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Dojo Is Broken - Grid System


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Dojo is broken (a mild word for it's state).


I love the standardization of dojo with grid system, but implementation of such half completed system is nothing short than horrible.

Problem emerges when you find out that old system does not stack with new grid system, so in some cases (my case) dojo will not be able to expand in future.

Of course there wouldn't be such problem if DE added option to convert old to new, however.... they didn't - except for Hall rooms.

Now, the problem with Hall rooms is that all rooms built before it must be destroyed, and there we come to Clan Hall - first room in dojo, now imagine that you have (like in my case) barracks and all dojo weapons researched.

What should I do now?

Destroy entire Lab floor?

Kick people from clan?

Wait another "queued for destruction" for every single room?

Wait another 15 days to build all things again?

And what is with elevators, there are no new ones... so in future all floors will have to be destroyed in order to place new version?


All this because DE not thinking about consequences of new system?



This reminds me on time they implemented new aura system, so in spirit of that times, dojo is "queued for hotfix" in my clan.

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But this is mentioned in the patch notes. Old rooms do not fit the grid system. Just rebuild the dojo from the scratch via vault system. ^^

It's nice to have the vault, but like I said it first in my thread it's just a real pain if you already spend a week or more to completely destroy the dojo and rebuild it from scratch and just a few days later they come up with the new grid system so you have to do it all over again. And thinking about it still being beta it won't be for the last time... I'm pretty sure about it, since I'm construction engineer in reallife and never saw a draft being accepted as finished and being build without dozens of redesigns.

That's why our clan decided this morning we won't rebuild in near future and also we won't expand the dojo further until the devs release the other rooms queued for updating and decide to include a reset-dojo feature or something similar to speed up the transition, since you are stuck with the old grid and can't do anything about it other than completely scrap the dojo because it would become even more of a mess if you start having both grids because of the mismatching dimensions of the pieces. Until that, we just leave the dojo as it is, buy our blueprints and stuff and that's it. We, or for most part I, since I'm our Dojo Architect, won't put myself into the frantic process of converting the dojo to the new grid myself. I already did it once for the whole dojo, which already was exhausting to plan and implement. Everybody else who did knows how tedious it becomes if the dojo spans countless rooms. :/


- Medu

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Actually, simple "update to new model" button on the room option panels woud be pretty useful.


Wouldn't work that good... Since I experimented a little bit with some of the new roommodels last night. The new connector pieces are a little bit smaller (yeah I actually measured them), which would mean that some rooms would actually not fit next to each other anymore, others completely changed their shape like the reactor, being more square now, and the halls... they are also completely different now in size and shape some including multiple doors now. Also the obstacle course has had some sort of change (I don't know what exactly since you never see that damn giant thing entirely xD) because I couldn't place it in a spot where I could have placed it before the update. So maybe some dojos could update, but the most couldn't since the placement engine would tell you that there's not enough space between rooms to do so. It's just an engineers nightmare now. >:D

- Medu

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Actually, simple "update to new model" button on the room option panels woud be pretty useful.


This would work on my dojo architecture, however some clans have labyrinth like architecture, and it would potentially cause to much collision problems, old rooms can only contribute to this problem, so this "update to new model" wouldn't be a god choice.

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Well, dojo system is still in alpha stage so changes are inevitable. Old pieces are beautiful but fit poorly into grid leaving a lot of designs impossible to complete. New pieces are far better designed in terms of functionality although they look a bit plain (although new art is far more Tenno, while old was rather Orokin). For now only options are:

A) demolish whole dojo and start from scratch to avoid problems in future

B) leave dojo in current state if you don't plan to expand it any future

C) despair

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I just started reconstructing the dojo, I see this as an oportunity to rebuild my dojo correctly and like the mess it was...


Same here. My dojo was an assymetrical mess, and I disliked its design. I kind just built onwards, without caring, so I could "rush" the clan weapons.


Now, I regret that, and I'll certainly rebuild it from scratch, carefully planning my build. :)

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I just started reconstructing the dojo, I see this as an oportunity to rebuild my dojo correctly and like the mess it was...

I came to a similar conclusion. I liked my dojo, but there are a few things that could use a redesign.

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We just finished our dojo rebuild just waiting on the Research rooms to complete again in 24 hours. then we are up and running


So did you destroy existing Lab Rooms before constructing them again?

I wonder because I don't know if Dojo weapons BP-s stay after destruction of a Lab, or do they need to be researched again... :/

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Is their a mass destruction of the dojo option? their should be for when they do huge updates like this.


Edit1: Also I'm only partially refunded for destroying rooms? if im missing a single Forma!


Edit2: For old dojo rooms the destroy time needs to be removed. thats beyond tedious.

Edited by Aziram
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Is their a mass destruction of the dojo option? their should be for when they do huge updates like this.


Edit1: Also I'm only partially refunded for destroying rooms? if im missing a single Forma!


Edit2: For old dojo rooms the destroy time needs to be removed. thats beyond tedious.


There isn't. There totally should be.


You're entirely refunded for destroying rooms. You're only partially refunded for decorations, though.


I sort of agree. The destroy time is only there so people can cancel it if they change their minds or something, IMO. But someone with ruler privileges should be able to rush destruction.

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Is their a mass destruction of the dojo option? their should be for when they do huge updates like this.


Edit1: Also I'm only partially refunded for destroying rooms? if im missing a single Forma!


Edit2: For old dojo rooms the destroy time needs to be removed. thats beyond tedious.


As TheGmbler_BR said.


You are partialy refunded because you were a Ghost clan (10) and now you are Shadow clan (30) or higher. So whenever you destroy room, you get full Ghost resource refund, and now since you are in Shadow, you will need to add 2x more to build same room.


As TheGmbler_BR said.

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The grid system actually gives more oppertunity later if they need to change things (provided they arent changing the grid size).  So will be better for any changes down the line, and it may actually work and enable them to have rooms that do upgrade later by keeping the same basic size and dorway location.   I personlly hope they do use that factor down the track, so you can maybe upgrade things like reactors to get more power from them, or upgrade labs to research faster and better, or to simply have variances of the same kind of room/hall so dojos can be a bit more personal style for the guild.


Unfortunatly like most rebuilding again (2nd rebuild for me too) will be a bit of a pain, but I'm planing on leaving it at essentials and get a floorplan I'm happy with before commiting to the actual end result.


Oh as to decorations as far as I've found from testing you get back half (round up) of the resources spent back on destroying them (this is for a ghost clan, so larger clans may get more back).

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