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[Suggestion] Increasing Physical Mod Slots


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I recently ran into the problem of not having enough actual slots to place my mods in on my items/warframes. How about an item, like Forma, that grants you one extra slot? Maybe even add that extra function to Forma, so that players should decide whether to polarise a slot or add an entirely new one. The slot would initially be un-polarised until you apply another Forma to it and so on.

What do you guys think?

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Someone said to this you should be wise to chose the mods you want but i feel the same with the frame and weapon mods, that would be nice if we can add more slot to them. I have also an idea about adding passive mods to the frame, which works a bit different but almost same way like the auras work not give mod capacity and not need any mod capacity just give a racial "in this meanings depend on suits what you wear" and a general mod which depend on trainings, minor improvements and they also give minor bonuses what you can choose in the begining and in every polarizing you can chose others if you want. Still that's all what i think about it but also would be good a skill tree with more mods and skills.

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in my country we say " fish or fishtank"


That phrase makes absolutely no god damned sense considering it's redundant to have one instead of the other, it has no bearing on this conversation and its bearing on anything else in life is also pretty remote.


Also, I honestly think 8 slots is fine. I would like to see Warframes have their abilities made innate and fully leveled while keeping two of the four lost mod slots as extras.

Edited by Haids
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If anything, I would suggest some way of later unlocking 1 extra slot late in the game, maybe in some kind of special mission to apply it somehow. Anything above 1 extra slot sounds over the top to me though. As much as I (and probably a lot of other players) would like it, I'm not sure it's a great idea to add more mod spaces to your gear.

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That phrase makes absolutely no god damned sense that considering it's redundant to have one instead of the other, it has no bearing on this conversation and its bearing on anything else in life is also pretty remote.


Also, I honestly think 8 slots is fine. I would like to see Warframes have their abilities made innate and fully leveled while keeping two of the four lost mod slots as extras.

does not make sense? Example. You can make ember :

full skill power/duration/range/damage.

full defense/armor/hp/shield/stamina

full farming/speed/radar/thief

or mix n match.

either way, can't have em all. You have to choose.

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Life is all about choices my friend. In my opinion current limits work quite nice although (as someone already mentioned) I would like to see 9th slot specific for aura-like mods for weapons.

Edited by xGryphus
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After thinking about it a bit more, I would suggest that a cap be imposed on it. Like a max of 2 slots added to a warframe and 1 slot for a weapon or something to that degree. It should also be XP locked to quite a high degree so that you at least have to work for it. Bearing in mind if you add an extra slot it resets your rank as well.

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[Fish or fishtank]


does not make sense? Example. You can make ember :

full skill power/duration/range/damage.

full defense/armor/hp/shield/stamina

full farming/speed/radar/thief

or mix n match.

either way, can't have em all. You have to choose.


The point you're trying to make is quite sensible.  Your country's quaint little saying doesn't.  If you have a fish, but no fish tank...then you have a dead fish.  If you have a tank, but no fish....you've got a pointless piece of glass with no apparent use.  Basically the fish & the tank are symbiotic, and work together to form a single unit - which is a fish swimming within a fish tank.


You see what I'm getting at here?  You are undermining your own point.  Moreover, I totally forgot what the heck we were talking about in the first place because I'm fixated on "fish or fish tank" and I can't get past it.


In more civilized parts of the world, where we don't throw helpless fish on empty counters & watch them suffocate for our own personal amusement, we have a saying that goes, "You can't have your cake & eat it too."  Now this saying is equally useless & stupid, because you can't eat cake if you don't first have it - so by definition you have to have your cake in order to eat it.  Once again, we have an example of alliteration that actually undermines its own premise, because the logistics of the situation in question lead us to exactly the opposite conclusion from that intended to be illustrated.


EDIT:  No we don't need extra slots.  You have to choose what you feel is best & run with it.  Fish or fishtank :3

Edited by JerichoFayne
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My friend, if we will be able to add slots... Then evry single player will have same build.

that's the point of slots... You have to choose.

in my country we say " fish or fishtank"

so my opinion. No.


Whilst my answer to the suggestion is also "Oh god, please no" I would also like to point out that we said the same thing before Forma showed up.

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After thinking about it a bit more, I would suggest that a cap be imposed on it. Like a max of 2 slots added to a warframe and 1 slot for a weapon or something to that degree. It should also be XP locked to quite a high degree so that you at least have to work for it. Bearing in mind if you add an extra slot it resets your rank as well.


or the extra slot can become available after reaching, for example, rank 31 with a frame/weapon. rank 31 won't contribute to mastery but could require an additional 200k-ish exp after reaching rank 30, to unlock the 9th slot. forma should still available at rank 30, but in order to get the 9th slot you have to get to rank 31 at least once, and once reached, you can forma all you like and keep the slot. just my 2 cents.

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