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One Small Step For De, One Giant Leap For Death


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Sir we can win if we wanted to we choose not to cause its a waste of time now if everyone has to put more hours then necessary to compete for a statue. Sitting on the computer for 6 days straight to keep the #1 spot is ridiculous it waste good time that could be spent somewhere else. Plus for 6 days it should be more REWARDING to get something EPIC instead of a statue that just sits there and does nothing.


Cool story bro. 

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Please read each page, before asking question I have answered a few times.


Don't need to. The simple fact that DE said it would last a week makes your point moot. If you ignored the available information and thought you could get to #1 just by playing a couple of days then it is not DEs fault.

Edited by Silvershadow66
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Don't need to. The simple fact that DE said it would last a week makes your point moot. If you ignored the available information and thought you could get to #1 just by playing a couple of days then it is not DEs fault.

2. We’re doing more weekend events! So you guys know the Grineer Settlements are coming… but the locations won’t reveal themselves without Tenno Effort! Why would the Grineer reveal these Outposts to the Tenno? Stay tuned…. You may need to find intel about these Settlements before you can access them.


Amazing how its hard to find it was weekend. No week.

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2. We’re doing more weekend events! So you guys know the Grineer Settlements are coming… but the locations won’t reveal themselves without Tenno Effort! Why would the Grineer reveal these Outposts to the Tenno? Stay tuned…. You may need to find intel about these Settlements before you can access them.


Amazing how its hard to find it was weekend. No week.


Ah, so something said in a Livestream over a week ago trumps what is said when an event actually starts?

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Agreed on the points of speed and 6-day events. I think there's something that needs to be said when the game just re-use old available systems without putting in a new one.


Why not have a person be escorted to a specific place during the event, have them be guarded then escort them to the extraction point. A Bomb Disarmament scenario would fit into the game nicely, especially if the Grineer happened to land on Earth's deadliest secret, the Nuke.

Edited by matrixEXO
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Don't be silly. Just because you aren't seeing constant posting doesn't mean they aren't around.

They answered the complaints of 'No personal reward for playing the event.' by adding personal rewards for playing the event. That alone should show they watch from the sidelines.

Silly? You point out one post in a sea of threads. I will clarify. DE has nearly zero "visible" presence on the forums.

I would think if they were on the boards so often they would not take very similar actions on events.

It is easy to say they are here, but it is hard to prove emphatically.

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Silly? You point out one post in a sea of threads. I will clarify. DE has nearly zero "visible" presence on the forums.

I would think if they were on the boards so often they would not take very similar actions on events.

It is easy to say they are here, but it is hard to prove emphatically.

Don't think DE wants us to know who they stalk.

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That's what you get for making your clan a collective trashcan that picks up every bad/inactive player on the side of the road. You only have yourself to blame. The new system accounts for player score average in the clan, thus rewarding quality over quantity.

I have mentioned this to pdxdubin in the form of "In my opinion Asuro untill now has been sort of a foster home for everi1, we take everi1 in without any requirement" and I was told that in the future with clan splitting there would be some "cleanup" to do, wich i seriously hope is done as soon as possible if we wanna play competitively.

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Don't think DE wants us to know who they stalk.

Personally, I think it is their job to connect, and communicate with their player base; not stalk them from the shadows.

In regard to events DE keeps giving more of the same, boring-grind. If they were keeping up with the threads why make events so repetitive, boring, and end up having the player grind for hours to meet some arbitrary quota to get a reward?

Participation should equal Reward, not Participation to DE's forced level equal Reward.

DE can create events go away and enjoy their lives, and force (yes, force, if you want the mods to keep your frame current) players to grind for hours and hours to get the mods.

There is a better way, but DE is sure not seeking it out.

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A statue is all fine and dandy as a reward for the clan who is willing to go that extra mile in events; it's not really substantial enough to complain about. However should there come a day when certain weapons, mods or even warframes will be exclusive to the clan which comes out on top of an event... that's the day when I'll complain about it.

And on the side note of the rivalry between Broframe and Asuro: I don't see the point. Why have a pissing contest when we can instead encourage one another and have healthy competition instead of delving into the kind of bile that one would usually expect from the League of Legends community? Warframe still has a fairly new community so there really is no excuse to try and set a better example than this.

Now I'm off to nom some Corpus scouts.

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1. Stop whining.

2. People were complaining they couldn't get in-game on the weekends because that is when they work primarily or whatever, so they made it a week long to accommodate.

3. If you can't dedicate the entire week to the game, then you don't deserve the title of top solo/clan.  Deal with it.

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1. Stop whining.

2. People were complaining they couldn't get in-game on the weekends because that is when they work primarily or whatever, so they made it a week long to accommodate.

3. If you can't dedicate the entire week to the game, then you don't deserve the title of top solo/clan.  Deal with it.

1. Give positive feedback to the suggestion not flame ur ego thinking its about Me or My clan

2. People are complaining about everything I'm offering a suggestion to add both Weekend and Week Events.

3. Lots of people don't want to dedicate a whole week to just 1 game, If DE thinks every damn player wants too then I signed up for the wrong game.

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Well usual you keep your word if your a staff member don't change at the last second to see how it works.


Oh come on, they did not give any exact details or make any binding statements. They said there would be more weekend events and they said that the new Grineer Tilesets would come via an event. That does not consist of a promise that the Grineer Settlement event would be a weekend event. That was just an assumption on your part. And 2 weeks is not the last second.

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Chill out people, OP has a point.


I think his problem could be solved by limiting the top clan rankings or top personal rankings to that one weekend only.


Arbitrarily extending the event timer to allow everyone to get in on the event, but not setting a cutoff point for the ranked achievements would be unfair for everyone who spent their entire weekend grinding.


In conclusion, cutoff points should be implemented for leaderboards, but not for rewards or missions.

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It's good to the the community event and unbiased moderators bringing the whole playerbase together in perfect harmony !



Pfft, it's a digital statue in a digital building, don't sweat it, just feel bad for poor HHH's fingers, whoevers playing him right now ;)

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Chill out people, OP has a point.


I think his problem could be solved by limiting the top clan rankings or top personal rankings to that one weekend only.


Arbitrarily extending the event timer to allow everyone to get in on the event, but not setting a cutoff point for the ranked achievements would be unfair for everyone who spent their entire weekend grinding.


In conclusion, cutoff points should be implemented for leaderboards, but not for rewards or missions.

In some way I kinda acquire with this but I feel like it should be 2 separate events. One for those who can only play on the Weekend and 1 on the Weekday. Not every clan is based around Weekend/Week. Some clans are week only and weekend only. So there pro's and con's to it.

But your post is a whole lot better then some peoples

Edited by Gravefire
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