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De, Let's Talk About The New Mod Drop System....


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Some friends and I zerg rushed our Event Score from single digits up to ~130 last night over the period of 6 hours.


Level 15-20 mobs, we found exactly zero rare mods.


I know Rare Mods are supposed to be rare, but surely the drop rate is intended to be a little better than that? Before 9.5, you got 1 rare every 30-50 mods that drop. Now, we basically murdered everything in our path, doing some 10-15 mods a run, using 20 some keys, and we didn't find a single Rare or a Fusion Core.


Don't tell me you guys stuck all the rares on Lv50+ stuff, because...


1). You need things like Multishot, Focus, etc to function effectively at Lv50+, unless your goal is to get carried everywhere you go.


2). Not everybody wants to melee or has a Sentinel. Seriously, Reach, Revenge, and Vitality (Sentinel) made up 80% of the mods that dropped, with Element Damage being 15% and 5% was the rest of the stuff.


On that subject, where's the Base Damage Mods supposed to drop? I saw one Serration come from Titania in 10 runs trying to get Ash Systems which refuses to drop. Seriously? You guys expect newbies to last until Lv40+ content before increasing the base damage of their guns? Really?


You can get Elemental Damage mods in 15-20 area, but those are not going to be very effective until you increase the base damage of your weapon. Surely you didn't stick this stuff on Lv40+ stuff exclusively?


Where do you get Redirection (Warframe)? I've done several runs of Mercury trying to level a newly-made Flux Rifle, I've done some Venus Alerts, I've done LOTS of Corpus Void missions... and I haven't seen a single Redirection (Sentinel nor Warframe) since 9.5. This is the #1 First Must-Get Mod for Newbies because Warframes are just too squishy for a newbie without it. This should literally be the first thing that drops because it is that damn important, but for the life of me, I can't figure out where you guys stuck this mod.


I can appreciate what you're trying to do, making rewards better for people as they level up, but some of this stuff needs to be dropping earlier than Lv40 -- if I were a newbie right now, I'd probably simply not play until this is fixed. I would not enjoy being carried everywhere I go. As it is, U7 was bad enough for that as it took forever to get enough mods to claw and scrape my way out of 5-10% damage done area.


A newbie looks forward to getting useless junk until Lv40, yeah that must be fun.


Either tweak the game to where these mods are not so damn important, or allow newbies to get some of these. Base Damage Mods need to come before Elemental Damage. Without Base Damage, Elemental Damage is nigh-worthless except for Armor Pierce on the majority of "newbie weapons", things like Braton, the Latos, Boltor, Shotguns, etc.

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Mods rarity scales with level difficulty/level.


So in a level 15/20 the chance to get a rare mod is quite minimal.


I did a T3 run and got 3 rares.


Uh, I've gotten 5-6 Flows and 4 Hell's Chambers while farming Seer on Tolstoj.


My point is that now, Rares Do not Drop At All in the Level 1-20 range, or the drop rate is 10x worse than it was.


Come off it now, 6 hours of constant murdering stuff and not a single rare?


You never played 6 hours pre-9.5 without seeing a single rare mod. ever.

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Uh, I've gotten 5-6 Flows and 4 Hell's Chambers while farming Seer on Tolstoj.


My point is that now, Rares Do not Drop At All in the Level 1-20 range, or the drop rate is 10x worse than it was.


Come off it now, 6 hours of constant murdering stuff and not a single rare?


You never played 6 hours pre-9.5 without seeing a single rare mod. ever.

Sounds about right, I didn't see my first rare before lvl 30 back when I started at 6.x/7.x

Maybe you just got some RNG love for the first time ever?

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Working on my second account currently, which was made to test the starter frames to see which I liked when I first started playing WF.  I never used it in anger until last night as I wanted to see the platinum free side as I won't be buying it platinum or founder package.


Same deal the normal common mods do not drop on Mercury at all except for Vitality, Redirection is not dropping anywhere.  Currently its is upto Jupiter one way and Saturn the other to farm resources for Rhino and Kunia.  So a lot of pugging later and some pug farm runs on defence missions on Earth and not a single Redirection.

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Damn... my first mod was Hell's Chamber...


Maybe if you do T3 Void, but ask yourself this question, how many Newbies/Lowbies are doing Void 3?


Right, pretty much none.


You need things like Hell's Chamber to get up to Void 3 to function effectively there.

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Mods rarity scales with level difficulty/level.


So in a level 15/20 the chance to get a rare mod is quite minimal.


I did a T3 run and got 3 rares.

I could be wrong... but it sounds like you didn't read the entire post, and if you did, you missed the point completely.


OP says, and from my playing post-9.5 I'd have to agree, that the drop pool seems to have shrunk. I'll say up front that the majority of my missions post-9.5 have been event related, so low-level Corpus, up to 40 max. I have dozens of Reach and Ammo Drum mods to show for it, a Pressure Point here and there. A few other mods from the smattering of other missions I've done, nothing rare from mob drops iirc. I did a T3 Defense to completion and maybe got a couple of uncommon mods out of it? From level 140+ mobs. But even there, lots of Reach, Ammo Drum, and a bunch of Sentinel precepts. None of the core gameplay mods like Redirection, Vitality, Serration, Hornet Strike etc.


Every few missions I clear several rows of Reach and Ammo Drum from my mod pool. It's absurd.

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Working on my second account currently, which was made to test the starter frames to see which I liked when I first started playing WF.  I never used it in anger until last night as I wanted to see the platinum free side as I won't be buying it platinum or founder package.


Same deal the normal common mods do not drop on Mercury at all except for Vitality, Redirection is not dropping anywhere.  Currently its is upto Jupiter one way and Saturn the other to farm resources for Rhino and Kunia.  So a lot of pugging later and some pug farm runs on defence missions on Earth and not a single Redirection.


And with no Redirection... 100-200 Shields means you keel over in about what, 2-3 seconds of a Grineer shooting at you at Lv20-30?

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Maybe if you do T3 Void, but ask yourself this question, how many Newbies/Lowbies are doing Void 3?


Right, pretty much none.


You need things like Hell's Chamber to get up to Void 3 to function effectively there.


I was recalling my first mod back when I started playing in U7, dood. I supported your point about never playing longer than an arbitrary amount of time without a rare drop.

Edited by 101blubb
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As I just posted in a different topic, what the OP is saying encapsulates the main inherent flaw in the current mod system.  If base damage was modified by a combination of your Mastery Level & your Weapon affinity, then these problems would simply disappear.


A Mod, by definition, is supposed to be a supplemental effect.  If it's a REQUIRED component of the weapon, then it needs to be built into the weapon itself.

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I finally got Redirection via Saturn/Hyperion, a hero needed revived and got it killing Grineer around him


Are you kidding me?


Lv30 content?


They expect newbies to wait until Level 30 enemies before buffing their shields past 100?



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Really what's the point of this thread?


The new loot tables aren't even completely out yet, the drops are bugged and need fixing.... and only after the hotfix (Steve even mentioned it in the post he made in announcements), we can start evaluating how the new drop tables will be and how they work.

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Really what's the point of this thread?


The new loot tables aren't even completely out yet, the drops are bugged and need fixing.... and only after the hotfix (Steve even mentioned it in the post he made in announcements), we can start evaluating how the new drop tables will be and how they work.

Don't mind me, just saving this for later so I can link it on every single thread complaining about the current drop situation.

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Uh, I've gotten 5-6 Flows and 4 Hell's Chambers while farming Seer on Tolstoj.


My point is that now, Rares Do not Drop At All in the Level 1-20 range, or the drop rate is 10x worse than it was.


Come off it now, 6 hours of constant murdering stuff and not a single rare?


You never played 6 hours pre-9.5 without seeing a single rare mod. ever.


I saw my 3rd rare drop on my 320th hour \o/


It was Molecular Prime.  :(

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I finally found a Rare, before 9.5.2 -- Contagion.


Dropped from a Lv20 Corpus.





I'm trying to be patient as far as them hotfixing drop tables, but uh...


This thread is more of a "please don't do this intentionally" as far as making necessary mods impossible to get for newbies. Before, Hell's Chamber from Mercury was rare as all crap but still POSSIBLE.


I don't want to see a system where it becomes IMPOSSIBLE because the drop tables say "Mob must be X level before this can drop" which is what it looks like they intend to do with it.


Very nasty and bad idea.


Higher Level Enemies  dropping better stuff more often = awesome.

Lower Level Enemies cannot drop better stuff at all = HORRIBLE idea.


Especially when the better stuff is the difference between having Lv30 stuff wipe the floor with you, or being able to sensibly take them on.

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Xylia, you're absolutely correct.  I got most of my rare mods at first by doing defense maps, so perhaps my situation is a bit different.  But honestly, you can still use the frames to their full extent without most of the rare mods.  All you really need is shields, health, and your abilities, after that everything is just extra.  It's a tricky sitatuion.

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