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Plains of Eidolon changes that i wish would happen


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There is a three things i really dont like with the Plains

1) Lotus with her pissy voice on.

If im in the plains fishing and mining for e.g. and Lotus is getting stressy cos i didnt save the cache etc.

Simple change make it so if im solo and i have a spear of cutter equipped , turn the damn quests off plz. after half an hour of fishing it gets really annoying.

If i wanted to be nagged i would go and talk to the wife. Lotus voice generally has been fine but this change of attitude voice is really annoying.

Please turn it off or give us the choice to turn it off..


2) Fishing capture screen

Why do we have to endure this switch to a picture of me holding the fish and me having to jam the spacebar to get rid of it.

FFs i want to fish because im not that keen on cetus but i can still earn rep that way.

For those of us that suffer with motion sickness this screen after enough fish caught becomes vomit inducing... Its the switch to the screen and slide back that does it

Please can we get a small popup on the bottom left like the shard ones that shows the fish and then i can just get on with my fishing knowing that i dont need to be throwing up later ...


3)  Why do Teralyst bounties give no standing?

We do all that work and get rewards but surely we should get standing?


Please DE consider these small changes which would give some QOL and might make me want to go there more often

Edited by BuddaOfLife
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with the first one at least, if you ignore an incursion, the lotus will not vocally notify you of the next one, you just get a little beepy-beep

and i think the teralyst bounty does not give standing because it technically is not a bounty, but instead it is a matchmaking tool to allow players to team up with the same intentions (that and the mindless eidolons dont actually pose a threat to the people of cetus, so they probably wouldnt really care)

i would like a quicker exit from the "fish get" screen though

Edited by DeckChairVonBananaCamel
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2 minutes ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:


i would like a quicker exit from the "fish get" screen though

I would like this as well. seems a bit redundant when I catch what would be considered 5 minnows in a row. or miss so much that you get a boot... then again I was pretty exited when I got my first boot. I still have it as well.

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43 minutes ago, BuddaOfLife said:

3)  Why do Teralyst bounties give no standing?

We do all that work and get rewards but surely we should get standing?

as in cetus standing? maybe, .....but for quill standing....in a single night hunt (of up to 5 with a good pub...personally *and yes this is ONLY teralysts*) Ive capped at 23k and then some in quill rep.....more often than not JUST from intact cores gained during the fighting.

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1 hour ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

with the first one at least, if you ignore an incursion, the lotus will not vocally notify you of the next one, you just get a little beepy-beep

For me she just keeps on going with the area stuff, cache found high lvl grineer etc. She never shuts up


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43 minutes ago, Kalvorax said:

as in cetus standing? maybe, .....but for quill standing....in a single night hunt (of up to 5 with a good pub...personally *and yes this is ONLY teralysts*) Ive capped at 23k and then some in quill rep.....more often than not JUST from intact cores gained during the fighting.

I suppose you have a point as u do get quill standing but i would still like cetus standing


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Yeah, "fish screen"  is quite annoying. It seems ok first couple of times and it's also nice to see a new fish you caught for the first time but seeing it constantly is hardly necessary. How about showing the when you get a fish which beats your top catch(i.e. heaviest) for each fish type? It will be guaranteed for any new fish type but after that it will fade away and eventually will not be shown at all.

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My personal hopes & feelings:

I hope someday in the near future Fishing and Mining will be retired, including the materials for that boring nonsense. I now have a couple hundret of Hours ingame, spent some bucks on the game, finished Starchart, building endgame stuff, love that game, but I am refusing to do that kind of bulls**t.

Eidolonhunt; I dont like it, I dont do that, but I see that many people like it and I will give it a second look in the future (when I think my armory is ready for it) and maybe its enjyoable for me, too, then. I dont know now, but I see a sense in that and love the fact its fully optional.

But (big, big but here) I absolutly see no sense in playing Poolfishsimulator or Minecraft. Its a concept I fully dislike (btw the only ones in this game, atm). I refuse to do anything like that and hope DE will someday erase that crap from the game entirely or move it into the optional corner with some nice, but nongamebraking, rewards. I would love to build Zaws (potentially best melees in the game), ranking up Ostronreputation and so on, but I cant and thats a pitty for me, but still not worth hanging around a hole of water and throwing a stick in there for hours and hours and hours.....

....or just lemme do it with some explosives. Dynamitefishing is much more effective than throwing a stick in real live, too...


Please, DE; make Fish and Stones something optional for players who can enjoy that kind of stuff but remove the need to do that for everyone who just want to do the core gameplay stuff Warframe stands for.

Just my 5 cent.

Edited by (XB1)X1 Bull
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