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most certainly is possible, perhaps you should reread the patch notes


"influence" is a generous way of saying "S#&$ is random"

Yah but for the ravage and freeze one thats just...

Ravage is for Shotgun

Freeze for Frost

Ravage V polarity (I think)

Freeze Frame polarity

Ravage Rare

Freeze Common or Uncommon (I forgot)

And congrats on 69 posts...

Edited by Deaths.Reap3r
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Crush, Bullet Attractor, Blessing and Avalanche = Avalanche 


4x Freeze = Organ Shatter 


2x Fury, 2x Killing Blow = Cleanse Infested 


2x Fury, 2x Killing Blow = Thunder Clap


3x Fury, 1x Killing Blow = North Wind


Blade Storm, Radial Jav, Chaos, Radial Disarm = Worm Hole 


Im done wasting credits now. 

Edited by iTzLazer
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2 Blessings + 2 Contagions = Hell's Chamber



Doesn't appear in inventory though, :(


Its there, just doesn't appear in "recent". 


If its legitimately not there at all, then log out and back in. Again, it still won't be in "recent". 

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Well you guys got the devil's luck cuz I tried fusing rare mods 5 times and I got scrap mods that aren't even worth mentioning. 4 Wildfires for Freeze or something like that was the funniest if memory serves.

Edited by jrkong
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I am a mod collector. I want all of them. I've been Indiana Jones'n T2 Raids the past 2 weeks. I was specifically hunting for this beaut. No luck.


First Transmutation: 4 Rare Warframe Ability Mods




Only one more mod to go. My eyes are you Retribution.



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I am a mod collector. I want all of them. I've been Indiana Jones'n T2 Raids the past 2 weeks. I was specifically hunting for this beaut. No luck.


First Transmutation: 4 Rare Warframe Ability Mods









Wait wait wait






Thats a new mod




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