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Arcanes - Suggesting some tweaks


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Arcanes are cool and all, but imo, there is a whole lot of dilution going on with these (similar issue to some mods). Here are some ideas I'd suggest in regards to:
1) making underwhelming ones slightly more useful
2) slight reduction of category clutter (i.e. mainly about having SHOTGUN, RIFLE and SNIPER arcanes when you could just have PRIMARY arcanes instead)
3) rebalancing some numbers to reduce some of the extreme double/triple-dipping bonuses of ranking up arcanes.

On to the list:

Arcanes with "Crit-for-effect":

  • Acceleration - Increases fire rate for all Primaries (not just Rifles). Chance increased to 15/30/45/60% (up from 5/10/15/20%). Duration always at 8 seconds (up from 1,5/3/4,5/6)
  • Velocity - Duration always at 8 seconds (up from 2/4/6/8)
  • Fury - Duration always at 12 seconds (up from 3/6/9/12)
  • Momentum - Increases reloadspeed for Primaries (not just Snipers). Lasts until next reload (instead of 3/6/9/12 seconds)
  • Tempo - Changed entirely: Critical hits now give you a 15/30/45/60% to buff reloadspeed by 25/50/75/100% bonus for your Secondaries' next reload (Secondary equivalent to Momentum)
  • (Note: Used to be crit = fire rate for Shotguns, which can now be acquired for shotguns as well via Arcane Acceleration)

Arcanes with "Getting-damaged-for-effect":

  • Aegis - Chance always at 6% (up from 1,5/3/4,5/6%). Duration rescaled to 8/12/16/20 seconds (up from 5/10/15/20 seconds).
  • Grace - Chance always at 6% (up from 1,5/3/4,5/6%). Duration rescaled to 3/4/5/6 seconds (up from 1,5/3/4,5/6 seconds).
  • Guardian - Chance always at 20% (up from 5/10/15/20%). Duration rescaled to 8/12/16/20 seconds (up from 5/10/15/20 seconds).
  • Barrier - Untouched
  • Avenger - Chance always at 15% (up from 3,5/7/10,5/14%). Duration rescaled to 5/6/7/8 seconds (up from 2/4/6/8 seconds).
  • Agility - Chance rescaled to 10/12/14/16% (up from 3/6/9/16%). Duration rescaled to 5/6/7/8 seconds (up from 2/4/6/8 seconds).

Arcanes with "Pickup-X-orb-for-effect":

  • Energize - Range always at 20 meters (up from 5/10/15/20 meters)
  • Eruption - Range always at 20 meters (up from 5/10/15/20 meters)
  • Pulse - Range always at 20 meters (up from 5/10/15/20 meters). Chance increased to 10/15/20/25% (up from 5/10/15/20%)

Arcanes with "Finisher-for-effect":

  • Trickery - Chance always at 10% (up from 2,5/5/7,5/10%).
  • Ultimatum - Chance always at 100% (up from 25/50/75/100%). Duration rescaled to 8/12/16/20 seconds (up from 5/10/15/20 seconds).

Arcanes with "Headshot-for-effect":

  • Consequence - Chance always at 100% (up from 25/50/75/100%). Duration rescaled to 6/8/10/12 seconds (up from 3/6/9/12 seconds).
  • Rage - Chance increased to 20/40/60/80% (up from 2,5/5/7,5/10%). Duration always at 8 seconds (rescaled from 4/8/12/16)
  • Precision - Duration always at 8 seconds (up from 2/4/6/8)
  • Victory - Chance increased to 10/15/20/25% (up from 2,5/5/7,5/10%). Duration always at just 5 seconds (rescaled from 2/4/6/8 seconds). Healing per second is now both percentage-based (still 0,5/1/1,5/2%) but now also regens some flat health (4/6/8/10 per second). This makes it useful both for low-health and high-health Warframes.

Arcanes with "Hit-for-effect":

  • Strike - Chance rescaled to 4/6/8/10% (up from 2,5/5/7,5/10%). Duration rescaled to 6/8/10/12 seconds (rescaled from 3/6/9/12)

Arcanes with "Parry-for-effect":

  • Phantasm - Chance rescaled to 20/24/28/32% (up from 8/16/24/32%). Duration rescaled to 6/8/10/12 seconds (rescaled from 3/6/9/12)

Arcanes with "Passive-effect":

  • Nullifier - Changed to give a chance to resist ANY Status-proc (not just Magnetic)
  • Healing - Now grants 1/2/3/4 health regeneration (changed due to Nullifier's changes)
  • Deflection - Now grants a 4/8/12/16% to ignore damage taken (basicly, Evasion) (changed due to Nullifier's changes)
  • Ice - Now grants an aura which slows enemies within 5/6/7/8 meters by 5/10/15/20%. (changed due to Nullifier's changes)
  • Resistance Presence - Now grants an aura which amplifies damage taken of enemies within 3/6/9/15 meters by 10/12/14/16%.(changed due to Nullifier's changes)
  • Warmth Spirit - Now grants 0,25/0,5/0,75/1 energy regen (changed due to Nullifier's changes)

Arcanes with "Reload-for-effect":

  • Awakening - Chance increased to 15/30/45/60% (up from 10/20/30/40%). Duration always at 8 seconds (rescaled from 4/8/12/16). Applies AFTER you reload, not at the start of your reload.

Arcanes with "Wall-latch-for-effect":

  • Arachne - Now only boosts WEAPON damage (instead of ANY damage). Chance increased to 100% at all ranks (up from 15/30/45/60%). Damageboost reduced to 15/30/45/60% (down from 100%). Now lasts for the entirety of your Wall-clinging and for another 1/2/3/4 seconds afterwards.
    EDIT: Could also work while Wall-running?

SPECIAL NOTE: Current version of Arcane Arachne is rather weird, as it promotes "wall-cling-spamming" (due to having a static bonus, but being chancebased). Proposal is meant to make it easier to use, but in turn is a bit less powerful too. Short wall-clings are still useable, due to the lingering boost.

New arcane ideas (to fill some gaps / introduce new mechanics):

  • Wraith - Makes you invisibile while Wall-clinging and/or Wall-running, and for 2/4/6/8 seconds afterwards. (Remember Shadowstep? Well, thought this was the most balanced way to re-introduce it).
  • Swiftness - Gives you a 100% chance upon headshot to increase movementspeed by 8/16/24/32% for 5/6/7/8 seconds.
  • Incitement - Gives you a 15/30/45/60% chance after reloading to increase the damage of your Primary weapon by 25/50/75/100% (Just like Awakening, it's additive with Serration and such), for 8 seconds. Applies AFTER you reload, not at the start of your reload.

Magus Arcanes:

  • Vigor - Untouched
  • Husk - Untouched
  • Cloud - Revamped: After using Void Dash, you have a 100% chance that your Operator's next fall to the ground will negate any falldamage, along with also healiing you and allies within 50 meters, equal to 100/200/300/400% of the negated fall damage over 6 seconds. (Same niche kept, but now has a bonus attached to it).
  • Cadence - Duration rescaled to 5/6/7/8 seconds (up from 2/4/6/8 seconds).
  • Replenish - Chance always at 100% (up from 25/50/75/100%).
  • Elevate - Untouched
  • Nourish - Untouched

Virtuous Arcanes:

  • Null - Duration always at 4 seconds (rescaled from 1/2/3/4)
  • Tempo - Chance always at 100% (up from 15/30/45/60%). Duration rescaled to 5/6/7/8 seconds (up from 2/4/6/8)
  • Fury - Chance always at 20% (up from 5/10/15/20%). Duration always at 4 seconds (up from 1/2/3/4)
  • Strike - Chance always at 20% (up from 5/10/15/20%). Duration always at 4 seconds (up from 1/2/3/4)
  • Shadow - Chance always at 100% (up from 10/20/30/40%). Duration rescaled to 6/8/10/12 seconds (up from 3/6/9/12)
  • Ghost - Chanc always at 100% (up from 10/20/30/40%). Duration rescaled to 6/8/10/12 seconds (up from 3/6/9/12)

Exodia Arcanes:

  • Brave - Energyregen rescaled to 2/3/4/5 (up from 1,25/2,5/3,75/5). Duration increased to 5/6/7/8 (up from 1/2/3/4). Now refreshable.
  • Valor - Chance increased to 10/15/20/25 (up from 5/10/15/20%). Duration always at 12 seconds (up from 3/6/9/12).
  • Triumph - Chance increased to 10/15/20/25 (up from 5/10/15/20%). Duration always at 12 seconds (up from 3/6/9/12).
  • Might - Chance always at 100% (up from 12,5/25/37,5/50%). Effect reduced to 1/2/3/4% (down from excessive 7,5/15/22,5/30%). Duration always at 8 seconds (up from 2/4/6/8).
  • Hunt - Chance is now done on a per-target basis, rather than per-slam basis. Knocks down enemies after they get out of the the finisher-animation.
  • Force - Triggers on HIT (not on status-proc). Chance reduced to 5/10/15/20% (down from 5/20/35/50%). Damage is now 60/90/120/150% of weapon damage (down from 50/100/150/200%), but now includes elemental modding and no longer has damage-falloff.
  • Contagion - No longer causes self-damage
  • Epidemic - Unchanged


Thoughts and opinions?

Edited by Azamagon
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2 hours ago, Kalvorax said:

In general, I like that you condensed many of the arcanes into a single type that affects a major category instead of weapon specific (as it is now)

Thanks :)

4 minutes ago, Nitro747 said:

Just rework the entirety of Arcane Arachne and remove the "wall latch" thing so I dont grind my bones in cringe whenever I get that damn thing.

Well, I'd rather they made wall latch something we could do in more places.

Like, on the Eidolons. And on the dropships. And allow us to melee-stab while wall-latching.

... and how about allowing us to latch onto ENEMIES (attaching to them with some kind of strangling grip, stunning them while holding on to them?)? Then Arcane Arachne (and the suggested Arcane Wraith) would see a whole new level of useage, no?

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