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Chroma QoL Proposal.


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More like a Revisit, than a rework.

Since Chroma's "nerf" , he become more of a team player, than a solo 5h on mot. Nevertheless he still remains one of the best, even with the "error" he had, and had to be reverted.

I've seen a lot of posts complaining about him , waiting to be reverted back, i instead saw potential in the new Chroma. I haven't thought about a passive yet, but i will update this thread lately if something comes up to mind.

Passive : TBD


1. Elemental Alignment : Chroma can alter his element between all the 4 Basic elements.

Fire: Adds 50 HP ,

Toxin: Adds 10% Fire rate and 10% Reload speed

Electric: Adds 100 Shields

Cold: Adds 50 Armor

Nothing of the above it's affected by Str/Eff/

Whenever Chroma switches between an element, he would deal a Proc of that type of element. The same elemental proc cann't be used on the same enemy for 6 seconds.

The ability will have a base stat of 2/4/6/8 m radius. Affected by range mods.



2. Elemental Ward. QoL changes.

Fire: Nothing changed.

Electric: Discharge range (Whenever Chroma gets hit) from 5/6/8/10 meters to  6/8/10/12 meters.

Toxin: Holster Rate replaced by Fire Rate.

Cold: Nothing changed.

If Chroma uses Elemental Alignment while Elemental Ward it's active, he won't get the bonuses from it's current elemnt of choice, but instead he will have to wait and recast the ability once it's duration has ended.


3. Vex Armor: Nothing changed.


4. Effigy QoL and Spectral Scream combined.

While Pelt it's active.

Movement speed bonus changed from 20% to 15%

Armor reduction buff changed from 50% to 40%

Additionally Chroma can Hold the key again to use Spectral Scream, for additional energy and dealing heavy damage.

Spectral Scream : damage changed from 100/125/150/200 to 100/200/300/400.

Guided Effigy -> removed (Or don't remove it, instead will replace Spectral Scream from hes Forth ability)

New Augment : Icarus Dive : Chroma's Pelt dives forward in an arc with fixed distance then orbiting back to it's original position , leaving behind an elemental trail affected by hes current form. The trail deals massive damage for a limited amount of time and applies status effects once. The damage will be dealt for the full duration for 500/700/900/1100 damage per second, for 3/4/5/6 seconds, affected by Str/Duration/Eff mods.

I've had some inspiration on the new Augment.


Tell me your thoughts about this QoL changes, or rework.

Please keep in mind that DE won't revert him back, to hes old state, and saying stuff like "But it's better to just revert him back" won't even matter at this time and this is what it's at least what they can do to Chroma players.

Edited by m3stuart
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For me personally there is no great reason to use chroma in high level missions, he dies way too fast even with a couple of hits so you have to move 24/7(this is with max power strenght), i might aswell play rhino at that point and i can buff my team for a long time aswell and they dont have to stay close to me, so vex armor isnt "fine". 

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35 minutes ago, Aleksi134 said:

For me personally there is no great reason to use chroma in high level missions, he dies way too fast even with a couple of hits so you have to move 24/7(this is with max power strenght), i might aswell play rhino at that point and i can buff my team for a long time aswell and they dont have to stay close to me, so vex armor isnt "fine". 

i still haven't played the "new" chroma (22.13 in cert now for consoles), but that's what seems to be the exact problem, Chroma doesn't have a place right now, what he does is done better by other frames. I hope in a rework soon :(

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vor einer Stunde schrieb m3stuart:


Those changes are definitly a lot more sensible than most.

I don't like the idea of having the 1 dedicated to switching the element.

And a simple stat-increase is incredibly boring.

I'd let Spectral scream as it is (maybe increase status and have range effected without a multiplier)

To swicht the element i'd suggest a press 2 to cast Elemental ward, hold 2 to switch the element.


The changes to Effigy sound fine, with the exception of the added Spectral Scream. Having to summon effigy first whould only make the scream more cumbersum to use.


vor 22 Minuten schrieb Aleksi134:

 so you have to move 24/7(this is with max power strenght),

Congratulations, you realised what Warframes gamplay is about.... *DUH*

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2 hours ago, Walkampf said:

Those changes are definitly a lot more sensible than most.

I don't like the idea of having the 1 dedicated to switching the element.

And a simple stat-increase is incredibly boring.

I'd let Spectral scream as it is (maybe increase status and have range effected without a multiplier)

To swicht the element i'd suggest a press 2 to cast Elemental ward, hold 2 to switch the element.


The changes to Effigy sound fine, with the exception of the added Spectral Scream. Having to summon effigy first whould only make the scream more cumbersum to use.


Congratulations, you realised what Warframes gamplay is about.... *DUH*

Way to be a jerk i guess, what i even meant by that is that i cannot take any shots in high level missions as chroma but i guess you cannot understand this.

Edited by Aleksi134
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vor 18 Stunden schrieb Aleksi134:

Way to be a jerk i guess, what i even meant by that is that i cannot take any shots in high level missions as chroma but i guess you cannot understand this.

How about you try writing what you want to say? It's really not my fault if you no idea how use words (#sarcasticgrammarmistakes #hashtagincaseyoudontgetsarcasm)

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56 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

How about you try writing what you want to say? It's really not my fault if you no idea how use words (#sarcasticgrammarmistakes #hashtagincaseyoudontgetsarcasm)

"For me personally there is no great reason to use chroma in high level missions, he dies way too fast even with a couple of hits so you have to move 24/7"

 "cannot take any shots in high level missions as chroma" Difficult to understand?



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vor 47 Minuten schrieb Aleksi134:

"For me personally there is no great reason to use chroma in high level missions, he dies way too fast even with a couple of hits so you have to move 24/7"

 "cannot take any shots in high level missions as chroma" Difficult to understand?



Nobody is supposed take any shots in high level missions, because you are supposed to be on the move all the time.

Congratulations, you understood what the gameplay of Warframe is about!... again....

And you even explained why Chroma was changed, because his god-mode was not intended to be...


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1 hour ago, Walkampf said:

Nobody is supposed take any shots in high level missions, because you are supposed to be on the move all the time.

Congratulations, you understood what the gameplay of Warframe is about!... again....

And you even explained why Chroma was changed, because his god-mode was not intended to be...


Rhino is still god mode, which is my point why use chroma? He has no purpose other than eidolon hunting now even that is rivaled by no other than rhino.

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