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4 trick mag = point blank

4 barrel defusion = blunderbuss

4 MC = decoy

4 split chamber = trick mag

4 Invis = shrunken

4 hand spring = warm coat

4 warframe rare = Vital Sense

4 bladestorm = thunderbolt

4 fast hand = quick draw

all of this is RNG based it would have seem

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   They should go play TL2 and see how their rare item transmuter thing works. Basically, if you put in 4 rares, you get 1 random rare back at or around the average level of the rares you gave. For this, it could be the average rarity of the 4 cards. i.e. 3 Uncommons and one common mod = 1 random uncommon and so on. Still RNG but without 4 Flows (example) turning into Mind Control or whatever. Unless they are already doing this and its just a little difficult to tell or not working correctly yet. I dunno. Just guessing from the posts. I think a rare with 3 commons should net you an uncommon result. So with what I said about averaging, you'd also have to decide how much a rare is worth in relation to a common or other mods to get a more even result. Instead of best 3 out of 4 like I made it sound lol

Edited by 7.T.
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Anyone else having an issue where the UI gets stuck open after transmuting?  You cant click any buttons and it wont go away, even after relogging.  I have to restart client to fix it.


Yup everytime I try to transmute different rarities it does this.


Can we only transmute the same rarity mods? 

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I feel this was whipped together and shoved down our throat! Disappointing. 


The RNG gods dont seem to like me when transmuting (already half a mil down the drain and not a single rare) but how has this been shoved down your throat? Has anyone at DE MADE you push the button?


This is why i dont like F2P games... certain people never loose their sense of entitlement! 

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The RNG gods dont seem to like me when transmuting (already half a mil down the drain and not a single rare) but how has this been shoved down your throat? Has anyone at DE MADE you push the button?


This is why i dont like F2P games... certain people never loose their sense of entitlement! 

mphm every time i read topics with entitled peolple + RNG i think "how many zods have you found?" rolleyes.

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