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Slide Attack/Maiming Strike/Whip and Polearm range -- an absurd mixture of overpoweredness


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31 minutes ago, Sqecmi said:

the main achievment and (i suppose) intention of maiming strike is to make most melees playable, not only top 1 in their types of atterax, galatine, venka, hirudo, prisma dual cleavers and orthos prime.

Maiming Strike is most effective with whips and polearms, because of their range mostly. 

But as everyone has pointed out, Maiming Strike isn’t the only thing that melee has going for it. Status is a beast and that’s without mentioning the crit/status hybrid builds that completely melt enemies beyond lvl 100. These things are on par or in some cases more powerful than MS. I should know; I use a crit/status build on my Zaw.

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5 минут назад, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 сказал:

Maiming Strike is most effective with whips and polearms, because of their range mostly. 

But as everyone has pointed out, Maiming Strike isn’t the only thing that melee has going for it. Status is a beast and that’s without mentioning the crit/status hybrid builds that completely melt enemies beyond lvl 100. These things are on par or in some cases more powerful than MS. I should know; I use a crit/status build on my Zaw.

for high end stuff i mostly use lesion or prisma dual cleavers. maiming? never.

but maiming stuff makes non-viable weapons like cronen prime kinda ok.


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6 hours ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

I haven't called you that. 

Well you did start your previous post by saying people are trying to ruin your day.


6 hours ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

I am not. I'm doing my best to remain respectful everyone here, except the OP who has just been an outright troll to anyone not on his side. I was never trying to be aggressive to you, nor will I start doing that. 

Being respectful to everyone except one person is still not being respectful, no matter which way you turn it, though. Like I said, this thread has long since run its course, and now mostly exists out of everyone's pure stubbornness and refusal to move on, and/or for the memes.

I will however promise you, that beyond this thread, if I run into you, whether in game, on the forums, or in real life, I shall be nothing but respectful and polite towards you (or anyone else posting here, for that matter).

Edited by rune_me
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4 hours ago, (XB1)Madinogi said:

hes too sensitive?


4 hours ago, (XB1)Madinogi said:

if you take offence to being called out then maybe you should get off the forums.

This is really you argument? "Wah, someone doesn't react the way I wanted, please make them leave"?

2 hours ago, (XB1)Madinogi said:

also i notice now you have some insane double standards rune.

Let me see. You don't like what I say. You want me to react a certain way, or have thick skin, or leave these forums if I don't comply with your rules of conduct. You are trying to force your rules on me. Do as I tell you or leave these forums. Those are your exact words:

4 hours ago, (XB1)Madinogi said:

if you really take offence to being called out on your BS then you really shouldn't be here.

What happened to not enforcing your way unto others? What happened to, if you go into a public space, you have to put up with other people and their behavior? What happened to, if you don't like how other people act, then you are the one who should leave/go solo and leave everyone else alone? You know, all those holier-than-thou words you've been preaching from up on your high horse? Funny how you forgot all about them, the moment it applied to you, eh?

And then you accuse me of having double standards. Oh, the irony.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Madinogi said:

we are not the ones making the claim of something. thus it is not on our side of the court to provide proof. the ball is in your court Vin thus you must be the one to provide proof for your points its this little inconvenient thing we call "burden of proof"

Oh, you must have mistakenly wandered into an online forum, when you were actually looking for a courtroom. This is not a courtroom. There is no burden of proof, because no one is trying to prove anything.

Again, you are acting like the self centered millennial here. You are all "me, me, me, it's all about me - Oooh, someone wrote something on a forum, they must be trying to prove something to me." It's not about you, my friend. No one is trying to prove anything to you. That would be a complete waste of time. Even if I did manage to convince  you with my next post, what would that accomplish? Nothing at all. It would have been a waste of energy. You are not relevant. You have no power over the future of Maiming Strike, so trying to convince you that Maiming Strike should be nerfed, is a useless endeavor that no one cares about. Stop thinking that all that matters is you and your opinions. The rest of us really don't care. Ditch the self-centered millennial attitude, it doesn't suit you.


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17 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Again, you are acting like the self centered millennial here. You are all "me, me, me, it's all about me - Oooh, someone wrote something on a forum, they must be trying to prove something to me." It's not about you, my friend. No one is trying to prove anything to you. That would be a complete waste of time. Even if I did manage to convince  you with my next post, what would that accomplish? Nothing at all. It would have been a waste of energy. You are not relevant. You have no power over the future of Maiming Strike, so trying to convince you that Maiming Strike should be nerfed, is a useless endeavor that no one cares about. Stop thinking that all that matters is you and your opinions. The rest of us really don't care. Ditch the self-centered millennial attitude, it doesn't suit you.

Maybe both you yourself and the OP need a dose of your own words, especially the bold sentence, in relevance to this whole thread.

Just let it go. People see things differently. We are all allowed to have and discuss different opinions and points of view, and that's alright. But when someone is trying to impose their will on the game that others play, like what the OP is encouraging the developers to do, you will encounter resistance, even ridicule.

The OP's same sentiment can be applied to many other things in the game, for example, Nuke Trinity, SQ Banshee, Spore Saryn, or DPS Mag which can decimate a whole map in seconds, or a multitude of primary weapons that can insta-vaporize a bunch of enemies all at once. I still don't get the fixation on this one mod that, to be honest, is not that effective at higher level content.

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1 hour ago, rune_me said:

Well you did start your previous post by saying people are trying to ruin your day.

I didn’t say you in particular were trying to ruin anyones day. I said you glorify the people who do, with your defeatist shtick. I didn’t call you anything that you’ve been called by others, never insulted you once and if you think I did then I apologise as it was mever my intention.

This is why threads like this should be closed. All it’s doing at this point now is breeding ground for unwarrented hostility.

1 hour ago, rune_me said:

Being respectful to everyone except one person is still not being respectful

Respect is a two way street. I respect you for one, since you’ve given me no reason to disrespect you and you have been cordial. 

Vindicus however, has no respect for anyone, thus he deserves none. I personally do not respect anyone who does not offer their mutual respect in return and dismisses peoples opinions based on their platform or boils them all down to “word salad”.

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12 minutes ago, vvhorus said:

I still don't get the fixation on this one mod that, to be honest, is not that effective at higher level content.

I think its a matter of the OP’s pride at this point. They’re now using strange analogies instead of just owning up and admitting they might need to learn more about the game.

Edited by (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01
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6 minutes ago, vvhorus said:

Maybe both you yourself and the OP need a dose of your own words, especially the bold sentence, in relevance to this whole thread.

Just let it go. People see things differently. We are all allowed to have and discuss different opinions and points of view, and that's alright. But when someone is trying to impose their will on the game that others play, like what the OP is encouraging the developers to do, you will encounter resistance, even ridicule.

The OP's same sentiment can be applied to many other things in the game, for example, Nuke Trinity, SQ Banshee, Spore Saryn, or DPS Mag which can decimate a whole map in seconds, or a multitude of primary weapons that can insta-vaporize a bunch of enemies all at once. I still don't get the fixation on this one mod that, to be honest, is not that effective at higher level content.

I can't speak for anyone else but me. But I am seriously only basing things off of my own personal experience. This is not a "oh no, it all your personal feelings" as many seems to suggest. It is purely me not wanting to speak about anything I have no experience with.

My personal experience is, that if I equip Maiming Strike/blood rush and decide to go all out spin attack everything around me, with say Volt, I tend to easily get a higher kill count than everyone else on the team. Even players who should have way more experience than me. This to me, suggest that something is wrong. How efficient you are should be about your experience and (to a lesser degree in a game like this) your skills, not having one or two specific mods. 

I only play Trinity as support frame. I only play Banshee as a savage silence melee. I have not played Saryn in a long, long time. I've practically never played mag except ranking her up twice (once for regular mag, once for prime). This is why I focus on Maiming Strike and not any of those frames: because I have no experience with them. I do have experience with Maiming Strike/blood rush/Atterax, because it is a combo I have used many times over.

Hope that explains it.

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25 minutes ago, rune_me said:

My personal experience is, that if I equip Maiming Strike/blood rush and decide to go all out spin attack everything around me, with say Volt, I tend to easily get a higher kill count than everyone else on the team. Even players who should have way more experience than me. This to me, suggest that something is wrong. How efficient you are should be about your experience and (to a lesser degree in a game like this) your skills, not having one or two specific mods. 

I only play Trinity as support frame. I only play Banshee as a savage silence melee. I have not played Saryn in a long, long time. I've practically never played mag except ranking her up twice (once for regular mag, once for prime). This is why I focus on Maiming Strike and not any of those frames: because I have no experience with them. I do have experience with Maiming Strike/blood rush/Atterax, because it is a combo I have used many times over.

Hope that explains it.

By this logic, DE should just nerf all weapons/warframes in the game, because on Earth missions I decimate everything with any frame/weapon that I use and, to use your own words, "I tend to easily get a higher kill count than everyone else on the team" even if I don't use a whip with MS. And that has nothing to do with something being wrong. There is nothing wrong at all. I'm just using an OP (for the low level) 3-forma Lesion or a rivened Arca Plasmor on a level 2 Grineer. He's not only going down, he's going down in pieces, or up in vapor in the case of the AP.

My Secura Lecta with MS/BR owns Hydron, Helene and all the other "go-to" missions to farm XP/focus/whatever, and it should, because those are low-level missions as well, and all enemies (except those pesky Nox) go down in one slash, Maiming Strike equipped or not. The only times that I'm not the top damage dealer is when players with one of the frames that I mentioned on my previous post start doing their thing, and that's all well and good for me. I don't get angry and start creating threads like this one. Heck, I even throw an energy pizza for them! And when I rarely encounter another player slashing away with their whip, I run to another spawn point, problem solved. Plenty of enemies to take care of. Plenty of options and opportunities to play. Besides, everybody in the group is (hopefully) working towards a common goal: to successfully finish the mission.

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I wouldn't go as far as to reduce the range of whips: that's their main characteristic.


The problem isn't slide attacks. The problem is that Maiming Strike stacks multiplicatively with Blood Rush. This means that if you have a weapon with 0% Crit Chance, then MS+BS will let you reach literally >500% crit chance at 3x combo.
The whole problem could be fixed if MS was added after BS, not before.

Agree with this though. It's maiming strike that's the issue with whips (and literally any weapon for that matter). 

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4 minutes ago, vvhorus said:

By this logic, DE should just nerf all weapons/warframes in the game, because on Earth missions I decimate everything with any frame/weapon that I use and, to use your own words, "I tend to easily get a higher kill count than everyone else on the team" even if I don't use a whip with MS

No, that was not what I said at all. That I get more kills than a group of new players on an Earth mission is not a problem. The problem is when a couple of mods makes me clearly superior to a group of players who are actually more experienced and clearly more skilled than me, but just haven't equipped those mods. I don't mind mods that evens the playing field a bit, but these ones flattens the entire stadium and that is too much.

10 minutes ago, vvhorus said:

Besides, everybody in the group is (hopefully) working towards a common goal: to successfully finish the mission.

Playing a videogame like this is not just about finishing the mission. We should also enjoy ourselves while finishing the mission, right? If finishing the mission was all that mattered, then the ideal level would be one that was completed the moment we entered it, with no input required from us. Goal accomplished. I think we can all agree that that is not something any of us would enjoy. Some people just wants to have fun. Some wants to be competitive and see who get the most kills. Many wants to test out a new build while finishing the mission to see how it fares compared to previous builds. Etc, etc. If the gazillion pages of this thread teaches us anything, it is, that what makes this game fun and a mission enjoyable, is very very different from one player to the next. So we very likely don't all have a common goal. If we did, we wouldn't have threads that devolves into ... well, whatever this thread has turned into by now...

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3 hours ago, rune_me said:

Oh, you must have mistakenly wandered into an online forum, when you were actually looking for a courtroom. This is not a courtroom. There is no burden of proof, because no one is trying to prove anything.

Again, you are acting like the self centered millennial here. You are all "me, me, me, it's all about me - Oooh, someone wrote something on a forum, they must be trying to prove something to me." It's not about you, my friend. No one is trying to prove anything to you. That would be a complete waste of time. Even if I did manage to convince  you with my next post, what would that accomplish? Nothing at all. It would have been a waste of energy. You are not relevant. You have no power over the future of Maiming Strike, so trying to convince you that Maiming Strike should be nerfed, is a useless endeavor that no one cares about. Stop thinking that all that matters is you and your opinions. The rest of us really don't care. Ditch the self-centered millennial attitude, it doesn't suit you.


The burden of proof is a philosophical concept which spans much further than the court room....it extends to all debates, all scientific fields and to everything where somebody challenges an established notion. 

You are not posting on a forum in the void. You are posting specifically in a discussion forum....appropriately titled "General Discussion". Everything you post here is up for discussion. And with all discussions...the burden of proof lies with the person challenging an established notion and, like you have done repeatedly, dismiss anything and everything that does not agree with you because it does not agree with you ...you are literally the one acting like an entitled child who thinks only their opinion counts.


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1 hour ago, rune_me said:


Playing a videogame like this is not just about finishing the mission. We should also enjoy ourselves while finishing the mission, right? If finishing the mission was all that mattered, then the ideal level would be one that was completed the moment we entered it, with no input required from us. Goal accomplished. I think we can all agree that that is not something any of us would enjoy. Some people just wants to have fun. Some wants to be competitive and see who get the most kills. Many wants to test out a new build while finishing the mission to see how it fares compared to previous builds. Etc, etc. Ifthe gazillion pages of this thread teaches us anything, it is, that what makes this game fun and a mission enjoyable, is very very different from one player to the next. So we very likely don't all have a common goal. If we did, we wouldn't have threads that devolves into ... well, whatever this thread has turned into by now...

Playing a video game is about fun. Some people enjoy finishing a mission as quickly as possible. Others want to spend ages looking through every single nook and cranny. Some people like spinning...other people like shooting....other people like nuking entire maps with abilities. Some people hate Limbo...some people like him.

Reality check...IF and when you go in a PUG...you accept the fact that people play how they want and that some people do not play according to your notions of how the game should be played. 

If you do not want that...there are three very, very easy solutions. Solo play. Invite only play. Friends only play. 

Given that there are these very easily available missions...calling for nerfs that would take away options people like to use just because you do not feel that they are suitable or conform to how you feel the game should be played is asinine and selfish. Doing so requires you to have actual arguments that rise above the level of "I don't like it and it bothers me"....otherwise you are acting entitled.   

Again...this is the very notion you challenged me on post after post. Yet here we are...with you arguing to nerf something just because of these very reasons and your refusal to not play PUGs



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2 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

The burden of proof is a philosophical concept which spans much further than the court room....it extends to all debates, all scientific fields and to everything where somebody challenges an established notion. 

You are, as usual, wrong. There is no burden of proof because I am not interested in proving anything to you. Whether you agree with me or not, is, still, irrelevant. You agreeing with me, would not accomplish anything, or change anything, hence it is not important whether you agree with me or not. 

Of course you are free to discuss whatever I post. I have no problem with that. But whatever you conclude from that discussion, will not have any bearing on any point I was trying to make. Even if you conclude that you agree with me, it still would not matter at all. It would not get Maiming Strike nerfed. If you managed to convince me and make me change my mind, that also would not matter, because I could not promise you that Maiming Strike would never get nerfed. Talking about Burden of Proof in this scenario, is like talking about what color we should paint the walls when we are standing in the middle of a field and there is no walls to paint.

7 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

you are literally the one acting like an entitled child who thinks only their opinion counts

You are wrong. Again. As I have said many times over, I don't think my opinions count at all. Nor yours. Or anyone elses, except DE's. Their opinion on Maiming Strike is, absolutely, the only opinion that counts for anything at all. My opinions are as irrelevant as yours.

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Just now, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

Reality check...IF and when you go in a PUG...you accept the fact that people play how they want and that some people do not play according to your notions of how the game should be played. 

Of course. And I always have accepted it. Never have I complained about how anyone else played the game in a PUG. Never have I even left a game. Play the game however you like, you won't hear a word from me, I promise you.

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8 minutes ago, rune_me said:

You are, as usual, wrong. There is no burden of proof because I am not interested in proving anything to you. Whether you agree with me or not, is, still, irrelevant. You agreeing with me, would not accomplish anything, or change anything, hence it is not important whether you agree with me or not. 

Of course you are free to discuss whatever I post. I have no problem with that. But whatever you conclude from that discussion, will not have any bearing on any point I was trying to make. Even if you conclude that you agree with me, it still would not matter at all. It would not get Maiming Strike nerfed. If you managed to convince me and make me change my mind, that also would not matter, because I could not promise you that Maiming Strike would never get nerfed. Talking about Burden of Proof in this scenario, is like talking about what color we should paint the walls when we are standing in the middle of a field and there is no walls to paint.

You are wrong. Again. As I have said many times over, I don't think my opinions count at all. Nor yours. Or anyone elses, except DE's. Their opinion on Maiming Strike is, absolutely, the only opinion that counts for anything at all. My opinions are as irrelevant as yours.

Nope sorry. You obviously have a hard time understanding the philosophical concept.

The burden of proof exists regardless of whether or not you actually want to convince somebody. You not thinking it relevant to convince people only shows what I said much less direct earlier: that you are an intellectually dishonest debater. You actively engage people in discussion only to dismiss anything and everything they say as irrelevant...makes you fit the classical definition of a troll. 

It also proves that I am not wrong. You do actually think your opinion is the only thing that matters...regardless of hiding it behind the platitude of "only DE matters"...after all your refusal to engage in meaningful debate and insistent whining that we do not respect your opinion or respect your narrative shows that the only reason you are here is to push DE to accept your opinion over that of other people. 

Which brings us full circle to the burden of proof. Because you are actively trying to get the mod nerfed (you have stated so repeatedly)...which means...ironically...the burden of proof still lies on your shoulders.  

Too bad. 

6 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Of course. And I always have accepted it. Never have I complained about how anyone else played the game in a PUG. Never have I even left a game. Play the game however you like, you won't hear a word from me, I promise you.

Nope sorry. You didn't. You have defended OP's position that he was not responsible to choose the many alternatives available to him to avoid their problems with people playing these mod combinations or in certain play styles and you have dismissed people who said it was the solution to OP's problem repeatedly. 

You can't have it both ways. 

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

Nope sorry. You obviously have a hard time understanding the philosophical concept.

The burden of proof exists regardless of whether or not you actually want to convince somebody. You not thinking it relevant to convince people only shows what I said much less direct earlier: that you are an intellectually dishonest debater. You actively engage people in discussion only to dismiss anything and everything they say as irrelevant...makes you fit the classical definition of a troll. 

I actually understand exactly what the Burden of Proof is. And it continues to not be relevant to this discussion. I can show you this quite easy. Yeah, let's say you're right. Burden of proof falls on me. I fail to provide any proof, because as I have stated repeatedly, I don't care to proof anything to you. Great, now what? You think I will now change my mind, because I failed to provide proof? Will you? Will the OP? Will anyone? Of course not. Will you lie awake at night thinking of your great accomplishments? Will I loose sleep because I failed to provide proof to some random stranger on the internet who claimed I had to? The answer, in both cases I'm sure, is again, of course not. Nothing whatsoever has changed. 

If this had been a political debate, and we were trying to persuade people to vote for us, it would have been important. If it had been a court of law, it would have been important. In the current situation, it doesn't matter. I can keep claiming I don't care to prove anything. You can keep claiming I have the burden of proof. We could switch our claims around, intermingle them as much as we like, and the status quo would still be exactly the same.

13 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

Nope sorry. You didn't. You have defended OP's position that he was not responsible to choose the many alternatives available to him to avoid their problems with people playing these mod combinations or in certain play styles and you have dismissed people who said it was the solution to OP's problem repeatedly. 

Wait. First, you're telling me I should accept how other people decide to play the game. And now you're telling me I should NOT accept how the OP decide to play the game? Geez, make up your mind. Which is it? 

As someone else said:

16 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

You can't have it both ways. 

Oh, that was you, by the way.

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I am being honest in that I have rarely seen people running the comp everyone seems to be complaining about. Is it not well known or something ? or hard to obtain ? Hardly anyone in the public Que that iI have witnessed is running whips, or doing that slide attack spin to win thing.

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1 minute ago, audiojake1156 said:

I am being honest in that I have rarely seen people running the comp everyone seems to be complaining about. Is it not well known or something ? or hard to obtain ? Hardly anyone in the public Que that iI have witnessed is running whips, or doing that slide attack spin to win thing.

It's somewhat hard to get. In that the event that drops maiming strike only comes around once a year, and in the time between, maiming strike is very expensive.

It's fairly common among long time players, because of how efficient it is. It is however, not at all as common as this thread would have you believe. I mean if you judged just by this thread, you'd think pretty much the whole game revolved around it. It doesn't.

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1 minute ago, rune_me said:

I actually understand exactly what the Burden of Proof is. And it continues to not be relevant to this discussion. I can show you this quite easy. Yeah, let's say you're right. Burden of proof falls on me. I fail to provide any proof, because as I have stated repeatedly, I don't care to proof anything to you. Great, now what? You think I will now change my mind, because I failed to provide proof? Will you? Will the OP? Will anyone? Of course not. Will you lie awake at night thinking of your great accomplishments? Will I loose sleep because I failed to provide proof to some random stranger on the internet who claimed I had to? The answer, in both cases I'm sure, is again, of course not. Nothing whatsoever has changed. 

If this had been a political debate, and we were trying to persuade people to vote for us, it would have been important. If it had been a court of law, it would have been important. In the current situation, it doesn't matter. I can keep claiming I don't care to prove anything. You can keep claiming I have the burden of proof. We could switch our claims around, intermingle them as much as we like, and the status quo would still be exactly the same.

Wait. First, you're telling me I should accept how other people decide to play the game. And now you're telling me I should NOT accept how the OP decide to play the game? Geez, make up your mind. Which is it? 

As someone else said:

Oh, that was you, by the way.

Like I said: you are a troll. You are not here to debate anything...yet actively engage other people in order to outright dismiss anything and everything as irrelevant. Which shows exactly that you only feel your own opinion is worth consideration and should be taken as gospel. 

I also see you are up to your usual tricks of taking things purposefully out of context. 

I indeed do say that you defending OP's choice not to take responsibility for their own enjoyment but instead trying to enforce their vision of how the game should be played is hypocritical and contradicting your own claims about your purpose here. So there is just you simply ignoring parts of the statement as it suits your own little agenda. 

Nice try. No cigar. 


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5 minutes ago, rune_me said:

It's somewhat hard to get. In that the event that drops maiming strike only comes around once a year, and in the time between, maiming strike is very expensive.

It's fairly common among long time players, because of how efficient it is. It is however, not at all as common as this thread would have you believe. I mean if you judged just by this thread, you'd think pretty much the whole game revolved around it. It doesn't.

Thank you for the response, makes a lot more sense now.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

Like I said: you are a troll. You are not here to debate anything...yet actively engage other people in order to outright dismiss anything and everything as irrelevant. Which shows exactly that you only feel your own opinion is worth consideration and should be taken as gospel. 

Look, I only dismiss things as irrelevant because they kind of are. This thread is running on 22 pages, and the past 10 of these has just been us insulting each other (except @(PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 who somehow managed to remain polite, at least towards me, through it all, so he wins the internet today). 90% of those posts has been about burden of proof and who is acting entitled and who is not, and not even on the subject at hand. I am no more or less a troll than anyone else is. I am perfectly capable of having a civilized discussion, but no one seems interested. As @(PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 can attest, I am also not so petty that I can not apologize if I have offended someone (though I'd expect the same from the rest of you, of course). Believe it or not, I have nothing to gain from insulting anyone.

You had no problem calling me pathetic, more than once, though, so I didn't really feel you were interested in a civilized debate. This is fine as well, I don't take offense and I can do uncivilized as well as civilized. If you feel that I was the one starting with the insults and you merely responded in kind, then I can only say it was not my intention. I am here to disagree with you, but certainly not to troll you. If you do not believe that, there is really nothing more I can say that will persuade you. I'm not going to change my mind on Maiming Strike. Neither are you. But I can easily change my mind about you as a person. I do not need to agree with a person (especially not on something as ultimately pointless as a video game) to be friendly towards them. 

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