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We Aren't Kids De, Don't Treat Us Like It (About The Event)


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Lore and maps are expected to be released, they shouldn't act like this is some kind of reward.

Either an event something to do this weekend or no event with nothing to do, heck the bar for getting something is so low that 3 matches and you're set.

What's wrong with that?

Treat this as something that DE wants to get us engaged in and a part of when they release the new maps.

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Lets be honest the game isn't a beta anymore, no matter how much DE wants to hang on to that title to justify letting bugs through


the game is feature complete, its a fully functioning game, sure its not CONTENT complete, but all the features are there.

The game IS NOT feature complete. Where is the lore? Where is the stealth system? Where are the choices in story? Where are a lot of things?

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The game IS NOT feature complete. Where is the lore? Where is the stealth system? Where are the choices in story? Where are a lot of things?



Where is the immersion; why dont we have anything worthwhile in this game? Why is the focus so heavily on grinding & nothing else.

Why is every department lacking?


Grindframe in its current state is barebone.

Nothing else.

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Comments like that deter any game progress.


Please keep it constructive.


No, your endless complaints deter devs deciding whether or not to offer further incentives to their gaming constituents, and you're not being any more constructive; just snide and petulant.


1. This is a beta, and there's a giant disclaimer that you obviously failed to read.


Lemme give you some highlights.


DE controls and owns everything about warframe. All of it. You're renting an account. No More.


DE reserves the right to change each and any part of warframe at any time, for any reason without reserve or notice.


DE reserves and exercises right to add content if and when they deem appropriate.


Posting on the forums is a privilege, not a right, any content thereof becomes DE's property.


All of this is of course ignoring the hypocrisy you've already presented.


Do you REALLY think DE has never considered directed and lore centric content before?


Have you ever played any of their other games?


Do you actually think this stuff has somehow escaped the notice of a company that made an entire universe?


Do you REALLY think DE isn't aware of how this game stacks to other franchises like ME or AC or others?


Have you not read that DE doesn't intend to follow the same paths? Or have you simply deliberately ignored them?

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Comments like that deter any game progress.


Please keep it constructive.

i feel no need to keep it constrictive when these weird and wonderfully funny threads pops up , gotta go wild some time i mean il keep it constrictive if i find a opinion or idea worth keeping serious to

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I truly don't know how to respond to such off topic nonsense and babbling.


Of course DE owns Warframe, I knew that? Of course they own the forums.


You literally say no to trying to be friendly and reasonable, and try to back up your claim of why you shouldn't be with useless content that I have either said or that doesn't need to be spewed.


It's funny, you didn't even seen to read the 3-4 sentence OP, where it says "This game is in beta, delaying content can only hurt Warframe" and seem to pull the "OH ITS BETA" card on me, which I already pulled.


Have you not read that DE doesn't intend to follow the same paths? Or have you simply deliberately ignored them?


Sorry, but they haven't followed this trail lately^


Actions > Words, my friend.

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A) We succeed and get content early.

B) We screw up and content goes back into the queue for inevitable fixing and polishing.


Remember, this is beta and DE has to test a lot of random things, including content delivery.


In the future, when DE has more resources, an event might be engineered to determine which large scale content update we get first (instead of whether or not we'll be getting one at all.)

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