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Polarized By New Idles And Stances.


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Below I'm going to express how I feel about the frame's new idles and stances. Be sure to share your thoughts as well. And I'm not being biased here, you shouldn't either.



Mag = Bold, believable, attractive: Perfect


Rhino = Saddle sore cowboy: Terrible. (Rhino should look like a wall, Not a power ranger)


Loki = A weak cripple/bad back, numerous weapons cause clipping with his arm and twitching: Terrible.


Nyx = Not bad but no. Her arm clips into her chest. Often: Decent.


Volt = Alert, fluid, martial: Good


Vauban = Stiff, awkward. Bad.


Excal = N/A (nothing changed)


Ember = Same issue as rhino. Terrible.


Frost = Depressed Tenno? Bad.


Nova = stiff, awkward, broken wrist, lackluster: terrible.


Ash = Previously stiff, strange, but interesting: Decent   (Now stiff, awkward, bowlegged: Terrible) *broken wrist with bows*


Banshee: (Banshee is a complicated one. I personally don't care for the frame myself but I'll go ahead and pass my opinion) The good: subtle, aggressive, cunning powerful. The bad: She's staring at the floor which denotes all the positives. Overall: Good. (or at least passable). Seriously DE. What the hell.


Saryn = Simple, casual, sexy, relaxed: Great.



Notice: I don't care if you disagree with me, you can tell me that by not upvoting or not commenting. I want to hear your own opinions while not focusing your comments on "correcting me" or arguing my opinion. If you start that line of work, I won't shut up and the thread will fill up with back and forth BS and will end up getting locked. SO, keep it cool.

Edited by Sirabot
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Loki = A weak cripple/bad back, numerous weapons cause clipping with his arm and twitching: Terrible.


My Thoughs Exactly. If nothing Give us an option to disable idle's. I ve been using loki since the first day of the warframe now i just hate how he looks

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Nyx looks like a hunchback, Nova, I have no idea what shes doing, Banshee would fall on her face and Rhino, oh lordy.


It's odd, despite the animation team being human, they seem to have no idea how human joints operate or how gravity affects us (a hint, it mostly pulls towards the center of highest mass, or "downwards")


I have all the frames, but I'm now dreading loading the others up to look at them.

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Yes you said it my Friend. My Frost's body language(when holding a rifle) looks like he stepped on a baby duckling and never got over it.

(although he can retain his bad &#! rifle to-the-air-lift-and-scan-surroundings idle animation.)

They should really put an option where you can select between the Old and new Idle poses.

Seriously he was better off with Excalibur's idle pose.

Edited by Hazadin
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I will admit rhino looks like he's about to crap his pants or has really bad chafing on his thighs. As for Frost looking depressed, will admit that the defualt helm looks sad if those two energy spots on his face flanking the mandibles are supposed to be eyes, but the Squall helmet looks fine, but than again that's because there's a panel of the hemlet that at a 45 degree angle to the fan itself that covers his face. As for Nyx she looks fine with a weapon even though there is a bit of clipping with her arms. Banshee is kind of stupid because she is staring at the floor, but than again she has sonar so she doesn't need to use her eyes all the time. I thnk alot of the problems here stem from the fact that they use the exact same set of animations with slight modifications for how the arms are arranged for both combat and relaxation, and they seem to put an emphasis on "Cool factor" rather than actual practicality.

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The Vauban Looks like a Hunchback now,

stooped forward and head crooked. 


even his idle animations make him look like he is skiddish and belongs in a bell tower yelling 'Esmeralda' at the top of his lungs...


i still thing the Vauban should be more regal in look.  his outfit looks like one of those colonial double breasted tailcoat's that generals use to wear... it even has 2 coat tails on the back end!


even his name sake draws influence from that...


there taking this:



and turning it into this:


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- vauban with secondary or in a dojo is a complete joke, makes me laugh everytime. 

- banshee and loki look similar, but loki is really OK in that stance compared to banshee, which has the worst idle of all in my opinion. Banshee should feel light, flexible and at the same time show her incredible power just a little bit.

and in general most of the idles have arms too high up, looks almost like a parody.

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To be honest, I dont like any of them.  But thats the problem right there, this is an aesthetic thing and therefore it depends of tastes. So, why not have an option or maybe even a truly idle setup.


Let me explain, I would like all the Warframes to simply have their normal pre 9.5 stance and after a few seconds, they simply switch to their "unique" stance.  That way, if you like your idle stance and want to see it, just stay still for a couple of seconds and if you dont, just dont stop moving, or take a few steps every now and then.

Edited by Wolf_310
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