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Reasons Why A Clan Would Kick A Player?



I thought one of the advantages of this game is that a clan could contain thousands of players, thus if you do not log in for several weeks, because you are busy irl, this would have no consequences for your clan.

However when i come back from my holiday, i notice that i am apparantly no longer in a clan.

So i wonder, if a clan can have thousands of people, why would they bother kicking inactive players (few weeks not logged in) (and can the clan leader see that ) ?

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13 answers to this question

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One of the recent changes was that there were limits put on clan population.  Clans were split into affiliated clans, so you may have gotten lost in the shuffle.

I suggest contacting your old clan to find out what happened.


Edit; since I'm not in a large enough clan to be at risk of this, I'm not sure if it's actually happened yet or not...

Edited by Reithur
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Because a clan can only have 1000 players max, and that is only if they have built the required dojo rooms to upgrade to a Moon Clan. Mountain Clan is capped at 300. So weeding out inactives is necessary.


And yes Clan Leaders can see when people last logged in, if you are taking a break let the clan leader know in advance.

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Some clans got rid of players during one (or more) of the recent events, either so that they could fit into a smaller category, and thus compete for pride and prizes against smaller clans, or else to increase their 'player average' score. 


DE has been moving towards a "scoring" system for events that balances the total score a given larger clan achieved against the total number of members in that clan.  This was done, I think, to try and balance the competitive ability of huge clans where if every member contributed a few points towards a goal and a few members achieved massive scores, the combination would make it very difficult for other clans to compete against them.  So larger clans' scores are now 'averaged', dividing total point score of the clan as a whole by the number of players in the clan, and using this average as the clan's official score per player.  So there was/is an incentive to get clan membership down in large clans so the individual player average goes up.


If you haven't been active for a couple of weeks or more, you probably got kicked because of the inactivity, but it may also have been for competitive purposes.

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Reasons why a clan leader would kick someone range anywhere from "I want the clan to fit within this clan tier" to "Man, I really don't like that guy's name," to "Today is Friday.  My new rule is to always kick someone on Friday."


In the end, only the person that kicked you knows why he kicked you.

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There will be some Warlords out there who are not dependent on 'winning' an event.

^^ I assume the above is more of a minority.


There will also be some Warlords who are a lot more lenient on inactive members and allow them to stay inactive longer amounts of time than others.


For me an inactive member is someone who has not played the game in a month, i will keep them in my friends list just in case they wish to join again but remove them from the clan.


None the less the clan I run is designed to be a Shadow clan sized group to make sure everyone gets to talk to each other rather than be a number to increase boasting stats of how 'big' my clan is to compensate for other things which are not 'big'

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As a rule we check log in times before a kick. 2 months no show no word would be a kick unless you state why.

Also members that have been kicked would be welcome back if they ask when they return.

Some players vanish with out a word. does not mean i don't like them most would be welcome back.

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