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Why Should Non-Paying/ Poor Ppl Have To Suffer?


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why should ppl that dont have any money have to farm for days and wait extremely long crafting times??  I think that farming will always be a problem for any MMO or game that needs you to do so. So thats not even a big problem. Tho the crafting times are make this game hard to play. It doesnt make it to where I want to put money into the game. because of the WAY over priced stuff in the market. even to get  a frame thats not one of the main ones to pick from you have to put $30 bucks to get it. plus you have to buy the basic colors set. Come on Dev's this makes you guys look money hungry and that bad. you gys made a good game dont gay it out plz . 

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crafting times are not too long.


and you can build a warframe without buying it.

you just need its blueprints from the boss that drops it and a myriad of materials.

and for everything else short of cosmetics you can get as alert rewards.


i have not bought anything other than warframe and weapon slots and a few cosmetics for the sentinel, but other than that i ground out all my gear.

its really not that hard.

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I have like no platinum except for what was given to us in the beginning and I don't feel like I'm suffering at all.

I am more than willing to wait for a frame to build. Makes it l the more sweeter when I get it in 3 days. Yeah the color thing is a bother but really that and slots are all I'd ever buy. And maybe orokin reactors.

I doubt they are that money hungry for a game that is free to play. So no you can enjoy the game without putting a dime into it but you will have to give up things or limit yourself.

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True, most players leave because they don't want to wait, but I'm sure the devs will take notice, make this more easier to craft or even free, like colour choices. but some people need to understand, players who paid are entitled to some kind of thing that only they can have.

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@ Rapid99-well in most Free to play game's there are ways to make plat. where in this game there isnt. if we the ppl had a way to make plat then waiting times, frame and weapon slots wouldn't be a problem. because then I would think dev's care about us more. 


@dadgoat- big, small or otherwise doesnt matter. if you put a free to play game out there and you want your gamers to pay for things then give them a taste of what you want them you buy. its simple really and a good business module.  

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why should ppl that dont have any money have to farm for days and wait extremely long crafting times??  I think that farming will always be a problem for any MMO or game that needs you to do so. So thats not even a big problem. Tho the crafting times are make this game hard to play. It doesnt make it to where I want to put money into the game. because of the WAY over priced stuff in the market. even to get  a frame thats not one of the main ones to pick from you have to put $30 bucks to get it. plus you have to buy the basic colors set. Come on Dev's this makes you guys look money hungry and that bad. you gys made a good game dont #$$ it out plz . 


So many things wrong with that post. I'll go through the points one by one.


why should ppl that dont have any money have to farm for days


You don't. Do a void mission or a credit alert. Plenty of money to be had. As a secondary note, you get plenty of money while farming for mats. Credit shortage is only an issue during the first day or two of playing this game.


and wait extremely long crafting times??


This is part of the MMO process. If everyone had everything they ever wanted instantly without having to do any real work or pay anything...nobody would play to get the weapons. All you would do is "oh well i played for 30 minutes im done this game is boring". It's that simple. MMOs need that time-gate to keep people hooked and playing. If you don't like it, go play call of duty or something.


I think that farming will always be a problem for any MMO or game that needs you to do so.


Again, same answer. MMOs need the time-gate. Developers simply can't crank out "new" content as fast as you can digest it if there are no barriers to get to it. You'd be asking them to do the impossible.


Tho the crafting times are make this game hard to play.


Why, because you have to wait? You really seem to have an issue with not having everything you want when you want it. Instant gratification can be a plague to a society. Sometimes the anticipation of the cooking dinner is the best part. Learn to appreciate what you have, and what you get.


It doesnt make it to where I want to put money into the game.


Nobody's forcing you to. You should support a game if you enjoy it. If you don't, go find another game to play it.


because of the WAY over priced stuff in the market. even to get  a frame thats not one of the main ones to pick from you have to put $30 bucks to get it.


Think of it this way. You know those "gifts" you get when you donate to some sort of charity? The item you get from platinum in-game is sort of like a "thank you for supporting us" present. They're not forcing you to pay. They could, but they aren't.


plus you have to buy the basic colors set.


No you don't. Again, nobody is forcing you to buy anything here. You can do like I do and wait around for the promotions (thanks for the 75 plat a week ago, alienware), or you could just be creative with the 10-or-so colors you get to start. Ever tried making your frame look like an open, festering wound? I have! Ever turned yourself into a golden warrior, not afraid of anything? I have! 


Come on Dev's this makes you guys look money hungry and that bad.

What do you think they pay their bills with? Tears?


you gys made a good game dont #$$ it out plz


I dunno man, seems like you have a problem with them trying to make a living for themselves.

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Think of it this way. You know those "gifts" you get when you donate to some sort of charity? The item you get from platinum in-game is sort of like a "thank you for supporting us" present. They're not forcing you to pay. They could, but they aren't.

Well, tbf, if they made the prices reasonable (ave price for both weapons and frames is $15), they'd sell more plat because people would spend it more. I was thinking about picking up miter + gremlins, but no way am I spending $30 on that, I'll just save my plat for new colors, new cosmetics, maybe new sentinels, potatoes, and more slots.


(point is, almost everything is overpriced in the market, and it only harms DE)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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When I first became a Hunter, the only thing I spent Platinum on were the color packs, an Avatar pack, the Weapon/Warframe slots, and Reactors/Catalysts/Potatoes. I only ever used Rush maybe one time, never used Platinum to buy weapons and Warframes, etc.


I understand that as a free player, you're limited. I think most of us, if not all of us get that because we were all free players at some point. I didn't go Hunter until I already made some weapons and a Warframe or two and thought I'd like to support the devs. If you give it a chance, you'll probably enjoy the game more so than you think.


Although I do think the Market is overpriced. Even then, I don't plan on buying equipment aside from cosmetic stuff. I spend Credits and play the game to earn everything I've gotten so far. :)

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why should ppl that dont have any money have to farm for days and wait extremely long crafting times??  I think that farming will always be a problem for any MMO or game that needs you to do so. So thats not even a big problem. Tho the crafting times are make this game hard to play. It doesnt make it to where I want to put money into the game. because of the WAY over priced stuff in the market. even to get  a frame thats not one of the main ones to pick from you have to put $30 bucks to get it. plus you have to buy the basic colors set. Come on Dev's this makes you guys look money hungry and that bad. you gys made a good game dont #$$ it out plz . 

I'm just curious -- is this is a serious post?  You have to "suffer" by playing a really good free-to-play game and not get exactly what you want right away?


Riddle me this: how do you propose a game like this would get made or persist beyond the first week if the company that made it didn't have some method to derive money from it?  If they gave everything away free (which they basically do already through a little hard work on the player's part) how would they sustain the game?

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To be fair, considering the waiting time long, is an opinion. I myself do not have a problem with waiting for a weapon to get done, however waiting for a warframe that takes 3days (+ 12 hours for each part to finish) is kinda much. I know i myself as a founder (By the way where is my badge DE? I even have the excalibur prime but no founders badge?) am not really suited for defending this method of the game but the developers of warframe noticed that their players prefer comfortableness, instead of items only "Rich kidz" can get for money. While i am somehow agreeing with your post and also kinda have my problems with the 3 day waiting-time for warframes i also have to say, that the people who made this game also need to be paid.

They, after all, did not make this game just for fun. Everytime, there is also an idea of profit behind a game (needlessly to say, that every staffmember needs to be paid for their work) if everything in this game would be like "Oh i played for 30mins. and have the best weapon totally maxed out and my favourite frame blabla" noone would be playing this game for to long. The long terms goal, like research weapons and Prime stuff (except for Excalibur Prime) are not buyable with money, instead you have to farm the materials from the void and such. AND ONCE AGAIN JUST IN CASE: If you where to lazy to scroll through the market without noticing the blueprints, like some people do, you have no right to complain about weapons beeing to expensive, because you have to put money into the game. Because blueprints are avaiable for credits(Ingame-currency optainable trough playing, if you have not noticed yet) and result in the same items. only diffrence is the catalyst/reactor installed, which is optainable trough alerts btw. So yeah.


Also, completing a weapon in the foundry feels good. You get rewarded for your hard work and you get a nice little deathspitter or exoskelleton or some giant knive or whatever i dunno, which you can later use. I have bought some things too but i later regret it every time because i think i could have spent the platinum wieser.

Also like people before me said: Platinum is like the "Thank you"-Gift if you donate to charity. There is a reason why "spending" money on a game is often called "donating".

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Well, tbf, if the made the prices reasonable (ave price for both weapons and frames is $15), they'd sell more plat because people would spend it more. I was thinking about picking up miter + gremlins, but no way am I spending $30 on that, I'll just save my plat for new colors, new cosmetics, maybe new sentinels, potatoes, and more slots.


(point is, almost everything is overpriced in the market, and it only harms DE)

I will agree some of the items seem overpriced.  I bought the $99 founders pack and then the Steam deal when it was on-sale and I've still got about ~2000plat, but since most of the items cost the equivalent of $10-20, it makes it hard to justify purchasing it with platinum when I could eventually just farm all the materials and add potatoes to everything for a fraction of the cost (which is pretty much what I do -- hell, I just potatoed my original Skana to level, heh)


If they made all the frames cost ~100plat (like $7'ish) I think they'd have a much easier time getting people to purchase platinum.  That is, unless their current goal during beta is just to get people to play a lot to farm for mats/frames, which would make sense in-terms of stress-testing and still allowing us crazy folks who don't mind spending some cash on this awesome game to make it a little easier on ourselves via the Market.

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I paid for Master Rank Founder, when the optional reset came around I decided to spend as little platinum as possible.  The game is a lot more enjoyable when you don't have instant access to everything, lets you appreciate the values of every weapon and frame more, in my opinion.  ...Except you still need to pay platinum for more slots, bleh...

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I think the weapon crafting times are fine, but three (and a half) days for a frame? Seriously? You're telling me I have to wait half a WEEK in order to use something that I've already spent hours farming to get? Why can't warframes take, say, 24 hours (not counting the 12 for the parts)? At that point, it seems like a money grab. I think 36 hours to build a Warframe instead of 84 is a lot more reasonable.


And there really should be a way to get slots without paying.

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What really makes you suffer is your own impatience. Warframe offers everything except cosmetics (that have absolutely no impact on actual gameplay) but you can't expect that developers will hand you everything on silver plate. Time is also a currency - if you have more money then time you can invest Pt to rush things or buy prefabricated equipment - it is called pay for convenience.

Personally I love long crafting times - they add whole new level of immersion to game play. After all - how much time would it take to construct advanced weapon from a scratch?

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Are you seriously complaining about people contributing to the game getting something for the money they spend? Do you have any idea how businesses work? 


Also, to echo what previous posters have said, very few people spend money on rushing. The wait times aren't long unless you're sitting there staring at the progress bar hoping it'll finish a little sooner if you wish hard enough. Exercise a little forethought and allow items that aren't needed to wait in the foundry. 

Edited by Karma_Ghost
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