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This Event, First Place


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I think "skilled" is the wrong word too, but you gotta admire the efficiency they managed to pull off, what would you call that? I'm seriously asking.

Dedication and zoren coptoring

Those are the words used here, nuttin more....nuttin less.

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I've had it up to hear with everyone saying -HHH is cheating. Yeah, he's cheating and here's how. This video is how he's cheating.



Before every run, after he's taken a break he watches this to remind himself.


If the link doesn't work, here's another.


Edited by Nerokerubina
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From the original post. Did you not read it?


22.5 hours was the time it would have taken had he gotten the max amount of points every run. Assuming that he isn't the luckiest man alive, it would have taken him at least one whole day of playing to get all those points.

150 of that number was to account for gather key materials, whereas he may or may not have made that many keys

That being said, he probably has done at least 22.5 hours of runs, he's a trooper

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From the original post. Did you not read it?


22.5 hours was the time it would have taken had he gotten the max amount of points every run. Assuming that he isn't the luckiest man alive, it would have taken him at least one whole day of playing to get all those points.

Ah, I didn't read this taking in mind the OP.

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The person in first place of this event has 1205 points.

1205/4 (assuming they get the max of 4 scouts each void mission)


That's over 300 corpus void runs. And for each one, they had to do 2 other missions.

So, lets assume they did all the alert missions, in a full group. Thats 75 of each alert mission.


75+75+300=450. They had to do at least 450 missions since this event started.


Maybe they just went on missions with other peoples keys, and never did a single alert mission. thats still 300 missions.


Does anyone else find this suspicious? I think the person in first place is either a hacker, extreme nolifer, extremely greedy, or a bug exploiter (are there any bugs to exploit?).


Now lets assume they get an average of 2 scouts per mission. Ive done 5, and ive gotten 2 3 times, and 1 twice.\

1205/2 is 602.5. Thats over 600 void runs alone.

150 of each alert mission

150+150+600=900 runs. Add extremely lucky to the above list.



News to you:

He will sleep as hell when this event is over. Everyone in the clan with Corpus Keys is helping too. He is unstoppable.

And 4 people seems to spawn more Scouts, in a range of 3 to 5.

Edited by Hoezell
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it isnt hacking or cheating...its...at WORST

Multiple people on the same acc, or some guys hooked on energy drinks

A speed exploit with Zoren that hasn't been fixed yet.

Neither, as far as I know are bannable exploits.  My bigger question is, who cares whos in first place.  Unless you get a boner off statues, or a ladder that isnt competitive, the event is usless post 100 points lol.

I love region chat ;P

1. HHH dislikes any drink with caffeine. He says it hurts you in the long run when staying up longer really mattars.

2. HHH is a single person, he does not have multiple people. Hell, he even takes breaks.

3. A quick meal, some cold water, and a shower every-so-often keeps him running.

4. Helicoptering is not an exploit. No dev has called it an exploit and it hasn't been fixed yet either. It's no different than a melee slide attack. It's an airborne attack.

And lastly HHH and Warbros care who's in first. Competition is a rush for us.

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It does get a little monotonous, but perfecting your sanic style is a great challenge, especially because DE thought they could slow us down with lasers and shockwave moas.  No chance, DE.  Once you achieve the harmonious method of maximum sanic, you move faster than photons.

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I understand how some people could think HHH is not just one person.


He's just that dedicated. It's great that you find time to cry about it though.

'How can one person be so dedicated to being in first place?'

Let's all look deep inside ourselves for the answer.

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