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The Ludicrous Drop Rate Of Systems Across All Warframes.


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Maybe this is just me, but asking around from my friends and browsing the forums the absoloutely AWFUL drop rate of a Frames Systems blueprint is killing my will to actually play this game anymore, so far I've counted my TOTAL runs at 58 to get the Nova Systems, this is pretty god damn annoying and I'm getting REALLY REALLY bored with the game as a whole because of it.


I was going to spend my money on Platinum to actually rush my Nova but now even if I do ever get the systems I doubt I'll ever get any Platinum again....Unless the drop rate is changed from 0000.1% to something more like 10%

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You need to learn balance my friend.


10% is insanely good.


Considering the boss seems to have a 100% chance to drop some sort of blueprint I hardly see how it's unbalanced



Just makes earning your Frame after lots of effort that much sweeter.



No it doesn't. I'm wasting my weekend.

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I was going to spend my money on Platinum to actually rush my Nova but now even if I do ever get the systems I doubt I'll ever get any Platinum again....Unless the drop rate is changed from 0000.1% to something more like 10%


Where is it listed that the drop rate is 0.1%?

Also, 0000.1% is the same thing as 0.1%.

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Considering the boss seems to have a 100% chance to drop some sort of blueprint I hardly see how it's unbalanced





No it doesn't. I'm wasting my weekend.

One, it doesn't have a 100% chance to drop a BP, and 2, I can't believe you think 10% is a good chance.



That's Mind Control drop rate, friend.

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It's just you and your friends. Nobody is intentionally making you mad or quit this game. My friend collected nova in under 10 runs. Stick to online matches, I've heard that chance for the last of three parts is lowered.

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I've had my share of "bad" luck with drops. Now let's take an average of 50 runs. Depending on speed and map layout, that's a few hours. Just hours.

Imagine if that item had a drop chance of 1/12k or 1/22k? Sounds insane right? Yet there was a game with such drop chances (phantasy star online on DC)

That 50 runs doesn't sound that bad. This games grind is nothing when put into context with other grindy games.

Edited by Vurtney
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Oh me and my friend noticed something among these lines!

You know, I think they changed the drops to something like this (read: totaly not):

"Today is the Helmet day, and tomorrow, it will be raining Systems!"


No, I'm serious, no matter which boss we did or how many runs we did, all we got were helmets.

Later on, I went doing solo a few bosses and all I got were Chassis.


Maybe it's just you, me and my friend that got affected by this. But did you run the bosses at different times or days? Or just straight up one after another? This might be just a bug, thou.

Edited by KingTaro
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so far I've counted my TOTAL runs at 58 to get the Nova Systems,


I have 41 extra ember chassis blueprints. At 26 I switched to soloing and aborted every one that didn't come with an orokin cell.


Just makes earning your Frame after lots of effort that much sweeter.


I would say that there is a window in which this is true. By 50 runs, one has left this window and any remaining sense of elation upon completion is not reveling in ones efforts, but merely relief that the grind is over.

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One, it doesn't have a 100% chance to drop a BP, and 2, I can't believe you think 10% is a good chance.

That's Mind Control drop rate, friend.

Try running Raptor. Did around 20 runs yesterday and got a blueprint every single time. All helmet or chassis.

Did Vor also, got all 3 Seer parts in around 5 runs with the non-seer runs giving Cronus blueprints.

Something happened to the drop tables with the last patch. People are getting NOTHING from some bosses - no mod, no resources, no blueprint. At the same bosses like Raptor and Vor have given me a blueprint every time.

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I'm just losing the will to play this game anymore.....so sick of running raptor and I know theres no point in running anything else for a different frame as I'll just be met with the same S#&$

Then don't grind.


Nova isn't that fun anyway, she's just a Press 4 Frame.

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I have Frost, Loki, and Nova all farmed. It's all just RNG. Frost took me anywhere from 10-20 runs, Loki took me 5, Nova took less than 10. You're just unlucky. Not anyone's fault. If you want I can farm with you but I don't really know about that attitude of yours.

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I have Frost, Loki, and Nova all farmed. It's all just RNG. Frost took me anywhere from 10-20 runs, Loki took me 5, Nova took less than 10. You're just unlucky. Not anyone's fault. If you want I can farm with you but I don't really know about that attitude of yours.



Been farming non stop for 3 days, I started out with around 20k ish credits, I'm now on 700

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0.0001% you want to say?


That means i can get lot of Star 10 weapons in PSO2 like i do get systems easily in Warframe(Most time :P)



Oh also: you just have no luck, i got All nova parts in less than 100 runs. Let's stop thinking about drop and kill that bloody raptor in 100 ways, Maybe you can get all parts easier than you think?


Edited by WhiteNekophus
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ya im having the same problem its been on and off u mainly farm raptor and i have 23 chassis and 4 helmets but i usually change it up and go play some nightmare mode or sedna kappa or just any alert mission and im thinking of to just stop farming for nova and wait till after the event or next patch

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Srsly guys, this wouldn't be so bad if it was just Nova, but no, it's every freaking frame!

I have multiple chassis and helmets for multiple frames, at this point I wouldn't even care which of the damn systems I got, I'd just like to play something other than Excalibur!


I don't mind it taking some effort, but this is just $&*&*#(%&! :(

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