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Please don’t nerf anything ever again.


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I've played this game for 2 years and i've spent a few hundred dollars on it, ironic for a free game. I've invested alot of time and resources to get my frames, weapons, and clan to a point where I feel confident to tackle most content. For all that time i've always felt that whatever balance the devs were trying to accomplish, it came from the effort to get to that point (the leveling and formas and more leveling and tweeking this or that and more credits and getting better mods and more endo and more leveling, etc.) Not everyone is willing to put that time and effort in, and that's totally cool. You won't be able to do things like sorties, but it's a diverse enough game so there's always something for everyone.

During these 2 years, i've had frames and weapons nerfed, but i've never felt the need to voice my disappointment over it until recently. Every nerf forced me to disregard my previous efforts and accomplishments and take other paths, I couldn't help but feel cheated every time. I know change can be a good thing but these latest changes especially are just plain crazy. The proposed intentions were very very different from the end results (although one decision I would say was a direct result of a bruised ego), and it really does make you wonder how these decisions are made.

I have a theory, but it's not a kind one. 

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