation I've made from my time playing that will hopefully help the devs. I have noticed that the times when I have the most fun are when I'm always on my toes.


This occurs in nightmare when there are no shields and I'm bouncing around from to cover to cover blasting enemies, always on the move so I don't die. This occurs in the void when lasers are shooting everywhere and orokin traps are sending out shockwaves while enemies are shooting at me and I'm diving around while shooting at everything.


DE has said in the past that they favor speed to slow, cover gameplay and the game shines the most when that speed and agility is tested constantly. I think that more situations like these would be a step in the right direction over the current more common situation of planting roots and mowing down everything.


That's obviously not the only thing but it is one thing I would love to see more of, preferably not hidden behind a wall of farming like the void is now, which by the way has always annoyed me. Fun endgame content should not require hours of farming just to participate in it. Having to do stuff to reach it is fine. That's why it's called endgame content. But once you're there you should be able to go as often as you like. That's the way I see it at least.

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woot just had an epiphany....Imagine the epicness of finding out next year that the corpus kept a few humans alive for research etc and Lotus finds out...that would make for some serious excitement and make it feel pretty tense if they (DE) could scale the difficulty so we NEED these bad &#! frames then later one we could save then protect the last remnants of humanity :P...sweet.

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I also think adding lore would go a long way towards improving the game. Missions with more of the voice acting like Vor's and especially missions with unique events that happen mid-mission that drastically affect the playing of the level(and is lore related, not just a gametype switch) would really help. Honestly, I think we need heavier heavies, almost like minibosses. In fact encountering multiple minibosses in levels would be great. Something like the Atlas mechs, Brutes and Praetorians from Mass Effect 3. These would also challenge the players more.


Edit:They would also fill a void in what I see as a common trope: There are the mooks, meant to be slaughtered by the hundreds, the lieutenants, providing moderate challenge, and the bosses that push the limits of what the player can do. The heavies were supposed to be the lieutenants I suppose but they've been somewhat outclassed so I think a bigger badder level of enemy is needed. Things like the Jackal could become minibosses at higher levels to provide more challenge but obviously new enemies would be even better. Perhaps some of the existing heavies could be upgraded as well to provide more challenge, especially agility-based challenge.


If I had to say what things feel overpowered in game right now, the Ogris is at the top of the list. That thing makes other weapons look stupid. Also of course there is the armor pierce/ignore issue which I'm sure you've heard plenty of times. Aside from that, Nova's Molecular Prime and Vauban's Bastille are insanely effective, to the detriment of almost all other warframe abilities. This is what I have seen time and again and I'll just leave it at that.

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woot just had an epiphany....Imagine the epicness of finding out next year that the corpus kept a few humans alive for research etc and Lotus finds out...that would make for some serious excitement and make it feel pretty tense if they (DE) could scale the difficulty so we NEED these bad &#! frames then later one we could save then protect the last remnants of humanity :P...sweet.

Or what if the corpus kept a few humans alive, then Lotus came in, saved them, and turned them into Tenno (the first Tenno, us). With so many cryopods defences, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason we are still alive is because the Corpus have stored us somewhere.

Edited by Kohira
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i joined in april 2013, somewhere around the 14th and since then i gotta say, nothing has really changed. sure, there are more mods/weapons/warframes available but THAT's it. no endgame content. i am barely playing it right now, just stalking alerts with my android warframe nexus app and logging in on a daylie basis (although it's crap most of the time, hell i feel like i am lucky when i get 10k credits...).


sure, there's the void now but come on guys, be honest. it's just grind packed into another package. i'd like to somehow grind the braton prime (i like my braton) but to get the braton prime i first have to grind a bunch of void keys (bad drop chance), then again i have to grind the void for a random drop out of a big pool of items that don't really interest me. i don't care about any other prime stuff, just want the braton, yet there is no way to effectively just go and "work for the things you want".


the only things in game that can be accomplished by your work without lucky drops are clan weapons (not counting the need for forma here and the research/dojo stuff needed).


so to sum this a bit up.

- no real endgame content (just artificial goals i set myself like max weapon x, max mod x, etc)

- no effective way of working for your desired stuff, everything's covered by RNG

- playing is most of the time the same. start mission, kill a bunch of bad ai enemies, "reward", rinse and repeat

- weekend events are grindfests that do not require anything, most of the time reward you with S#&$ty stuff and if we (players) fail we are having bad times farming mats then (like that threat about not destroying fomorians = halved resource drops)

- bugs and suggestions are being ignored although they are pointed at or around for a LONG time. (looking at puncture mods thread for example)


Exact same story here. Completely agree. I hope they can make some big changes soon to bring me back into the game.

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My main issues:


- Dreadful performance on middle hardware with everything turned off. Its time to optimize a little bit.


- Client Side servers, reduces host FPS for those with bad connections, and, too many games with laggy hosts.


- No Dedicated servers (would fix the above). PS4 version will have(NEED) them, why not the PC gamers?


- Too much focus on Platinum. We get you need to make money, we get that. 


- Platinum prices are a joke. 1 warframe = £10-15. 


- Everyone running around in dull colours (again, plat required to buy even the "basic" colours)


- Bugs, bugs bugs. Mission crashing, lost host, bad hosts, vortex not working, crashing. Far too many.


- Boltor + Kunani are the only 2 weapons you need, period. Whole damage system needs rethinking, non-armor ignore weapons = pointless.


- Stop talking about the PS4 version. We get the point, just dont force it down our necks. Cant help but feel the PC version is going downhill so you can focus on PS4. Or is it a case you made your £££ from the PC users, now, its time to try the console market from our investment?


- Clan/chat/invite system is a joke. Honestly, Quake 3 had a better system to join games. Takes over an hour to get a group together. Again, dedicated servers would fix this major game-breaker.

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Or what if the corpus kept a few humans alive, then Lotus came in, saved them, and turned them into Tenno (the first Tenno, us). With so many cryopods defences, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason we are still alive is because the Corpus have stored us somewhere.

I always figured the Frames use a digitization of the human consciousness to "run" and thats why we can swap frames...and why there would be no humans actually left just our "soul" getting our vengeance.

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Have you ever used Rhino Stomp in the duel room?


You aren't very creative arent you? Why not make PvP exclusive warframes ranging from light, medium, heavy classes. That way our beloved Warframes wouldn't be touched in PvP.

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